The old guard needs to step out of a way and allow the young ones to take over this attack. Schumer. Elizabeth Warren, even Bernie Sanders, all the old guard need to step away - this protesting outside a building is from the sixties.We don't do that anymore.It's not effective.There are much more effective means and the thirty and forty year old crowd know it and know how to do it. AOC, Crockett, Buttigieg...
Please show me how. I agree totally that people with a vested interest in a status quo Dem party have to go. Term limits NEEDED in every area of government. But let’s keep democracy front and center, not the bathroom issues that distract. Democracy FIRST because without it we get the disgusting fascism that reduces everyone not a right color billionaire to a target.
There won’t be any new laws to help the people or the democracy. We ARE already in an Oligarchy waiting for Brown Shirts, the new SS, Constitutional Sheriffs and the Military to be unleashed by the Sedition Act and Marshall Law.
Disagree. The bathroom/locker room issues helped to create support for Trump. Not a Trump supporter, but not totally blind as to why idiots love him.
Dems have perverted themselves into pushing minority rights that border on Sodom and Gomorrah through social engineering. Trans "women" participating and set records in women's sports. Really??? Pushing gay pride and gay "rights" into schools. Inventing more than two sexes and defending it as the new normal. Biology is obsolete and gender is whatever a person says they are. Nonsense. Can I pretend to be dog and enter Westminster Dog show?
The Dems just voted against outlawing trans "women" in women's sports. So Dems,
keep bending over and Trump and sons will be with us for years, God help us.
No one should become collateral damage to the bigotry & theocracy of others. You sound a bit christofascist w/your Sodom and Gomorrah quip. Individual rights? Is that not an American value? Or nah. To be clear, LGBTQIa+ people have been part of our communities since we roamed the savannas. All variations on a theme of Homo sapiens. Your characterizations are derived from facile logical fallacies in an attempt to persuade. Reducing the otherizing & eliminationist rhetoric, such as you have provided ample examples for, are why increasing visibility is a wise way to reduce the animus toward other people who inhabit our communities and ALWAYS have. You are at least Trumpy adjacent.
Since we’re talking about taking the gloves off- something I agree with - let me start by responding to Russ…
Russ, you are a stone cold bigot. You don’t give two fucks about women. We have literal rapists and sexual abusers running this country and they are straight men. I don’t know a single woman who has been assaulted by a trans woman but every, single woman I know, including myself, has been sexually assaulted by a straight man. Every. Single. One. Your Biblical reference shows you’re a Christian leaning freak who wants to amplify hatred and oppression . Fuck you and all the fucking assholes like you.
As for the Dems- completely agree that the weak, lame non-response to this fascist takeover is beyond awful. I’m a lifelong Dem and I’m really considering changing my affiliation to Independent. There are a few fighters among the Dems right now but as a whole they are being pathetic.
Precisely my point. .. what do you respond to? The distraction. Democracy is the point. The basic playbook is ALWAYS divide and conquer so the can pick our pockets, take away education, give us ‘bread and circuses’ and control us
The old guard still believes in politeness and decorum. They don't understand the appetite America now has for drama and entertainment. They want cat fights and yelling. So FFS, let's give it to them! Make some damn noise, Democrats!!! Fight. There is no more high road. There's only the low road and it's bumpy as hell. Let the young ones strap on the bigger tires and GET TO IT.
I do believe massive, MASSIVE, peaceful protests across the country send a visual message to not only our country; but to the world at large that Traitor and his sycophants do not speak for all the rest of us who outnumber them. We see protests in the streets all over the world and it's a powerful message of protest, and yet we remain silent. What the hell is that about? The old guard should pass the torch to the younger ones immediately, time is of the essence; provide support if they want it, but then get the hell out of their way.
You do realise the protests already happening generally do not appear on foreign news?
To show the rest of the world they need to be truly massive, and probably involve violence, before they get shown. Unfortunate but true. I'd prefer it was otherwise but I know what appears in the UK news media ... and it unconsciously censors things, and plays up the Trump line because those are the 'official' lines.
Do it! This old lady will gladly step aside for new young energy. Are 30,40 yr olds interested in government, public service or chasing $$$$ over everything?
The latest rally was almost ALL over 60. Many could have been at rallies with me in 1969. NO young people this time around. Maybe they had to work? Maybe they had no civics education? Maybe it won’t be the way this generation will protest? Whatever the reason, the young with the most to lose, didn’t show up.
I agree. It’s time for the younger generation to step up. They are willing to fight like hell for our democracy. The older generation is tired and needs to be replaced.
I'm glad for our younger generation, but Bernie and Warren have been and continue to be strong voices for us and should not leave. We need as many on our side as possible.
