Thank you from a retired print reporter who often feels like she’s screaming into the abyss alone. First the NYT, now the Post is being handed over to a Murdoch acolyte. We are indeed in trouble.

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More than most people know. Thanks for your work beating the beat!

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I’m going to guess that you might even agree that the fact that these reporters think visiting a rural diner is as exotic and brave as visiting a rebel enclave in some remote region is a sad sign of what reporters have become. We always said when the press starts thinking they’re the gentry, they’re useless.

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<snort> I will say visiting that diner took a certain amount of bravery. We all know what those reporters were up against.

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Thank you for the much needed <snort>! Just wanted to let you know I posted a link to your Substack on Threads and Facebook (I didn't think you would mind).

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I appreciate you spreading the word! Many thanks!

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Nov 13, 2023
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"Jeez, the coffee just wasn't strong enough to defend itself...."

Tio Mitchito

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHearHere

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" We always said when the press starts thinking they’re the gentry, they’re useless."

Have you read and followed online discussion of Batya Ungar Sargon's book "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy?" Her sections on the observable and camouflaged effects on primary premises of reporters reporting (for whom?) as they change Identity Politics team\class colors from a few generations ago Newspaper Reporter being a blue collar job and for decades now of quantified and well-measured wealth concentration along with Wage (Slave) Stag-Nation and the corporate push for minimum wage workers to seek tax-payer food stamps to maintain minimum poverty level calorie counts is quite revealing.



Batya Ungar-Sargon on how journalism went woke

Meghan Murphy

23.6K subscribers

3,712 views Aug 1, 2022

"How did media and journalism become the domain of the elite? Why does liberal media only represent the ideologies, politics, and narratives of a tiny fraction of the population? What happened to reporting for the masses?"

"I spoke with Batya Ungar-Sargon — deputy opinion editor at Newsweek and author of "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy" — about these issues and more..."


Bad News: How Woke Media Undermines Democracy

UC Berkeley School of Law

7.72K subscribers

125,581 views Nov 23, 2021

A Program of the Antisemitism Education Initiative at UC Berkeley

Recorded November 18, 2021

"Conversation between Batya Ungar-Sargon, Deputy Opinion Editor of Newsweek, and Ethan Katz, Professor of History, UC Berkeley, as they dive into complex and controversial issues -- raised by Ungar-Sargon’s new book -- about American journalism and its role in shaping race, class, religion, and culture in America. Seeking to hold both the Left and the Right accountable, Batya takes issue with the “woke” media and the ways it has led the American public astray..."

I highly recommend broadening your Lakoff Frame of perception if not opening the Overton Window and letting in some fresh and relevant air!

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHearHere

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I haven't read it, but I will, thank you. I watched the change with a mixture of disgust and cynicism. We were fine being working class, we knew more about the world. And reporters should never hesitate to walk out when they know the news isn't being reported because they're afraid of losing their big salary and *Star* status. We had no interest in being the gentry, it costs too much, in too many ways.

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I haven't read it, but I will, thank you. I watched the change with a mixture of disgust and cynicism. We were fine being working class, we knew more about the world. And reporters should never hesitate to walk out when they know the news isn't being reported because they're afraid of losing their big salary and *Star* status. We had no interest in being the gentry, it costs too much, in too many ways.

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Wow, Earl, I cannot thank you enough for this brave piece of journalism that reminds me of what the art of journalism was in the past. And yes, it is an art that few can master well. I’m going to share this in a few places. Over the past few days, since that ridiculous NYT poll came out, a number of other people writing on Substack have addressed it. This is, however, the best takedown of the NYT that I have read thus far. One thing that continues to boggle my mind is this: Why on earth would any reputable news organization create fodder like this that could help to usher in a completely unhinged authoritarian? Do they somehow think that Trump as president (God forbid!) is going to save the newspapers that talked nice about him or helped Joe Biden to lose? To see my “hometown”newspaper turn into what it has become today is heartbreaking. (I’m a native New Yorker who moved to Colorado in my 20s.) For a long time, I went through a lot of trouble to find a Sunday New York Times to read each weekend. Last year, I canceled my online subscription because the signs of what you describe here were becoming apparent. I will never pay these people another penny for as long as they continue down this path.

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I speculated in the piece what The Times' motives might be, and none of them are grounded in the basic tenets of journalism.

They make me sick.

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Yes, you did speculate about these motives. I read this quickly, and I’m going to go back now and read it again more carefully. Thank you.

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Thank YOU, as always, Janet.

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I think you’re being too generous. I lost my faith in the Times 50 years ago over their coverage of the Vietnam War. My mother lost her faith 35 years before that over their coverage of the Spanish Civil War. The Times has always been dedicated to the interests of the corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and authoritarianism is just business as usual for them.

