7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As a 68 year old, MidWesterner white man, ….. yes, I completely agree with you. Fortunately I am finding more older white men even here in deeper red western Michigan, who are finally fed up with the former guy. One can hope…. Welcome back btw. :)

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Still in N.C., for a bit, Chris. I do believe Trump is in some trouble down here.

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6 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm hoping Robinson drags Trump down

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.... all the way down to middle earth, where it is nice and hot.....

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Extra coals in the fire for those two

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Glad to hear it. I’m a white woman in SE Michigan. Mixed area. But know many white men over 50 who are going to vote against their interests. They only get the lies from the Republican propaganda machine.

A few men have come around. Those who looked into Project 2025. They are voting Democrat.

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I hope you are right and that this time around, the "silent majority" will be those voting for Harris/Walz. To be honest, I live in a "red area" of southern Illinois and the Trump signs are fewer than before, and I know many Harris/Walz supporters who are afraid to put out signs because they are vandalized or stolen. I also know many others (including myself) who won't even post their preferences because we live in a very small community and don't want to lose friends or subject loved ones to some of those "loud" MAGA supporters. I hope there are many out there that the polls simply aren't picking up on, because I think that's what happened to Hillary in 2016.

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Thank you, Ruth. Old woman here in South Florida, living in a condo where, so far, there are no partisan signs on cars, etc, but, out in the relatively high population density area beyond the condo, the menacing trucks with the absurd flags, cruise down US 1. I will not wear any political merchandise because I don't want confrontation with these thugs, the ones that are obvious. The country club Trumpers are another matter; as you said, very quiet because they are voting their wallets and avoiding thinking about Esau selling his birthright for a mess of pottage. Democracy be damned in favor of their bottom line. It's not as if any of them is living in want. Greed, greed and more greed.

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I have a cousin in Port St. Lucie, and one in Mount Dora. The one in Port St. Lucie is VERY much for Harris and the other is for Trump (and I’m guessing for the reason you said). I love your analogy to Esau. Too bad they can’t follow the parable of the Good Samaritan, instead.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I absolutely agree with this.

For what it’s worth, I’m a white dude that does not have a degree. But I like to think that I’m not totally divorced from reality.

I try to think critically. I look for verifiable facts from credible sources.

There’s no question who I’m voting for this election. The ONLY sane choice is Harris/Walz.

Great work as always, Earl.

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Thanks, Lee.

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Yeah, sorry about the "without a college degree" categorization often stated. As you show, it's really about critical thinking skills and being in touch with reality. Those are what we need most now in America. And quickly!

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That critical thinking aspect is normally tought in school - or at least should be. In the US I do not think is on any teaching schedule whatsoever. And on purpose. People that are critical thinkers - and questioning everything in life, any position, information, program, propaganda if it holds up - are unwanted! Keep people dumb and numb - dump in the sense of proper education ensuring a mentally mature individual as a result from attending school, and numb through the deliberately distributed and aired non-substance garbage tv throughout the day, day in day out (ie Jerry Springer and the like).

What other result would one expect?

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I actually brought this up on the first real piece I wrote on Substack.

I didn’t go to school in the U.S. either, but I’m not sure it’s a problem exclusive to one country.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m a 70 year-old white male logger from Maine and I completely agree with you. I have no formal education, but have been self-employed my whole life and know a knuckle dragging grifter when I see one. We are out here and support you, Harris/Walz and fly the flag proudly in my little trumpville town. If you want a friend, come to Maine and we’ll dine on lobster and blueberry pie and have a snort of coffee brandy while talking about the hope of our new woman president.

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Worked at the Lewiston Sun-Journal for six years. Great state full of diverse tribes. I prefer rhubarb pie ... ;-)

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3 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

We can do rhubarb!!

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I also live in Maine and proudly fly the American and Harris/Walz flags.

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Yes, we do that too! Take back the American flag! Fly both.

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Ha! Knuckle Dragging Grifter is the most accurate term I’ve heard about Trump, yet!

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Could not love the Maine invite more! 60ish Black woman here, military family.

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You’re most welcome too!!

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"....knuckle dragging grifter"... Very nice. Enjoy your celebratory lobster and blueberry pie. :)

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm a 63 year old white woman. Never voted gop in my life. I live in a semi-rural Town in Northern CA that can't even pass a 1 cent sales tax increase to fix the roads because of the maga idiots. But yesterday, my libertarian neighbor quietly asked my husband about Kamala/Walz because "that guy is vile". So my very patient husband talked to him for over an hour. Don't know if he's changed his mind, but the seed has been planted. It gave me hope. There are more, we just have to reach them.