NOTE: Jeffries is not old. I will continue advocating for a new way forward, but I do not share the opinion that our youth are going to save us, because there has been no real indication, nor actual numbers, showing that they are. Maybe they'll wake up yet (and they better), but every rally I attend is dominated by older folks. In relative terms, Trump did pretty well with the youth vote ... Long way of saying WE ALL need to stay busy. -Cheers
I do agree with you Shoshana! Please lead the way. I believe many of us are just waiting for you to break out and lead . I sure as hell am ready to follow new and young leaders. I’m older 69.
I have been screaming and throwing fire at the Dems for years in their complaint city to Fucking Tea Party, MoscowMitch and last night was the straw that broke my back. Every single Dem should have had enough love for our constitutional republic and joined Al Green. What a bunch of simpering cowards. Bring it on. It’s coming one way or another.
There will be blood. Our government will kill its citizens as citizens protest. The government always does that. We will protest anyway. In the streets, people! We as a country owe Ukraine for stripping Russia of its conventional military strength and war-making ability. We owe them so much. The numbers are here.
I totally understand this sentiment. Thinking ahead… the Mad King in Chief WILL use protests as a pretext to declare martial law… which will upend elections… just saying… just incase ANYONE is working on the abnormalities of the last election.
Trump's tweet about protests on campus is preparation for Kent State Part 2. He will order the armed forces to open fire on protesters. If they disobey Hegseth will fire them and replace with soldiers who will obey his illegal orders.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m terrified; Trump and his goons have firmly established their positions (legal, media, civil rights, global, and military). They’ve been like a platoon, spreading out on the field of battle, and now just waiting for the order to charge.
When I read this, my blood ran cold: (NYT):
“Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is terminating all efforts across the military to reduce civilian harm during combat operations. According to three defense officials, employees at the Civilian Harm Mitigation and Reduction office at the Pentagon were informed Monday that their office will be closed, as will the Civilian Protection Center of Excellence, and all positions at the geographic combatant commands like Central Command and Africa Command that offer advice on limiting the risk to civilians during airstrikes.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive policy changes.”
I’m absolutely worried about violence against citizens, probably soon.
And, I fear this is inevitable: our psychopathic president with his damaged brain, sadistic tendencies and the inability to “lose” will create a situation that ends with his finger on a launch button. In general, I’m not a worrier, but this keeps me in a state of simmering terror right now.
This is my fear as well. And then my husband tells me I'm jumping from A to Z and skipping everything in between. BUT we've already seen how strong the loyalty is to Trump and I just don't think protesters being shot is inconceivable at this point.
You are not jumping to conclusions. You are seeing the truth between A to Z and acknowledging it exists. Too many people right now are not grasping the reality of what we are seeing. These are going to be such hurtful times for us and all the people we care about. I've got grown daughters and grandchildren and I cannot believe the hell we are leaving them.
Have you pointed out to him that the orange devil has already pardoned/exonerated 1500 people who were either convicted of or PLED GUILTY to crimes on Jan. 6? Does he think these people, especially the violent ones, aren't ready and willing to show their appreciation?
The part about weak Democratic leadership is the most important, IMO, part of this essay. I can't believe we put up with the likes of Schumer and Jeffries.
To boot, democrats holding up those paddles was inane, at best.
Well done Earl. This was another great rundown of that mess last night.
Folks you are witnessing the fall of the American empire. We passed thru the event horizon and are now heading into the singularity of stupidity.
2 weeks ago when I went shopping a woman asked me to sign the petition to put the California Secession Initiative on the ballot. At that time I told her I feared the consequences of Trump and Hegseth invading us if we voted Yes and I said I wouldn't sign it.
Now, sadly I am changing my mind and the next time someone has the petition I sadly will sign it because it's time to file for divorce from this calamity.
I posted a secession plan months ago. It was suggested by a Canadian and it was really well thought out....I really think it's time we all consider this approach seriously...we simply can't be living at the mercy of these rotten grifting bastards and the idiots who vote for them. We should not be going through endless cycles of this misery inflicted upon us by criminals. I don't want to live like this, it's destroying my health 😞
A secessionist movement by rights ought to have much more public recognition and, like you, whenever my friendly neighborhood petition guy shows up, I’m signing. I’m in coastal California so this a safe and bloodless act of protest. Yay. However, the red/blue divide here in terms of territory is (operating on memory of a recent map depicting this) vastly favoring often extremely “conservative” counties. I’m going with my hunch that a left-leaning secession would inspire bloodshed sooner rather than later. The MAGA bros have been spoiling for internal division (chopping California into 5 states, for example) for years, arguing that the Democratic Party’s dominance in Sacramento is politically poisonous. To me, igniting a statewide secession on liberal principles (pay taxes to the GOP/rich? Hell no! Declare a new Republic) is a recipe for bloody unintended consequences. We have multiple and growing well-armed militia with itchy trigger fingers. And that’s just in one of 50 states. IMO the fuses are many and already lit 🔥
I’m not silent nor are many others. I agree that fear is deliberately part of their limp plan but it works only with varying success. Until it stops working at all
I don’t think, unfortunately, it is so “plain and simple” at all. Kamala had more money than she could spend. Were the fascists simply smarter at how they spent money? Was it a dishonest vote count? Or are we just so fundamentally unserious as a people that we can’t see reality - that we just want to be entertained?
