Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Look at the senate race in Missouri!!! Lucas Kunce could take out deadbeat Josh Hawley!!!

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I've donated to Kunce's campaign several times and he's gathering lots of support 👍

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Another race that could be do-able with DSCC assistance. That miserable little twerp Hawley is not well-liked.

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That's an understatement! Hawley is despised by a lot of people in Missouri and it's way past time to kick him to the curb. Fingers crossed!🤞🤞🤞

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I’m feeling pretty good about this state. I hope the blue dots there, who work their tails off, see some successes.

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I came here to say pretty much the same thing. I really think the Harris campaign needs to give some love and attention to Missouri over the next month. Jess Piper has been writing about this in her Substack. There is also a reproductive rights amendment on the Missouri ballot, not to mention that Hawley is a total piece of crap. The Democratic Party in Missouri may constitute a smaller number of people than the Republicans, but those folks are fierce.

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

PREACH!!! I think Allred and Mucarsel-Powell each have an equal shot at sending Cruz and Scott (the two lost reviled Senators in modern history) HOME.

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I really love Debbie.

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18 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

And I really like Colin Allred. Former NFL player and Civil Rights Attorney will be a tremendous improvement in the Senate.

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So do I.

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I live in a small rural county that is 55% red. No reason it can’t be flipped, if national Democrats decided to come by and listen and engage. At least our state Democratic candidates are stepping up here. I dream of the day that a Presidential bus tour drives through Michigan along the west coast.

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It's all right there in front of us.

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From my understanding, the Harris campaign is focusing on the swing states because they are a must win for this election. I have to agree with that strategy. Harris has physically campaigned in several rural areas of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. I've also read that a lot of TV ad campaigns are being aired in small, rural areas, both in red and swing states. I know that the Lincoln Project has spent millions airing ads on Fox News and elsewhere. I truly believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are going to win this election, and win by a lot. Their strategy is so far working, so we just have to get behind them, cheer them on and support them the best we can. #VoteALLBlue2024 🇺🇲

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m tired of being trapped in the path of the MAGA buzz saw. May the Blue Wave ensure Harris’ victory and that of the senate and House . I hope Dems are still helping out Tammy Baldwin too. Texts from her campaign talk of donation goal shortfall. In his Koffee Klatch earlier Robert Reich said we have 37 days left in the garden of good and evil, and was worried about the polls being so close. I am sending out 100 flyers in Eau Claire WI via Field Team 6 right now and will try door to door canvassing with the Human Rights Campaign next weekend. Everyone keep working hard and God willing our work will pay off.

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Right on. This is how shit gets done.

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Just learned about something else that scares the hell out of me: sinister efforts of the right to call a Constitution Convention under Article V to rewrite our U.S. Constitution into Project 2025. There are two ways they are actively working to make this happen - frighteningly even this next year. (1) They take control of enough State Legislatures to call the Convention - and they are getting closer each year OR (2) Take control of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate (which could happen this year) and pass legislation to call the Convention. And if they make it happen there will be next to NO guard rails to stop them from doing almost anything they want. This would throw America into absolute turmoil as Americans will see their rights, freedom, and liberty stripped from them to be replaced by a right wing agenda ruling America. Vote Blue up and down in every state!

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Great advice, Earl. Unfortunately, as you know, the antiquated Electoral College means the time and attention are focused on the swing states. The time and effort to go to deep red areas are not seen as worthwhile. Maybe after she wins she can do what you said.

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THe Electoral College is the primary reason that elections in the USA are not Democratic. What other nation in the world doesn't rely on the national popular vote to determine the winner in an election for the presidency???? AND we would get rid of a lot of those MAGA election winner deniers trying to substitute their electors for the the ones already in place in a state. MUST GET RID OF IT ASAP!!!!!!

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We must take House, Senate and WH to get rid of Filibuster do away with electoral college. Just like SCOTUS Reform adding to them. I say if we can have House & Senate Impeach 3 Justices Alito Thomas and Kavanagh the last two should’ve never been allowed on Courts. It’s sickening extreme right wing BILLIONAIRE Leonard Leo is even involved in choosing These slimy Republicans. They made deals DJT to rid Of Roe vs Wade. I am sicken by every single Red state attacking women. It’s disgusting how Rep want to go back to early 1900 where women and minorities are 2 class. This is from these right wing extremist rich bored sicko.

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Exactly. That's the truth!

