"If he’s doing it to prove he’s tough, then let me remind him that he’s a morbidly obese old man, who wears a diaper, paints himself orange and tapes a dead ferret to his head everyday just to look undead." You hit that nail on the head! Wish you could him on the head, too.
I bet few of them admire the ‘creature’. They are making sure to fill their tinier pockets with as much loot as humanly possible - the Great American WAY!
I struggle between going high and shouting in utter outrage at least every other day. However, it gives me great pleasure to read such crystal clear expressions of reality about this insane US chaos called MAGA. My crystal clear, succinct view of the problem is simply the fact that the KKK won this election big time! White Supremacy is demantling our government, giving rise to authoritarianism for the purpose of returning to pre-civil war times and handing out payback for the removal of their precious civil war heros. Well--black history in America is History. The book burners and public school witches can't undo history.
Everything they're doing is in P2025. EVERY BIT OF IT! The nationalist evangelical churchianity programming is no joke, and these chucklefucks truly believe they're setting up for the end-times-last days when white Jeebus is comin' back... They make my ass itch and my thinker hurty.
Oh Earl, They Knew, they were listening to the same things we heard. They understood, but they just didn't think any of it would happen to them. They thought they would skate through it unscathed and all would turn out wonderful - for them. As long as it was someone else they didn't give a crap. We heard it from our neighbors, friends and relatives...they knew he wasn't a good person but "we need change". They got change but they don't get a pass from me by claiming they didn't know. I don't want to hear their whining about any of the hurt that comes their way.
Every morning when I wake up, I ask my wife in bliss, hope and enthusiasm “Is he dead yet?”. The No so far fills me with anticipation. What a day it will be!
But the Fetid Diaper Strapped Across Our Face (Lewis Blacks description) will be gone. Along with the animating viciousness at the core of MAGA. MAGA is a leaders cult - projected from his personality alone.
The body doesnt live long once the head dies and starts to rot away.
When Hillary called them a "basket of deplorables," I agreed with her. Honestly, I didn't realize what a euphemism that was. And like you, I'm surprised at how fast it all came crashing down. I underestimated that, too.
I needed this today. Earl, do you follow Malcolm Nance? He came to my attention years ago and since he joined the fight in Ukraine he'a now on substack, too. His latest writings are a must read.
Well, as long as FoxNoos, Joe Rogan, and Tucker fecking Carlson tell the cretinous MAGA masses that "It's all Biden's fault", but that we're soon "heading down the yellowbrick road", they remain in the Orange Felon's pocket. No limit to the effectiveness of right-wing propaganda, especially given its target population.
Coming to grips with Russia’s agenda and their talking points. Those now emanate from the seat of U.S. power, the White House. Our President acts very suspiciously. Is he fully compromised? Things were clear in my mind, as I wrote in this post. I have little doubt. https://bit.ly/4heWKvb
Greg Olear has done very thorough reporting on trump and his endless corruption and just how compromised he really is. He has a substack, if you're not familiar with his work.
Thank you for telling it like it really is and saying all the things we wish we were screaming in the streets when we’re not actually screaming in the streets.
"If he’s doing it to prove he’s tough, then let me remind him that he’s a morbidly obese old man, who wears a diaper, paints himself orange and tapes a dead ferret to his head everyday just to look undead." You hit that nail on the head! Wish you could him on the head, too.
And despite all that, MAGA idiots look at him and his peccadilloes and think, I so admire that guy!
Impossible to comprehend.
I bet few of them admire the ‘creature’. They are making sure to fill their tinier pockets with as much loot as humanly possible - the Great American WAY!
Oh, I love your 🔥, Earl! It’s so easy to fall into despair, but you keep us up on our feet and fighting. Thank you!
Sometimes it's just best to deal in crystal-clear clarity among all the smoke ...