Excuse me. Dems pissed away entire $1 Billion war chest, now in debt and asking for more. Proves they only know how to spend, spend, spend. Much of that debt was to friends who helped them lose the election.
Therein is the problem. Money is now more important to both parties than principle and actual governance. Most elected folks in both parties have sold out and are afraid to reverse course out of fear of losing their elected offices. What common interest could unite them to act in concert to break that pattern? I’m not certain which of the many issues floating around is a unifier, but someone needs to figure that out PDQ.
My amazing cousin was killed in 'Nam; my husband spent two years in 'Nam and, like all who went to Vietnam, was exposed to Agent Orange which resulted in prostate and bladder cancers. He is now fighting lymphoma. My sister and brother fought in Operation Enduring Freedom; my brother doing two tours and my sister one. My father was a WWII and Korean veteran. All four of my uncles fought in WWII; many of my cousins served in the military, in fact my cousin's only brother was serving in Vietnam at the time he was killed and, under the sole survivor act, he was sent home. And, at present, my nephew is actively serving in the USAF as a fighter pilot.
While no one "wants" to die, I've asked myself if I am willing to die for our country and my answer is yes. Yes I am.
Be careful what you say. Did Jesus' loyal disciples die for him? Case closed.
This is a mis-representation that soldiers willing die for their country. As a retired soldier, I can tell you none of us went to war willing to die. We did everything to prevent that. Dying was an occupational hazard, but not something we willingly did. Not to take away the sacrifice because it is. What galls soldiers, is that the majority of the US public, not only does not serve, but looks down on those of us who do. I get so sick listening to our media calling balls and strikes for every shot fired by American soldiers abroad. They take glee when some civilian gets killed so they scream "war crime".
As Gen Patton said, you do not help your country by dying, we are there to help the enemy die for their country instead.
Not a Trump or Hegshed supporter, but I absolutely agree the US military and by extension the American public lacks lethality. By that, America lacks an ethos to WIN and have victory as the goal. The majority of the public does not want to serve in the military, yet they want someone else to do it. Then throw rocks at them when things do not look good.
Our military goes to war with hands tied behind their back. Every shot/bomb/missile has to be vetted up the chain of command with a platoon of lawyers so it is legal. Then if some "innocent" gets killed all hell breaks loose and we throw the book at the soldier as a war criminal. All those "innocent" Gaza women and children are not so innocent. Children are schooled to kill Israelis and the women hid the weapons in their homes and take them up when they can.
You only go to war to win, or you do not go to war.
This is why the US does not win wars. Our enemies are not bound by rules.
I made the choice not to watch the TRump Show last night for my mental health and well-being. It's too much for me to listen to that #BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United States) stand there and lie. I just can't. I read my news these days and don't watch any mainstream media at all. I'm making my 5 calls to my representatives in Congress everyday, as well as leaving voicemails on a lot of Republican's office numbers I'm doing all that I am capable of doing to resist. My biggest fear is that we'll be unable to stop this madness in time. We're at the very edge of the abyss, and since the RepubliCons have all of the power right now, it going to take a full-blown, French-esque revolution to stop this runaway train, but I'm scared. I'm scared of the MAGAts with guns killing me while I'm protesting and most likely getting away with it. I don't want to die. This may sound ridiculous, but it's a very valid fear. A good friend had her car keyed and the back window smashed in because she had a small bumper sticker on her car that read "Are We Great Yet?". She's frightened, just like the rest of us, so exactly WHAT do we do to fight for our country without risking our lives?
I agree with everything you are saying, Megan, and share your fears. But when I read your last sentence, I thought the answer to your question is "find a WWII veteran to ask." There will be bloodshed. People will die defending democracy, IF a defence is mounted, which I'm not confident it will be. At least not now. Americans have never been challenged from within in this way, and it seems to me that the vast majority of us are frozen like deer in the headlights. They say of a soldier's death in the line of duty " they made the greatest sacrifice" or "they paid the ultimate price." Who among us has the courage to put our bodies on the line for what we believe? Who?? You know the old saw: "if you've ever wondered what you would've done in Germany in 1933, you're doing it now."