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Yep. Grew up in that rural red part of America. Used to get uneasy, when taking driving trips back through parts of it to visit family, about how decrepit the formerly pretty little towns were becoming; and began worrying about how rural family & their friends were making it during farming turndowns & small industries leaving the rural area, etc. And then some found their orange god who told them they’d all be okay if they followed him & hated his opponents plus those he’d “othered” for his own evil gains. My closest relatives are still those blue dots in those rural red areas fighting hard for decency. Hope the national Democratic Party can give rural Democrats a helping hand.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

At least Democrats are actually doing something to help rural America instead of just promising it. Biden has done so much for small towns, including getting internet out to the rural communities so they can have access to information and possible job leads. He has also tried to concentrate infrastructure money to areas that are sorely lacking in good-paying jobs, where the infrastructure is literally crumbling.

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Go Dems!!!💙🇺🇸😎

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Yes great advice and I just donated to Debbie to help defeat Rick Scott💙💙💙💙

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I've been donating as much as I can to candidates around the USA, to keep the Senate and flip the House. I live in California, where we are reliably blue, so I don't give nearly as much to my California representatives as I do other places! There are a lot of wealthy donors funding the California reps.

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Good job Megan, good thinking. I looked up the five most vulnerable Dem senators and gave to their campaign. I think I spent more money this year in donations than any other year. Boy, has it overwhelmed my texts and inbox. I've been canvassing for roughly 1.5 months here, NC for dems. The volunteer turnout in NC is superb, a massive amount of work is going on. My dream is to turn this purple state Blue this year. Good luck all us Dems.

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As a Floridian hostage to republican maniacs in the statehouse, and senate, and office of the AG, who just ruled it was totally cool that Deathsantis use public money to run ads against amendment 4, despite their being laws against it, I hope you are right.

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I do, too!

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Agreed. It will take time but the dem playbook is shifting. The majority of the $ and jobs from major legislation passed by Biden-Harris-congressional dems is going to red states. The DNC and red state dems are no longer ceding rural red areas to repubs without a fight. They are contesting more elections that ever - Florida dems are contesting every race in Florida for the first time in decades. Tim Walz is the poster-boy for rural America. He really seems to be able to make himself heard because he’s lived it and he gets it. Dems are fielding great candidates for the most part, and republican candidates basically suck. Reasonable republicans have been primaried out by MAGA crazies. It took a long time to get to this horrible state of affairs and it will take time to get back on track but I really think we’re headed in the right direction. As the VP says, when we fight we win. And if we win, and then we deliver more of what the Biden-Harris admin has started, that’s the future you envision. Me too.

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"Dems are fielding great candidates for the most part ..."

Yes they are, Becky. And I'm not even sure we need the "for the most part" qualifier.

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24 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

You're right. The quality of dem candidates at all levels is astonishing. So many amazing people stepping up.

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Excellent piece 💙

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Thank you.

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22 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Hello, Earl World friends! Lots of positive mojo about Kamala winning, and God if we could take all three … make some great changes.

Was it Lindsey Graham who said, « If Ted Cruz were murdered on the Senate floor, and the trial were held in the Senate, there would be no conviction »? He could soon be gone, baby, gone.

Dropped my ballot in the mail today. Adopted some voters in PA and GA through Vote Forward. It’s crunch time. Shit. Scared/excited.

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Crunch time it is, Lorraine!

Now we WIN.

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Sep 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

You are not wrong, that’s for sure. I’m so tired of Republican Governors, Senators, and Congressional representatives taking credit for all the good things that Biden/Harris have delivered.

And all the political shock-jock jerks like Limbaugh trace back to the 80’s and the end of the fairness doctrine.

That’s the thing I feel the Democrats are missing - the long term strategy. Since Reagan, Republicans have been slowly working to take over state legislatures, the judicial system, and the media. We need a long term strategy to take it back.

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Earl...you left out North Carolina!!!! I have been working with Anderson Clayton, DEM State Party Chair in NC and she thinks it's going to happen...Jost Stein/ running for Governor has a great shot to win...considering his MAGA Repug oponent, Robinson!...and the groups in NC have been working non stop on the ground to make this happen. So please don't take your eye off of NC!!!!!

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I'm in Carolina. Nobody's taking their eyes off it. I fully expect Harris to win here.

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I've been keeping up with what's going on at the state and federal levels in North Carolina and the Blue Train is doing great!

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6 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

NC volunteers and Anderson Clayton are amazing!

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24 hrs agoLiked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’ve witnessed and have lived through many Presidential elections. I will NEVER forget (and forgive) most of the corporate media outlets on how they so blatantly skewed vital information this election cycle to protect Trump.

If it weren’t for Earl Stephens & other Substack writers, MSNBC, smaller privately owned news sources, grassroots Democrats and leaders in Wash DC… this year it truly feels like David and Goliath.

If Harris/Walz win, it will be by the Grace of God… telling this country **I spared you this time. I might not do it again.**

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Agree, Gundy.

It will also be because of the amazing energy on the ground by folks who truly love their country.

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