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I agree

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During the 2016 Presidential race, I kept waiting for the New York Times to publish all of the business fraud accusations against him, and all the times Cy Vance had refused to prosecute him for clear law breaking. The New York Times knew better than anyone what kind of dishonest businessman Trump was. But they stayed silent, too thrilled with "but her emails" to want to promote anything else. They could've had the scoops of a lifetime, but how could they come forward now and admit they wouldn't publish what they knew then? So they are forced into the position of Trump-whisperers ala Maggie Haberman. They forced themselves there.

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I have come to believe they did these things intentionally and mostly for the fucking money. You are right, they had the goods on the despicable Trump and decided to swallow 'em whole. I hope they choke to death, I really do.

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Mary Trump mentioned this shyster in her post today - Many are probably asking just who the hell Nate “the Con” Cohn is. Well, he is the asshat  journalist serving as the chief political analyst for "The Upshot" at The New York Times, with his reporting focusing on elections, public opinion, and demographics in the US.  What a fucking surprise that he just so happens to work for the New York Times turned newspaper tabloid sold at grocery store check out lines across the nation.

           He’s highlighted in her post.

“Nate Cohn’s analysis was par for the course: Democrats who helped secured wins for the party don’t like Joe Biden and he remains weak going into general elections season; therefore, Tuesday’s results change nothing.

          The perceived wisdom seems to be that, on the one hand, Republicans lost because Donald wasn’t on the ballot while Democrats won because Biden wasn’t on the ballot. Heads they win, tails we lose, forever and ever, amen.”

How do I feel about the Times?

Once upon a time, The New York Times used to be a symbol of truth, a beacon of hope in a world gone mad. But now, it's nothing more than a sellout, a puppet dancing to the tune of the orange-faced tyrant who defiled the White House.

Listen, let this soak in. The New York Times has lost its way. They used to be fearless, unafraid to call out the liars and cheats that infest our government. But now? Now they're in bed with the devil himself, glorifying every poisonous move that Trump makes.

Let me tell you, I'm bone weary, tired. Every single day, my rights are being stripped away by that obscene maniac who tainted the Oval Office. And what does The New York Times do? They give him the spotlight, like he's some kind of American hero.

It's sickening. It's disgusting. The New York Times used to be the voice of the people, the voice of resistance. But now they're just another cog in the machine, spewing out propaganda and lies to line their pockets.

I don't want feel-good stories, I want down and dirty truth. I want journalists who aren't afraid to speak truth to power, who aren't afraid to ruffle feathers and expose the rampant corruption that's eating away at our democracy.

But The New York Times? They've become nothing more than a foul mouthpiece for the insidious tyrant who started an insurrection. They've turned their backs on the American people, on the very principles that made this country great.

So, bankrupt The New York Times. Screw their headlines and their grifter clickbait. We deserve better. We deserve a media that fights for us, that tells the gods honest truth no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

Don't buy into their lies. Seek out alternative sources of truth telling news. Question everything. And most importantly, never forget that the power lies in our, the subscribers, hands. We have the ultimate power to demand better, to demand truth, and to direct the fight for the future we deserve.

So let's rise up! Let's reclaim the power of our voices and show The New York Times and all other rag sellouts that we aren’t going to settle for anything less than real, honest journalism. It's time to take back the all powerful truth.

How do you do that?  Cancel your subscription.  Don’t click on links for the Times.  Ignore their swill.

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Amen. The NYT has been dead to me for a few years now after 30 years of being an avid reader. I’m done. I gleefully canceled my subscription.

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This could not be a better description and likely epitaph for what the press, in general and the NYT/WAPO in specific have become. I have tried to find redeeming qualities for years, but design, recipes, travel are not enough to keep a subscription. What I crave are thoughtful, well-written pieces on the stories and events in the world. Opinions have a separate area if one chooses to peruse. However, corporate “opinions” have taken over “All the NEWS That Is Fit To Print”, with little concern for what America wants or needs. “Fair and Balanced Reporting”? What does that even mean now as the corporations chase dollars?! Worthwhile journalism is largely failing America just when we need it most. Sad times. (Thank goodness for Substack!)

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Couldn't have said it better. The Times still does certain things very well, though I want to see how they do 'em when Republicans come after a free press. Their stupidity and greed is breathtaking.

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Michelle Cottle’s Opinion piece today is a perfect example. Ugh. My math brain said “if.....then” at the start of the piece and immediately had to go to “if.....but”. Just infuriating! I wish these papers let the public vote on their writers’ pieces to put some realistic pressure on the ones who are regularly “out to lunch”. Instead, those of us who take the effort can only unsubscribe and regularly indicate “Do Better”.

The WAPO top piece in my email today? A very big “The untold story of a brief FBI inquiry into Biden’s golf club membership”. (Copy/pasted) Seriously? After Tuesday’s election news and last night’s ridiculous MSNBC “debate” this was the top story?! Do Better just is not enough.😡

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The same - want to see how the knuckle dragging MAGA imbeciles start howling at the moon when 5th Avenue Donald starts whacking away at their perceived " freedoms" and "privileges."