I get what you are saying. That being said, my father, uncles and brother were trained to fight in battle. I don't have that kind of training or the physical ability to do it. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and am suffering from an autoimmune disorder that hadn't reared it's ugly head in several years (since during the last TRump presidency!) and I just don't have the strength to do anything but make phone calls and talk with others about what's really going on. It's shocking to me how clueless so many people are to the danger we're in.😞
I hope I didn't come off sounding like I was dismissing your fears or the important work you are doing every day! Each of us must contribute to the fight what we are able to, and it will take all of us who care. As Joyce Vance says, "We are in this together." I'm no good at making those phone calls, but I AM good at demonstrations and I'm thankful to have some money to spare to help fund the Resistance. If afforded the opportunity to do so, I could even throw a few Molotov cocktails!! Damn, that would feel good, wouldn't it? Stress can be a killer -- take good care and stay strong. Hugs. (( ))
THIS! I keep hearing from the Democrats how it’ll be all on the Republicans if they pass this awful budget that will hurt so many people. That doesn’t help! Our family are those people! Our adult daughter who is 32 and has autism, epilepsy and cognitive disabilities. We can’t afford her medication if she loses her SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. We are her primary caregivers and we aren’t getting any younger. I’m a cancer survivor with chronic issues as a result of treatment—lymphedema, etc.
EXACTLY! We are super proud of her. She has held the same part time job (15 hrs a week) as a dishwasher for 10+ years—at an assisted living facility for seniors. Another target by this administration—the seniors!
There already is blood. Centuries of it. There will be more, as “the shining city on the hill” BS is recognized for the failed rhetoric it is/was for far too many of us.
It's a good thing I'm already depressed, because there's really no other way to feel. We need (and I hate to use this word) a hero-leader to mobilize the people who can stand in Trump's way. It is apparent the people we've elected aren't up to the task, because ... well, who knows why? (THe Senate gym is a lot of fun?) Orwell didn't know the half of it,
BLUF: We must create a hierarchical command, communication, coordination structure in order to divide labor efficiently, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts, and to clearly identify needs and available resources on an ongoing basis.
Conspicuously absent from most resistance-centered writing I observe is awareness and recognition of the inevitable collapse of institutions we rely on daily. These are associated with health care delivery, food/fresh water availability, shelter, communication systems, finance/banking, and defense/law enforcement mutual aid (including for undocumented migrants).
•One way to start is adding 1-3 cans of food to your shopping cart every trip, if possible.
•Add a couple of otc first aid items, like band-aids, cold/cough remedies, pain.fever reducers, etc.
•Try to establish a method for purifying water for drinking, also some kind of water collection.
•Once initiated, we can continue to enhance supply caches as able. Build from there.
•Freeze credit reporting.
•Try to establish a least a small cash reserve. Build from there.
These and other initial steps to hold on to our civilization, our values, our decency can seem daunting. Start small. Form alliances to pool resources and share expenses.
The most important initial steps if you've - like me - been a bit isolated the past few years are to consolidate networks with people.
Our country's absolutely being torn asunder. Let's organize, and act.
I do see this wonderful community as a place like-minded patriots can assemble, lick our wounds, share helpful info like you have, and generally lean on each other.
If it does lead to a bloody conflict, being armed and knowing how to use and aim your “handy tool” would be a really good idea. I didn’t take that previous comment as being from a troll
Thank you . I am an EU and US citizen , child of an Irish immigrant who came to the U.S. with parents when she was very young. Our Irish immigrant family thrived in Chicago and extended to New York, California and more recently California and expanded our learning, work and supports of others who came to the U.S.
It is so very sad and discouraging to hear and see the messages and leadership of Donald Trump. With the exception of Native American Indians, we are in many ways all immigrants to the United States.
We need to understand appreciate and move forward in constructive effective ways to become the changes we seek.
The old guard needs to step out of a way and allow the young ones to take over this attack. Schumer. Elizabeth Warren, even Bernie Sanders, all the old guard need to step away - this protesting outside a building is from the sixties.We don't do that anymore.It's not effective.There are much more effective means and the thirty and forty year old crowd know it and know how to do it. AOC, Crockett, Buttigieg...
Yes, yes and yes. From the 80 year old that I am.
Please show me how. I agree totally that people with a vested interest in a status quo Dem party have to go. Term limits NEEDED in every area of government. But let’s keep democracy front and center, not the bathroom issues that distract. Democracy FIRST because without it we get the disgusting fascism that reduces everyone not a right color billionaire to a target.
There won’t be any new laws to help the people or the democracy. We ARE already in an Oligarchy waiting for Brown Shirts, the new SS, Constitutional Sheriffs and the Military to be unleashed by the Sedition Act and Marshall Law.
Disagree. The bathroom/locker room issues helped to create support for Trump. Not a Trump supporter, but not totally blind as to why idiots love him.
Dems have perverted themselves into pushing minority rights that border on Sodom and Gomorrah through social engineering. Trans "women" participating and set records in women's sports. Really??? Pushing gay pride and gay "rights" into schools. Inventing more than two sexes and defending it as the new normal. Biology is obsolete and gender is whatever a person says they are. Nonsense. Can I pretend to be dog and enter Westminster Dog show?
The Dems just voted against outlawing trans "women" in women's sports. So Dems,
keep bending over and Trump and sons will be with us for years, God help us.