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"can't even pass a 1 cent sales tax increase to fix the roads"

See this in a lot of places. Just insane.

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5 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Excellent post Earl. Have to take this all in. I see the disparity when I Canvass. This past weekend was particularly rough. 2 out of 25 homes for Harris. Heather McGhee’s book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs All of Us and How We can Prosper Together “ is a good read. Honestly I don’t know how my parents survived the Jim Crow South and surrounded my Sister and me with love and determination to succeed. But they had little choice. I am a strong person and well traveled but facing hate and prejudice when I Canvass has brought me to my knees sometimes. It is very hard to know people hate you just because of skin color.

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"It is very hard to know people hate you just because of skin color."

It is disgusting, it really is, Pam.

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I often think of our brave canvassers. What courage it must take to knock on doors where the possibility of disrespect is probable.

Please know that there are many of us out here who applaud your work (& your passion).

Stay Safe 🙏🏽

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Thank you for your bravery. I'm realizing how chicken I am and using my age as a rationalization for not canvassing as I did for Obama. My brother in law likes to make political buttons; he sent me some. I guess I'm going to have to take them over to Dem headquarters. 85 and lazy in Florida....

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Just to know you are “with us” is so comforting!

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I cry. 😭 sending love and open door from California. Harris/Walz all the way.

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More and more white women are finding less and less marriageable white guys, who themselves then in turn fall into misogyny and punching down on both women and any and all minorities. And for succor, to whom do they look? That's right, a serial groper and molester, an adjudged rapist, a disparager of women in general (grab 'em by the pussy"), and an aging degenerate, ALL IN ONE PACKAGE! TRump feeds male grievance, he tells them "You're not the failure, it's those "nasty" women AND dirty immigrants STEALING your jobs!"

And do you wonder why millions of losers have jumped on the tRump train?

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And the same folk will whine about the potholes

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Good on you and your husband! There's always hope some will wake up

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Do you mind if I ask where you live, or generally? I grew up in N. Cal, (southern) Siskiyou County so whenever I hear that phrase I perk up a bit. And yes, lots of MAGA folks

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Right there with you, brother. I'm glad you mentioned the white women, too, because that's the demographic that makes my little head explode. I agree with you, and I am hopeful my sisters will show up and vote blue this time. Thanks for what you do!

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Thanks for a having a look, Heather!

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Spot on Earl! Amazing how you seem to have read my white man's brain! You and I are recovering from the privelege with which we grew up...at least I am! I've never been a Republican, but I'm also losing friends who JADE (justify, argue, defend and explain) for Trump and the idea that Republicans are and have always been better at the economy and law enforcement... despite all empirical evidence to the contrary! I'm barely holding on to some of them by only engaging in conversations about college football! It's sad to me! But like you say, there is nothing to be said or done at this point as far as trying to convince them of anything! We must vote and when opportunities arise to have a woke conversation with someone who is not sure of who to vote for ... Don't back away, Lean in!

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

I'm happy to talk to anybody, but won't waste time beating my head against a rock.

It's all about GOTV, baby.

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All that will change these people's minds at this point is cultural. When we see daily, the joy, laughter, and good nature of the Democratic campaign; ignoring the naysayers. Who wouldn't want to be the kid at that birthday party?!

Each day, I am seeing hard working, red neck guys and women on Tik Tok who have changed candidates and are voting for Kamala. It is so encouraging.

Each day we also see 'elites' in the military, business, religion, commerce, government, who are changing from their party's candidate, to vote for Harris/Walz. And frankly, with the many groups that Trump has offended, it's no wonder.

There is plenty to do at this point. We can have conversations door to door, over the fence, and online; in a kind and open minded way. Reminding friends and neighbors of why we are Americans. What are our values. Actively listening and using less emotion.

My mission has been to talk frankly and kindly with young people -- Z's, Millenials, Gen Xers at the coffee stand, grocery store, bank, at gatherings and more. It's fun. They're fun. But I get up their butt cracks about get educated on issues that will impact them. Getting registered to vote. And voting for a candidate who values them.

I was pondering the other day, the ways of Jesus; why they were revolutionary for their time. Why they worked. He lifted others and largely used questions, not judgemental statements. He instilled in others, self esteem. He caused them to reflect. This I believe, is where our work is, in making change. It's people to people. Inviting them to ponder why being American is so great!

