Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

GOP thinks this is reality tv. The uglier it gets the higher the ratings. What they forgot was that the country isn't getting paid its share of royalties and wants out. They've jumped the shark and have adopted the Russian tactical maneuver of take no survivors. Someone needs to firehose these clowns.

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Sadly, sooner or later the GOP is going to have to be labelled as a terrorist organization.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am glad you included the spineless, submissive, ass kissing, treasonous, racist, misogynistic, guns for all republican party in your condemnation.

This all could’ve been stopped if only they had done their damn jobs and removed TFG from office.

I’m not sure who’s done more damage to our country. TFG or Moscow Mitch McConnell. (With a side helping of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society)

It may take a decade or so but I hope they both live long enough to witness the destruction of their party.

TFG from a jail cell.

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Yes please.

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How’s this for sentencing: 20 years in prison. After 6 months President Harris commutes his sentence to M-A-L confinement with no internet access, no public appearances, no press. Oh yeah! And no dyes or “man tan.” No call ins to Faux news morning shows. Talk about Hell…….and he isn’t a martyr.

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I could live with that as long as his sorry bloated ass gets confined while the inevitable appeals gets processed.

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Oh yeah, and during his 6 months confinement his roomie would be a guy named Rocco who makes him wear a dress (orange) and fetch cigarettes for him.

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Well said. It can't happen soon enough.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Malignant narcissists trying to rule always seem to end up at the same violent destination.

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And in the case, drag an entire reprehensible political party with them ...

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

True but from a CNI perspective, trump is the GOP's inevitable result, not the cause.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The truth is that the Bloated Yam and Vance are like many racists in America: they want to see blacks waiting on tables, cooking dinner, cleaning the house, shining shoes, hitting home runs, singing songs, giving "personal services"...and in handcuffs.

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And every evidence of their talent, intellectual capacity, class, educational achievements, is taken personally, as if an affront to their white supremacist sensibilities.

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Yeah, because some mythical ancestor was in AP Hill’s Light Division at Antietam on September 17, 1862, (today) they are entitled to own slaves, including a Kerry Washington look-alike in the bedroom.

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They feel entitled to their own slaves because they are white, regardless of the AP Hill ancestry. I live in Upstate New York and I see plenty of pickup trucks with the Confederate flag on the back window or on a pole billowing off the back. Since a lot of these folks consider a trip to Albany as visiting The Big City and live on the same farm or in the same house as generations of their family did, it’s pretty likely that if their eighth-generation ancestor fought in the Civil War, they fought for the Union.

At this point the Confederacy is a state of mind much more than a physical place. Regardless, it’s ugly.

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Very true.

I'm sure that those people you cope with in upstate New York only know of the world what Fox News, Alex Jones, OAN, and the Bloated Yam tells them.

Americans are generally not familiar with their own family pasts, beyond immediate grandparents. They might not know their ancestors fought in the Union Army to end slavery, or even care.

They probably loathe Jews as much as they hate blacks.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

We are not going back. Folks are exhausted. They are tired of this hateful rhetoric from a man who tells them how much he hates this country and its people.

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Agree completely, Susan.

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I can only repeat what Governor Walz asks: Who asked for this? Who wants this?

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

After Scott Jennings said this that Dems need to tone it down & stop saying it will be the end of democracy the poem arose

Scott Jennings where have you been these past


Did you miss Trump’s rantings and forget his frequent smears

All his vile mendacious rhetoric

When he speaks it is like an emetic

Now Loomer then Manafort Stone and Bannon

Each of these a loose wrecking ball cannon

You can tell about someone by the company th ey keep

From you Mr Jennings I don’t want to hear another peep

Your head’s in the sand

By 81 million he’s been canned

He’s not worth defending

And yes to Project 25 our future he’s bending

He lies about everything and praises


Time to put the cruel man out on a shelf

This is a the time to put country first

Because to America Trump is a curse

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you… this is domestic terrorism.

And a preview of the police state that the Repugnant Republicans of today want the US to be.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Clearly (to me!) those calling in bomb threats to public schools and government offices / buildings are committing hate crimes directed towards members of the Haitian community and threatening their local allies. Aren’t hate crimes federal offenses? Agreed this is domestic terrorism. How can we help the people and leaders of the Springfield community? How can the DoJ or FBI? This cannot become a pattern of intimidation replicated in other places!

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We help them by letting them know we see them, and what is happening.

Mostly we do it by VOTING and turning that vote out ....