You are a trumper
No one should become collateral damage to the bigotry & theocracy of others. You sound a bit christofascist w/your Sodom and Gomorrah quip. Individual rights? Is that not an American value? Or nah. To be clear, LGBTQIa+ people have been part of our communities since we roamed the savannas. All variations on a theme of Homo sapiens. Your characterizations are derived from facile logical fallacies in an attempt to persuade. Reducing the otherizing & eliminationist rhetoric, such as you have provided ample examples for, are why increasing visibility is a wise way to reduce the animus toward other people who inhabit our communities and ALWAYS have. You are at least Trumpy adjacent.
Since we’re talking about taking the gloves off- something I agree with - let me start by responding to Russ…
Russ, you are a stone cold bigot. You don’t give two fucks about women. We have literal rapists and sexual abusers running this country and they are straight men. I don’t know a single woman who has been assaulted by a trans woman but every, single woman I know, including myself, has been sexually assaulted by a straight man. Every. Single. One. Your Biblical reference shows you’re a Christian leaning freak who wants to amplify hatred and oppression . Fuck you and all the fucking assholes like you.
As for the Dems- completely agree that the weak, lame non-response to this fascist takeover is beyond awful. I’m a lifelong Dem and I’m really considering changing my affiliation to Independent. There are a few fighters among the Dems right now but as a whole they are being pathetic.
Precisely my point. .. what do you respond to? The distraction. Democracy is the point. The basic playbook is ALWAYS divide and conquer so the can pick our pockets, take away education, give us ‘bread and circuses’ and control us
I know you all like to think these are real issues but they aren’t.
The old guard still believes in politeness and decorum. They don't understand the appetite America now has for drama and entertainment. They want cat fights and yelling. So FFS, let's give it to them! Make some damn noise, Democrats!!! Fight. There is no more high road. There's only the low road and it's bumpy as hell. Let the young ones strap on the bigger tires and GET TO IT.
I do believe massive, MASSIVE, peaceful protests across the country send a visual message to not only our country; but to the world at large that Traitor and his sycophants do not speak for all the rest of us who outnumber them. We see protests in the streets all over the world and it's a powerful message of protest, and yet we remain silent. What the hell is that about? The old guard should pass the torch to the younger ones immediately, time is of the essence; provide support if they want it, but then get the hell out of their way.
You do realise the protests already happening generally do not appear on foreign news?
To show the rest of the world they need to be truly massive, and probably involve violence, before they get shown. Unfortunate but true. I'd prefer it was otherwise but I know what appears in the UK news media ... and it unconsciously censors things, and plays up the Trump line because those are the 'official' lines.
I'm glad people are protesting in our country, and no, I don't expect those are seen worldwide. But massive protests like we see worldwide would be.
Do it! This old lady will gladly step aside for new young energy. Are 30,40 yr olds interested in government, public service or chasing $$$$ over everything?
Not only step aside, we will support and boost you. Cheer and help you. Gotta figure this out. We love you. We are all in this together
The latest rally was almost ALL over 60. Many could have been at rallies with me in 1969. NO young people this time around. Maybe they had to work? Maybe they had no civics education? Maybe it won’t be the way this generation will protest? Whatever the reason, the young with the most to lose, didn’t show up.
They don’t seem to be doing it though. 🤔
At 75, I'm for it.
I agree. It’s time for the younger generation to step up. They are willing to fight like hell for our democracy. The older generation is tired and needs to be replaced.
I'm encouraged by an invigorated and outraged older generation! Here to support our kids and grandchildren.
I'm glad for our younger generation, but Bernie and Warren have been and continue to be strong voices for us and should not leave. We need as many on our side as possible.
NOTE: Jeffries is not old. I will continue advocating for a new way forward, but I do not share the opinion that our youth are going to save us, because there has been no real indication, nor actual numbers, showing that they are. Maybe they'll wake up yet (and they better), but every rally I attend is dominated by older folks. In relative terms, Trump did pretty well with the youth vote ... Long way of saying WE ALL need to stay busy. -Cheers
I do agree with you Shoshana! Please lead the way. I believe many of us are just waiting for you to break out and lead . I sure as hell am ready to follow new and young leaders. I’m older 69.
I have been screaming and throwing fire at the Dems for years in their complaint city to Fucking Tea Party, MoscowMitch and last night was the straw that broke my back. Every single Dem should have had enough love for our constitutional republic and joined Al Green. What a bunch of simpering cowards. Bring it on. It’s coming one way or another.
I agree… except with Bernie. He’s still the leading progressive in the senate. Yes, he’s in his 80’s… but he’s as feisty as ever.
There will be blood. Our government will kill its citizens as citizens protest. The government always does that. We will protest anyway. In the streets, people! We as a country owe Ukraine for stripping Russia of its conventional military strength and war-making ability. We owe them so much. The numbers are here.