Your crystal clear moral clarity is what keeps me going each day. ❤️
I struggle between going high and shouting in utter outrage at least every other day. However, it gives me great pleasure to read such crystal clear expressions of reality about this insane US chaos called MAGA. My crystal clear, succinct view of the problem is simply the fact that the KKK won this election big time! White Supremacy is demantling our government, giving rise to authoritarianism for the purpose of returning to pre-civil war times and handing out payback for the removal of their precious civil war heros. Well--black history in America is History. The book burners and public school witches can't undo history.
Everything they're doing is in P2025. EVERY BIT OF IT! The nationalist evangelical churchianity programming is no joke, and these chucklefucks truly believe they're setting up for the end-times-last days when white Jeebus is comin' back... They make my ass itch and my thinker hurty.
🤣😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅😉love the way you put that!
Oh Earl, They Knew, they were listening to the same things we heard. They understood, but they just didn't think any of it would happen to them. They thought they would skate through it unscathed and all would turn out wonderful - for them. As long as it was someone else they didn't give a crap. We heard it from our neighbors, friends and relatives...they knew he wasn't a good person but "we need change". They got change but they don't get a pass from me by claiming they didn't know. I don't want to hear their whining about any of the hurt that comes their way.
Yep and they were stupid enough to believe that they were part of the “us” that Trump says it will be good for
I have a magnet on my fridge that says “Being good at stupid doesn’t count”
“ being good at stupid is a god given gift “…..the reason everything appears to be going to hell. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can’t believe he’s still alive; what an ass hat…
Neither can Melania.
Every morning when I wake up, I ask my wife in bliss, hope and enthusiasm “Is he dead yet?”. The No so far fills me with anticipation. What a day it will be!
Trouble is that the whole leadership has to go. Vance would just carry on with the same playbook.
But the Fetid Diaper Strapped Across Our Face (Lewis Blacks description) will be gone. Along with the animating viciousness at the core of MAGA. MAGA is a leaders cult - projected from his personality alone.
The body doesnt live long once the head dies and starts to rot away.
When Hillary called them a "basket of deplorables," I agreed with her. Honestly, I didn't realize what a euphemism that was. And like you, I'm surprised at how fast it all came crashing down. I underestimated that, too.
I'll just show myself out now.
Not so fast. We need you here, R.
I needed this today. Earl, do you follow Malcolm Nance? He came to my attention years ago and since he joined the fight in Ukraine he'a now on substack, too. His latest writings are a must read.
Malcolm's a very good man, who carries a very big sword.
LeslieN, yes, Malcolm Nance is an exceptionally talented and brilliant man..... he's rarely wrong too .
All. Of. This. There has got to be a way to stop this train of treason.
You'd certainly think so, Al.
There IS, of course, but we needn't discuss that here.........
It’s sad irony that the day we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the BLM plaza is being torn up by the Trump Administration.
Awesome job Earl!
Perfectly said!
I love your 🔥, but you were far too kind to them Earl..... it's time for the flame thrower and napalm in my humble opinion 😉💕
Come in fast and hot every day until the smoldering remains of this shit sow are blown to the wind.
Well, as long as FoxNoos, Joe Rogan, and Tucker fecking Carlson tell the cretinous MAGA masses that "It's all Biden's fault", but that we're soon "heading down the yellowbrick road", they remain in the Orange Felon's pocket. No limit to the effectiveness of right-wing propaganda, especially given its target population.
Which is why we need to fire back with the truth.
Thank you Earl. You say it better than anybody. Please Big Mac- do your work. And I miss John Lewis.
Coming to grips with Russia’s agenda and their talking points. Those now emanate from the seat of U.S. power, the White House. Our President acts very suspiciously. Is he fully compromised? Things were clear in my mind, as I wrote in this post. I have little doubt. https://bit.ly/4heWKvb
Carl Selfe, fully compromised 😞
Greg Olear has done very thorough reporting on trump and his endless corruption and just how compromised he really is. He has a substack, if you're not familiar with his work.
Thanks for the referral. We need all the info we can get.
Thank you for telling it like it really is and saying all the things we wish we were screaming in the streets when we’re not actually screaming in the streets.
It's literally my job. Thanks ...
And unlike others, you do it well.