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Outstanding Doug. Thank you!

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If you’ve as long as I have, you will recall that every single Republican president since and including Nixon left a bad economy for the next Democratic president to clean up. And every single one of them lied and cheated and falsely slandered their Democratic opponent to cheat to win. Fact.

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7 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

White people... oy. And I say that as a white woman. My sister, also a white woman, is all in for Trump because the world scares her and she likes having Big Daddy in her life, not that he's actually protecting her (and from what?). If anything gets white women to do the right thing, it'll be Dobbs. The good news is that the electorate is browner and younger this time. But speaking of old angry white men - I posted flyers about Project 2025 on the community mailboxes. I told my husband that they'd stay up until the next Trump voter comes along. I was walking my dog yesterday when I witnessed from across the street an old white dude angrily tearing down the flyer and crumpling it in his fist. It was perfect. It was Kabuki theater. I laughed.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

White America when Obama was first elected as President created the division, Trump multipled the division, Harris if elected President will band all the radical white supremacists groups together. White America teaches, spreads racism worldwide.

Sadly, more than half of white America will vote for racism when they vote for Trump.

His lust for white power and his hatred of anyone who's not white is why he has even one supporter.

Trump's appeal is base upon America's oldest ever-present nemesis staunch racism.

How about wearing this "Keep the immigrants, deport the racists" shirt in front of bigots? 👇


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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

And I saw right wing Jesus infect my family who remained in Western PA. Turned them all into hard core Republicans who slobber over the ground Trump walks on. I have no doubt several of my "born again" relatives were at the hate rally yesterday chanting that those Haitians have to leave Springfield.

Nothing will stop them from going to the polls and voting to put Gawd's Anointed King back on the throne.

I honestly fear that we're coming to the end of the US and we're going to break into pieces the same way the USSR did.

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PS: America has a bright future. Don't buy into the cynicism that a portion of the former GOP is peddling. Putin will NOT win. The majority of Americans are intelligent and now see some long deserved hope, happiness and yes, laughter!

Did you ever think we'd see the hysterical daily humor coming at the expense of Trump and his weirdos? I bawled in hopelessness 7 years ago at people locked in cages. It was a dark time. Now? I wouldn't have believed that I could laugh daily at the absurdity and jack ass-ness of the other side. Most Americans agree.

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The iron law of history is that all empires fall. We’re going the same way as other empires.

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Joe, I too am tired of organized Faith. Religion can be so toxic, especially when mingled with politics and moral superiority of one group over another. That's why I had to get out! It's appalling to me that Trump, a non-religious man has so coopted the religious 'faithful'. I'm pretty sure they don't understand the very Jesus Christ and his teachings, that they claim to. I've never given up on the core principles of Christianity. I believe the growing lack of religious followers is because: 1- people are wounded by nasty Christians from their past, 2- they see no day to day relevance of true chistianity on the sidewalks, 3-they feel alienated from their tribe. Instead of inclusion, it is exclusion. It's odd how they follow Trump because of who he hates, rather than who he loves. This is whjy Kamala is a breath of fresh air; laughter and all!

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All religions are bullshit.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Yeah, you answered it. “…because there’s no sense in being a small person unless you are fully willing to overcompensate for it.” Love this line! I think this is one of your most creatively worded pieces, by the way.

I worry for all the same reasons. I am just sad and frustrated that my white relatives just simply don’t want to wake up or change, men and women. They will not broach the subjects with me … and I am passing up a family reunion of sorts next month because I cannot go to any event and NOT talk about the biggest thing happening to our country. Zipping my lip will be what is required of me weeks before the election. I just cannot do it. 💙

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Right there with you -- and as far away as possible from people who mean this country harm.

And thanks for the kind words, Suzanne. Mean a lot coming from an artist.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’ve lost two sons to the Trump disease.

And white men in middle age are more likely to die by suicide 3.54 times more often than women. Their choices are not working for them. As for white women clinging to white patriarchy to gain some power is not saving them either. So my hope is the white people of this country will not destroy our democracy.

This was one of your best, even as it breaks my heart.

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Sorry about the sons, Anne.

They might yet come back ...