I totally understand this sentiment. Thinking ahead… the Mad King in Chief WILL use protests as a pretext to declare martial law… which will upend elections… just saying… just incase ANYONE is working on the abnormalities of the last election.
Trump's tweet about protests on campus is preparation for Kent State Part 2. He will order the armed forces to open fire on protesters. If they disobey Hegseth will fire them and replace with soldiers who will obey his illegal orders.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m terrified; Trump and his goons have firmly established their positions (legal, media, civil rights, global, and military). They’ve been like a platoon, spreading out on the field of battle, and now just waiting for the order to charge.
When I read this, my blood ran cold: (NYT):
“Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is terminating all efforts across the military to reduce civilian harm during combat operations. According to three defense officials, employees at the Civilian Harm Mitigation and Reduction office at the Pentagon were informed Monday that their office will be closed, as will the Civilian Protection Center of Excellence, and all positions at the geographic combatant commands like Central Command and Africa Command that offer advice on limiting the risk to civilians during airstrikes.
The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive policy changes.”
I’m absolutely worried about violence against citizens, probably soon.
And, I fear this is inevitable: our psychopathic president with his damaged brain, sadistic tendencies and the inability to “lose” will create a situation that ends with his finger on a launch button. In general, I’m not a worrier, but this keeps me in a state of simmering terror right now.
This is my fear as well. And then my husband tells me I'm jumping from A to Z and skipping everything in between. BUT we've already seen how strong the loyalty is to Trump and I just don't think protesters being shot is inconceivable at this point.
You are not jumping to conclusions. You are seeing the truth between A to Z and acknowledging it exists. Too many people right now are not grasping the reality of what we are seeing. These are going to be such hurtful times for us and all the people we care about. I've got grown daughters and grandchildren and I cannot believe the hell we are leaving them.
Absolutely! Too many people are in denial.
Have you pointed out to him that the orange devil has already pardoned/exonerated 1500 people who were either convicted of or PLED GUILTY to crimes on Jan. 6? Does he think these people, especially the violent ones, aren't ready and willing to show their appreciation?
And they will kill them with denial of services.
I'm not ready to die.
Most people aren’t. I’m 70. I’m not ready for that either.
There will be another KentState. Before the end of the year is what I figure.
I'm afraid it will make Kent State look like a lovefest.
I can't think of a more honorable way to go than getting shot while protesting Trump/Musk's nazification of America.
Trump's threats over campus protests ignite firestorm
Travis Gettys, "Raw Story", 3/4/25
The part about weak Democratic leadership is the most important, IMO, part of this essay. I can't believe we put up with the likes of Schumer and Jeffries.
To boot, democrats holding up those paddles was inane, at best.
Well done Earl. This was another great rundown of that mess last night.
Thanks. I hated writing this, but damn is it necessary right now.
Yes it is. Keep going!
Thank you! You have an audience. PUSH ON. Please.
Folks you are witnessing the fall of the American empire. We passed thru the event horizon and are now heading into the singularity of stupidity.
2 weeks ago when I went shopping a woman asked me to sign the petition to put the California Secession Initiative on the ballot. At that time I told her I feared the consequences of Trump and Hegseth invading us if we voted Yes and I said I wouldn't sign it.
Now, sadly I am changing my mind and the next time someone has the petition I sadly will sign it because it's time to file for divorce from this calamity.
This country is finished.
I posted a secession plan months ago. It was suggested by a Canadian and it was really well thought out....I really think it's time we all consider this approach seriously...we simply can't be living at the mercy of these rotten grifting bastards and the idiots who vote for them. We should not be going through endless cycles of this misery inflicted upon us by criminals. I don't want to live like this, it's destroying my health 😞
A secessionist movement by rights ought to have much more public recognition and, like you, whenever my friendly neighborhood petition guy shows up, I’m signing. I’m in coastal California so this a safe and bloodless act of protest. Yay. However, the red/blue divide here in terms of territory is (operating on memory of a recent map depicting this) vastly favoring often extremely “conservative” counties. I’m going with my hunch that a left-leaning secession would inspire bloodshed sooner rather than later. The MAGA bros have been spoiling for internal division (chopping California into 5 states, for example) for years, arguing that the Democratic Party’s dominance in Sacramento is politically poisonous. To me, igniting a statewide secession on liberal principles (pay taxes to the GOP/rich? Hell no! Declare a new Republic) is a recipe for bloody unintended consequences. We have multiple and growing well-armed militia with itchy trigger fingers. And that’s just in one of 50 states. IMO the fuses are many and already lit 🔥
The fear of violence forces our silence. They want us afraid.
I’m not silent nor are many others. I agree that fear is deliberately part of their limp plan but it works only with varying success. Until it stops working at all
Democrats are also “bought “.
To a large degree, yes. Money talks, and bullshit walks these days ...
Still blows my mind the presidential election was bought plain and simple.