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There are some local stories in Springfield (newspaper and local news) that the one Haitian restaurant there was packed all weekend. They had a community peaceful parade/protest today and people have put signs in their windows. People have also expressed interest in future events. Sounds like they are making something good out of a horrendous situation.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As I’ve said for years - Make America Great Again - is code for when American Women were property, American immigrants were kept in poverty, and black Americans were slaves. That actually IS the GOP platform.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

When he came down his stupid escalator with that sophomoric slogan like he was selling deodorant or light beer, I thought surely nobody would take it seriously…

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Earl, I agree with you. I was just thinking yesterday (after hearing what JD Vance said over the weekend, about making up the stories he’s telling) that the hate and discord he and trump are spewing could and should be considered terrorism. They are endangering a whole community; men, women and CHILDREN!!

It’s utterly ridiculous, disgusting and shameful something like this can happen here. They are a sickness that’s destroying our country and we need to VOTE.THEM.OUT!

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And, as always, our press pretty much ignores it, and certainly doesn't give it the heft it deserves.

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I try to understand- what is their motivation, hidden or knowingly?

Either way, such a Profile In Cowardice.

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Maybe Vance thinks he’s spinning allegories, not lying. I’m surprised he hasn’t used that excuse..,….maybe because the Trump cult would be all twisted up trying to picture a guy spinning alligators.

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I think Vance was a career fabulist and liar like George Santos. I think the (R) people felt he could provide cover and assist for tRump, he agreed but was way out of his depth and is now doggie paddling with all his might. I think this will all fail.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

They live by the sword may they die by the sword they have created. A curtain of lies untruths!!!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks again for saying so well what many of us think and feel. Corporate media is hopeless, and yet - I'm sensing a shift in the zeitgeist, namely: Fewer people are paying attention to their bullshit. The sun is breaking through. Joe Rogan (!) praised Kamala to the skies on his podcast and laughed at Trump. She's only four points behind Trump in Iowa, compared to Biden, who was down eighteen. Florida is in play or getting bluer. For the past few days, Marjorie Taylor Green has been the voice of reason. Change is afoot. Corporate media is a lagging indicator. They'll catch up or be made irrelevant.

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Agree, Ann. They are underestimating us, and they will FEEL us in November.

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I wonder. For many election cycles/ decades we have grown increasingly disgusted with them and outspoken about it. They have doubled down. I don't think we have punished them enough (or for long enough) to inspire a change of course at the corporate level. I think failing to support them financially and not going back even after they start to behave better is what it takes. They need to fall hard and become injured before we provide a net. We cannot reward micro improvements.

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They need to be called out or ignored until they get their act together and do their jobs!

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There was a time when Maggie Haberman was an honest reporter and not a tRump shill

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Harris and Biden need to address the nation. We need to see their sanity, compassion, and resolve.

A message of unity in rough times. And a welcoming to those feeling frightened, unsettled, and alone. Offering shelter and a way through chaos.

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Yes, excellent idea. The nation needs steady, reasoned voices to tamp down some of the fear and anxiety. The troublemaking magas are not in the majority. The rest of us need assurance from the top that they are aware and prepared - and willing and able to act within the rule of law - before the election. Springfield won’t be the end of trump/vance/maga and their reprehensible hate.

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I think the strategy is to let these people light themselves on fire and not to rush to the scene with a fire extinguisher. It is hard to balance that strategy with the exercise of compassion for the non arsonists in the group. They can do it - will do it when there is a good opening. I trust them.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

It seems to me that there are several entities that could prosecute trump and vance for this. I don’t understand why it isn’t being done

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Been wondering the same thing since January 6, 2021.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Well said, as always sir.

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Thanks, Lee.

Please call me, Earl. I work for a living.

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Sep 17Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Trump is the true “ enemy of the people”. Period.

The corporate media has its faults, for sure, many of them. However, theirs are mostly sins of omission.

Their intentions are not fully malevolent.

Trump, on the other hand, indulges in purposeful malicious intentional sins of omission and commission.

He is the enemy of the people, a domestic terrorist, and after voted out of society in a free and fair election, he must be relegated to the dustbin of history and spend the rest of his life behind bars.


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He is the master gaslighter.

(And a big asshole.)

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The corporate media are looking at the bottom line. Journalists have to decide if they like having a job. Can’t blame them so much, really. It’s always the money.

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Well, Tom, I understand the bigger picture thinking about bottom line, as you suggest; however, I still think it’s an individual choice for journalists how far they want to stick their necks out in service and tribute to their storied profession.

Just ask Chris Wallace who was ousted by FOX ( he actually left but that was because the writing was on the wall), or Brian Stelter from CNN, whose show Reliable Sources was cut due to the vocal nature of his investigative reporting.

I wonder what message would be received by citizens if journalists walked out en masse at news conferences/coverages the minute a lie was brought to the attention of Trump/Vance and they doubled down instead of doing the mature thing and own the mea culpa?

Probably sounds like a naive pipe dream, but what have we got to lose at this point except the persistent bad feelings associated with living in a very emotionally sick and unstable culture?

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