America is crashing, and a maniac is at the wheel ... so, MAGA, how long will you go along for the ride?
In just seven, short weeks, the traitor, Donald Trump, has crashed the economy, taken us to the brink of recession, wrecked the government, lost the respect of our friends and neighbors around the world, and surrendered to the murderous Vladimir Putin.
It is EXACTLY what was expected from the proven America-attacker by anybody capable of thinking about anything but themselves heading into November’s disastrous elections.
The United States of America is in a free-fall not seen in modern history, and there is absolutely no reason to believe we will ever return to anything resembling respectability, or gain back the trust we lost when a serial-lying, Russia-owned convicted felon was elected by a collection of selfish bigots, idiots, and trolls who whine they’ve been left behind because they can’t figure out a way to excavate themselves from the mud puddle they gleefully slid into.
And rather than wait any longer, because I am Monday Morning furious today, I am going to move right into the “WE TOLD YOU SO” part of this column:
(I wish I could credit the meme-ist here, and will if anybody can credibly put a name to it. But it speaks to me, so I share …)
We told these lopsided people that all this turmoil was coming, if they couldn’t break themselves out of their rut and join the rest of us Americans, who were terrified of what might come only because we were smart enough to recognize demented evil when we saw it.
(I am a bit surprised it has happened this quickly, though. Trump’s suicidal tendencies, and lust for cash were only slightly underestimated in these parts …)
All Kamala Harris did — besides flatten Kid Grotesque in a debate which should have settled things — for four months was warn us about this and him. I needed no convincing, and I know most of you didn’t either, but the rancid corporate media still needed a horse race under orders of the billionaires who are currently eating us alive, and newsroom “leadership” which has so pathetically lost its way, it’s a wonder, they can still dot an “i” or cross a “t.”
The potential end of America was, and is, a front-page story. The ONLY story fit to print, in fact.
As I type this, the stock market is crashing faster than Elon Musk after a ketamine-fueled bender, and is now steaming toward a “correction” phase. The two-ton traitor himself was dragging himself around like Frankenstein’s double onto one right-wing propaganda show after another Sunday, laying the groundwork for a recession that is almost sure to come.
“I hate to predict things like that,” he barfed. “There could be a period of transition,” but eventually “it should be great for us.”
A recession “should be great for us,” he says. You MAGA blinking yet? Hello???
That would be the very recession that the gruesome media warned about repeatedly, but was dexterously avoided for four years by Old Man Biden, who had lost the zip on his fastball, sure, but still understood the game better than just about anybody on Earth.
He left the orange menace plenty to work with, but Trump promptly grimaced hard, and emptied his diaper all over it.
Working families and retirees are losing gobs of money right now, and nobody knows when it will end. Prices are high and getting higher, and the tariffs Trump was told by literally everybody to avoid, are going to make things much, much worse.
Oh, and this update flashed on my screen as I typed this heat: The Black Lives Matter mural that was painted near the White House nearly five years ago? Well, that is being removed as I throw down these words, because THAT is what really matters to MAGA.
Not the price of eggs, or better jobs, or more jobs, or “working class” issues. No, the thing that gets them out of bed in the morning is getting even, and dealing out hurt.
I’m not wrong about this.
I said it once and I’ll say it again: MAGA has illustrated there is no known pain or sacrifice to our civil liberties or pocketbooks that they won’t absorb just for the satisfaction of watching some poor kid of color go without something they don’t think he or she should have.
So sure do away with that mural, and then come back here and explain just how in the fuck that will fix anything that is broken in your meaningless, backward lives.
(And, yes, that’s the great John Lewis, and yes, we have never needed men like him more. Gary D. Williams Jr./Creative Theory Agency gets credit for this beauty.)
Where was I …
Ah, yes, the the hourly carnage, and our loss of respect by anybody in the world who really matters, like Canada, or Mexico for example. What kind of self-respecting half-decent person treats their neighbors this way — I mean, goes out of his way to be just as obnoxious, loud and heinous as Trump?
If he’s doing it to prove he’s tough, then let me remind him that he’s a morbidly obese old man, who wears a diaper, paints himself orange and tapes a dead ferret to his head everyday just to look undead.
Nobody thinks you are tough, sport, they think you need to finally eat that last Big Mac, so we can finally get some fucking peace and quiet around here and sleep better at night.
So one more blast for you diehard Trump supporters out there before I publish this flame-thrower and pray I don’t lose my retirement savings: There’s not a big difference between our circumstances right now. We are ALL being fucked by Putin’s puppet. WE can plainly see that, while YOU somehow refuse to.
Thing is, the minute you snap out of it, and remove yourself from this cult you are so clearly in, there is actually a half-decent shot WE can fix this, and survive.
But time is quickly running out.
It’s on you.
(D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. You can find all his work here, and follow him on Bluesky here.)
"If he’s doing it to prove he’s tough, then let me remind him that he’s a morbidly obese old man, who wears a diaper, paints himself orange and tapes a dead ferret to his head everyday just to look undead." You hit that nail on the head! Wish you could him on the head, too.
Oh, I love your 🔥, Earl! It’s so easy to fall into despair, but you keep us up on our feet and fighting. Thank you!