I don’t think, unfortunately, it is so “plain and simple” at all. Kamala had more money than she could spend. Were the fascists simply smarter at how they spent money? Was it a dishonest vote count? Or are we just so fundamentally unserious as a people that we can’t see reality - that we just want to be entertained?
Excuse me. Dems pissed away entire $1 Billion war chest, now in debt and asking for more. Proves they only know how to spend, spend, spend. Much of that debt was to friends who helped them lose the election.
And small change rides the bus
Hey! I love my bus 🚎 For 50c a day I go all over town. And never pay for parking! 😆
Therein is the problem. Money is now more important to both parties than principle and actual governance. Most elected folks in both parties have sold out and are afraid to reverse course out of fear of losing their elected offices. What common interest could unite them to act in concert to break that pattern? I’m not certain which of the many issues floating around is a unifier, but someone needs to figure that out PDQ.
I absolutely hate to agree with you. Bill Clinton was a perfect example, when he seized on Reagan's talking points about 'bad, big government.'
Clinton also screwed a lot of poor families with his bullshit welfare reform. Mainly single mothers and their children. 😞
My amazing cousin was killed in 'Nam; my husband spent two years in 'Nam and, like all who went to Vietnam, was exposed to Agent Orange which resulted in prostate and bladder cancers. He is now fighting lymphoma. My sister and brother fought in Operation Enduring Freedom; my brother doing two tours and my sister one. My father was a WWII and Korean veteran. All four of my uncles fought in WWII; many of my cousins served in the military, in fact my cousin's only brother was serving in Vietnam at the time he was killed and, under the sole survivor act, he was sent home. And, at present, my nephew is actively serving in the USAF as a fighter pilot.
While no one "wants" to die, I've asked myself if I am willing to die for our country and my answer is yes. Yes I am.
When somebody says what do we do, my default answer is FIGHT.
All we can do.
And thanks to your family's patriotism, Ema.
Be careful what you say. Did Jesus' loyal disciples die for him? Case closed.
This is a mis-representation that soldiers willing die for their country. As a retired soldier, I can tell you none of us went to war willing to die. We did everything to prevent that. Dying was an occupational hazard, but not something we willingly did. Not to take away the sacrifice because it is. What galls soldiers, is that the majority of the US public, not only does not serve, but looks down on those of us who do. I get so sick listening to our media calling balls and strikes for every shot fired by American soldiers abroad. They take glee when some civilian gets killed so they scream "war crime".
As Gen Patton said, you do not help your country by dying, we are there to help the enemy die for their country instead.
Not a Trump or Hegshed supporter, but I absolutely agree the US military and by extension the American public lacks lethality. By that, America lacks an ethos to WIN and have victory as the goal. The majority of the public does not want to serve in the military, yet they want someone else to do it. Then throw rocks at them when things do not look good.
Our military goes to war with hands tied behind their back. Every shot/bomb/missile has to be vetted up the chain of command with a platoon of lawyers so it is legal. Then if some "innocent" gets killed all hell breaks loose and we throw the book at the soldier as a war criminal. All those "innocent" Gaza women and children are not so innocent. Children are schooled to kill Israelis and the women hid the weapons in their homes and take them up when they can.
You only go to war to win, or you do not go to war.
This is why the US does not win wars. Our enemies are not bound by rules.
I made the choice not to watch the TRump Show last night for my mental health and well-being. It's too much for me to listen to that #BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United States) stand there and lie. I just can't. I read my news these days and don't watch any mainstream media at all. I'm making my 5 calls to my representatives in Congress everyday, as well as leaving voicemails on a lot of Republican's office numbers I'm doing all that I am capable of doing to resist. My biggest fear is that we'll be unable to stop this madness in time. We're at the very edge of the abyss, and since the RepubliCons have all of the power right now, it going to take a full-blown, French-esque revolution to stop this runaway train, but I'm scared. I'm scared of the MAGAts with guns killing me while I'm protesting and most likely getting away with it. I don't want to die. This may sound ridiculous, but it's a very valid fear. A good friend had her car keyed and the back window smashed in because she had a small bumper sticker on her car that read "Are We Great Yet?". She's frightened, just like the rest of us, so exactly WHAT do we do to fight for our country without risking our lives?
Which I WHY our so-called leadership need to be articulating our fears and acting with some damn heft while WE'RE on the fucking streets.
I agree with everything you are saying, Megan, and share your fears. But when I read your last sentence, I thought the answer to your question is "find a WWII veteran to ask." There will be bloodshed. People will die defending democracy, IF a defence is mounted, which I'm not confident it will be. At least not now. Americans have never been challenged from within in this way, and it seems to me that the vast majority of us are frozen like deer in the headlights. They say of a soldier's death in the line of duty " they made the greatest sacrifice" or "they paid the ultimate price." Who among us has the courage to put our bodies on the line for what we believe? Who?? You know the old saw: "if you've ever wondered what you would've done in Germany in 1933, you're doing it now."