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On this note. Why does anyone pay Hugh Hewitt? He's a perpetual adolescent. Just nonsense.

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D Earl Stevens, Sam Ray, Dean Obeidallah,

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There are more professional investigative journalist than ever before. It’s just the pool is so crowded and polluted, they’re really hard to find.

Sarah Kendzior, Jennifer Cohn, Doug Simmons, Eric Gardner, Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, Kaz Weida,

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Great article, Earl. You are right. The media had so much fun covering trumps corruption they got used to the both sides crap and pushed it. That and Russian interference elected that orange shit bag traitor. Let’s not repeat that mistake.

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Thanks, Donna. Just incredible what is happening in that place.

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And it ain't just the NYT (though to see my favorite major paper fall so far is heartbreaking).

Why is it that all media has decided to play by the rules of a psychopathic circus peanut?

They don't have to.

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Who's money? That's the story

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The latest poll ended my fraught, frayed, frightening, love-hate, relationship with the New York Times.

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I get it. (obviously!)

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You said what I couldn't express properly, as a Canadian Subscriber to the Times, i have watched it Descend into the cess pool of modern Journalisim , inspired by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and his son.

Wanting to be King Makers, as opposed to News Organisations , News making instead of News Reporting .

I will be cancelling my Times Subscription.

Too bad Soo 😔

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It is too bad. I truly hate what they have (knowingly) become.

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PS: I cancelled last night

And I gave the reasons that we spoke about. nov 27th last day.

They offered 90% off

No Thanks

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I'd like to think it will help them get the damn message, but fear it won't. Either way, you sent the message, and I applaud you.

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I lost all respect for the Times when they gladly let Judith Miller grab the front page and endlessly lie us into a war that killed my son.

My son believed the lies and went to Iraq to die.

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I'm very sorry, Joe.

Those stories and that damn war were two of the most awful things I have seen, and we must never forget.


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Mr. Stephens THANK YOU for expressing how I've felt since that horrible day in 2004. They wanted to give me a consolation prize of a gold star. I told them to shove it. I wanted nothing to do with it. I kept hoping against hope that Dumbya and THE DICK would be held accountable for their war crimes but they got away with it.

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<shaking my head in disgust>

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I canceled my subscription to the NYT a few years ago and have never looked back. This is after reading it religiously for probably close to thirty years. I decided the WaPo had more integrity, but now that Bezos has put the Murdoch lackey in charge, I may be canceling that subscription too. News whether print, TV or online is all a profit center instead of loss leader now. Clicks, hits, bucks...that’s it. I found the NYT poll appalling and ridiculous as well. For instance only 610 respondents in the state of GA which has 10,000,000 people? Give me a break. We are in trouble.

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You better believe we are.

I am taking a little heart, though, that the attack on the Times is turning into a chorus.


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Mr. Stephens... While running for the office of president, at a political rally in Buffalo NY I attended back in 2000, Ralph Nader pointed to the rapid consolidation of newspapers / news organizations and warned that the monopolistic goals of the elites would have the far reaching ill effects that you brilliantly articulate concerning the NY Times. Thank you for your continued efforts to shine a light on the darkness.

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This has been an unfortunate reality since I began my newspaper career in the early-80s, William, and we all suffer for it.

In the Times' sad case, there is something far more nefarious at play. Publishing news about themselves -- news they know to be dangerous conjecture -- is extraordinarily dangerous.

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Mary Trump has been yelling the word from the rooftops - incipient fascism is active throughout our country. Misinformation and pain are fanning the fires of the electorate's ignorance.

We must remember Tommy Tubervill's stock campaign speech about how proud he was of his father, who volunteered in WW II, to go off to Europe to fight the communists; that's right, to fight the communists. 'Nuff said...

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I’m going to share this with my daughter, a fairly recent graduate of Cronkite/ASU. She is working in local news now in Huntsville. She told me when she was in school that professors often talked about integrity of word and triple checking one’s sources. I have shared memories with her of “the father of news” and Walter’s daily 6:00 reports, how important and trusted his reporting was back in the day. I think she feels determined to represent accurately. And I have faith in this next generation.

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It was a far, far different media landscape back then, as you know, Suzanne, but one thing that should have never changed, but did, was commitment to accuracy and integrity. If/when you lost either one of those things, you were done. In the Times' case, I believe it is somehow even worse: they are intentionally driving a faulty narrative -- the highest crime of all.

Congrats to your daughter. I am heartened she is pursuing this noble career. Huntsville's a big DoD town, so I'll bet there's all kinds of juicy stories to pursue. If she ever wants to bend my ear, she can reach me offline. -Cheers

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So generous of you, Earl! Thank you so very much! 💙

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You-betcha. Be my pleasure.

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You may have read it, but a friend of mine is the author of this book on the topic. https://www.thegrayladywinked.com/

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