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9 years. And all the losses that go with that. And I’m not alone. Not even close.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm a 70 year old white male. For me the choice is a simple one. Harris/Walz.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

68 year old who left Pennsylvania for good in 1982 when I saw that the death of the steel industry was coming. The only times I went back were when my Mom and Dad passed. Depressing to see how economically dead the whole area is outside of Pittsburgh. And when the union halls closed right wing churches moved in with their Republican brainwashing.

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Sad indeed, Joe.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Racist resentments so deep that they seem unconscious. These nagging thoughts elicit insecurity and fears of loss that are intolerable. They give rise to all manner of compensations you mentioned. Noisy pickup trucks. Confederate sympathies. Knee jerk reactions against liberalism. Anger. Blaming. Marginalizing "others."

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yep ...

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This might be one of the most honest and candid analysis ever written about this election. You have pointed out with irrefutable clarity and personal experience why the polls continue to be so close. Some people choose to ignore this unfortunate reality, in the hopes that people may still have better angels, but there are no better angels amongst a group of people that continue to support this vile human being. But America has always been a nation of glaring contradictions. After all, this is the same nation that elected Barack Obama twice, that has become one of the most diverse and tolerant nations on earth, and has continued to elect diverse leaders from all sorts of backgrounds to all sorts of offices all across this country. Like Bill Clinton said in his first inaugural address, "there's nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed by what is right with America". There's still a lot of good in our country folks and I deeply hope and believe that people will make the right choice in this election and resoundingly repudiated the dangerous decay and extremism of the Republican party.

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Well said, Mark.

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Obama was symbolically good and e-con-o-mically disastrous. Neo-Liberal E-CON was on its last legs with the critics beginning to outnumber the academics who coasted on Daddy Warbucks and Big Gov contracts as working class states like the fellow from PA above note with such grim resolve. There are no easy ways out and those selling em are just looking to demagogue mobs for the polling numbers to revive Daddy Warbucks. Big Steel in PA didn't need to be abandoned. It was the lop-siding of our economic efforts to benefit the most wealth-concentrating elements of Daddy Warbucks that hastened our Muddle Class decline.

We threw away in the past half century what the U.S. never had sustained before in our his\herstory: A growing Middle Class and college-bound youth (rather than Warbucks yoot signing up for the next foreign speculative military intervention. Along with support for our client states that keep the subsidized E-CON pot stirring in Muddle Eastern nation states).

All those decades of Cold War institutionalized Agit-Prop grew the biggest Socialist teat in her\history. Yet the militarists hammer any talk of Social Democracy in E-CON-o-mics and burn the Bernie Bros and Social Democrats in effigy until they can get mobs big enough to burn em in the flesh. Military and Militarism equals the worst kind of Socialism. There are aspects of a social democratic E-CON-o-my as the Scandinavians show where the mix of social support systems and truly free and well-regulated enterprise can thrive without Daddy Warbucks and institutionalized corruption calling all the Big Contract Infrastructure shots.

We're like junkies on Military Socialism and like the Third World with our abandonment of social democratic infrastructure along with education, health & welfare programs. Look at our Healthcare spending in ratio to our health care outcomes in world rankings. Look what has happened to our heavy industry and ag supports as the Muddle Class shrinks and we are left with Big Thieving and Big Private Contracting oligarchs off-shoring our homegrown wealth and domestic futures by privatizing and scam-skimming the Big Private Contracting Speculators and trader\traitors. We've NORMALIZED HOMELESSNESS and can't even call it that.

Screen this in your community center and stream it on so-called PUBLIC BROADCASTING (which was corporate-captured from the circa 1960's birth of CPB) invite in a panel of local policy-makers to lead study groups and discussions on our way out of this WEALTH CONCENTRATION and into a legit growth model that benefits the least of US first as Good Books have called for from ancient times to a brighter more peaceful future, where we all have a stake in growing a well-regulated (with enforcement) state of being and community of states:


PUSH - ( some excerpts from the documentary )

2,485 views Sep 1, 2021

"Some excerpts from the documentary "PUSH" (2019) (full doc @ "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube)

"Exploring why people cannot be allowed to live in cities... The high cost of housing and global investment funds that push people to poverty and strip them of a fundamental human right.

Producers: Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangard

Director: Fredrik Gertten

From Knowledge Network Aired Feb. 2, 2021

Full documentary can be seen here "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you Earl for being a bright spot in this dark time. You give me hope that all is not lost.

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It's not. It's just a helluva lot harder than it should be, Marlene.

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7 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

68 y.o. white dude here.

I see it too much with those my age. It's tragic. They don't want to hear any truth.

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