I get what you are saying. That being said, my father, uncles and brother were trained to fight in battle. I don't have that kind of training or the physical ability to do it. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and am suffering from an autoimmune disorder that hadn't reared it's ugly head in several years (since during the last TRump presidency!) and I just don't have the strength to do anything but make phone calls and talk with others about what's really going on. It's shocking to me how clueless so many people are to the danger we're in.😞
Thank you for doing what you are able! It is valued. Take good care.
I hope I didn't come off sounding like I was dismissing your fears or the important work you are doing every day! Each of us must contribute to the fight what we are able to, and it will take all of us who care. As Joyce Vance says, "We are in this together." I'm no good at making those phone calls, but I AM good at demonstrations and I'm thankful to have some money to spare to help fund the Resistance. If afforded the opportunity to do so, I could even throw a few Molotov cocktails!! Damn, that would feel good, wouldn't it? Stress can be a killer -- take good care and stay strong. Hugs. (( ))
THIS! I keep hearing from the Democrats how it’ll be all on the Republicans if they pass this awful budget that will hurt so many people. That doesn’t help! Our family are those people! Our adult daughter who is 32 and has autism, epilepsy and cognitive disabilities. We can’t afford her medication if she loses her SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. We are her primary caregivers and we aren’t getting any younger. I’m a cancer survivor with chronic issues as a result of treatment—lymphedema, etc.
YOU and your daughter are exactly who our goddam representatives need to wake up and defend.
EXACTLY! We are super proud of her. She has held the same part time job (15 hrs a week) as a dishwasher for 10+ years—at an assisted living facility for seniors. Another target by this administration—the seniors!
As well you should be proud! 😊 That’s awesome!
(Not the part about coming for the seniors. The part about her job.)
I agree with every damn word. And I am angry AF.
There already is blood. Centuries of it. There will be more, as “the shining city on the hill” BS is recognized for the failed rhetoric it is/was for far too many of us.
We still think we are somehow immune to it, Al.
We (too many of us) are children.
It's a good thing I'm already depressed, because there's really no other way to feel. We need (and I hate to use this word) a hero-leader to mobilize the people who can stand in Trump's way. It is apparent the people we've elected aren't up to the task, because ... well, who knows why? (THe Senate gym is a lot of fun?) Orwell didn't know the half of it,
"Orwell didn't know the half of it ..."
Just so well put.
No one person or entity is going to @save us”. Been there. Done that. Failed.
I listened to 100 minutes of self caressing fondle deflecting attention away from their loaded pistol. There is a robbery underway.
I just couldn't do it. My mental health is too important I get infuriated listening to that pig.
BLUF: We must create a hierarchical command, communication, coordination structure in order to divide labor efficiently, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts, and to clearly identify needs and available resources on an ongoing basis.
Conspicuously absent from most resistance-centered writing I observe is awareness and recognition of the inevitable collapse of institutions we rely on daily. These are associated with health care delivery, food/fresh water availability, shelter, communication systems, finance/banking, and defense/law enforcement mutual aid (including for undocumented migrants).
•One way to start is adding 1-3 cans of food to your shopping cart every trip, if possible.
•Add a couple of otc first aid items, like band-aids, cold/cough remedies, pain.fever reducers, etc.
•Try to establish a method for purifying water for drinking, also some kind of water collection.
•Once initiated, we can continue to enhance supply caches as able. Build from there.
•Freeze credit reporting.
•Try to establish a least a small cash reserve. Build from there.
These and other initial steps to hold on to our civilization, our values, our decency can seem daunting. Start small. Form alliances to pool resources and share expenses.
The most important initial steps if you've - like me - been a bit isolated the past few years are to consolidate networks with people.
Our country's absolutely being torn asunder. Let's organize, and act.
The time is now.
Nicely done.
I do see this wonderful community as a place like-minded patriots can assemble, lick our wounds, share helpful info like you have, and generally lean on each other.
If you've ever wondered what you would have done in Germany in 1933, you're doing it now.
I'm ALREADY in the streets! Where the hell is everyone else?
I am literally with you.
I very much appreciate it, D. Earl. So much.
I'm practicing my marksmanship...
John, you are a pitiable troll.
If it does lead to a bloody conflict, being armed and knowing how to use and aim your “handy tool” would be a really good idea. I didn’t take that previous comment as being from a troll
Thank you . I am an EU and US citizen , child of an Irish immigrant who came to the U.S. with parents when she was very young. Our Irish immigrant family thrived in Chicago and extended to New York, California and more recently California and expanded our learning, work and supports of others who came to the U.S.
It is so very sad and discouraging to hear and see the messages and leadership of Donald Trump. With the exception of Native American Indians, we are in many ways all immigrants to the United States.
We need to understand appreciate and move forward in constructive effective ways to become the changes we seek.
This must be part of our steps forward.