Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m still motivated if no one else is motivated. I don’t care about what anyone else is doing because as long as I and we put in the collective effort to save the world, anything’s possible. 💙🇺🇸💙!

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With you 100 percent.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you, sir. Thank you for everything.

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Call me, Earl, please.

I work for a living.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Got it! Thanks for the clarification, Earl.

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As you know, an Earl is a title of monarchy. Technically, the correct form of address is 'your Grace' or 'My Lord Earl' ;o) There are working Royals!


All frivolity aside, great article, thank you. The fight back has begun I read. AOC will post articles of impeachment after 4th July, and already there is a $10 million 'fighting fund'


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I'm with you. I'm only semi old at 59, but I have two daughters and a grandson. Not only will I stand up for this country, even more so I will stand up for them, and my neighbors and all the other people I love. I honestly think there are many more of us who actually had good teachers who taught us something comment even if a lot of us weren't listening at the time. We knew this could happen, we just didn't think it could happened here. I think those of us who know will begin coming out now, because we have to. I have been busy working behind the scenes until now. I will be a lot more seen and heard and perhaps a little less polite about it.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Seems like most of America is happy to trade in Biden for Trump. Oh JOY! Let the Republicans take over ruling all of America? Cut out all business regulation, Cut off funding public universities. Cut off public education, give it to religious wackos. Who needs Interstate Highways? or safe airlines? Let drug companies do what they want! See all the good things Republican majorities in Florida and North Carolina are cutting out. If you want wackos bringing on a deep recession, epidemics, and mass bankruptcies, then rejoice in the Democratic chaos. Talk to me next year about how happy you are with daily forced church attendance, cesspool hospitals, poisoned food, air and water, and pray about it.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The corrosive effects of right wing media have surely advanced all the positions you mentioned, to the point of many people voting against their own interests. You're right- should all these things come to pass, those that supported it may find it's not what they thought. Sic transit gloria Americana

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They have no foresight, not even the politicians.

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If Democracy loses in November, 2025 will truly be the year America died. I don't think people truly appreciate what we have because of the people who fought the fight. I foresee apathetic people suddenly become interested when women are fired, no more elections, and crime quadruples. No more freedom, all because they couldn't be bothered to leave their chairs.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If it all goes to shit in November, I want to at least know I did all I could. Here’s a way to combat the despair by taking action! Handwritten Postcards have been proven effective. Here’s some sites I’ve had good experiences with: Seniors Taking Action: https://seniorstakingaction.org Field Team 6: https://fieldteam6-partners.herokuapp.com Postcards to Swing States: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/

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Perfect, Kym.


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Jul 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I have my first 200 finished. I did them alone but you can do them with other people. But even alone I took an hour each day for 7 days. There are plenty more available both for federal and state races. Not that I'm done with my first set I will be asking for more. (When can do as few as 100). Welcome

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I’m finishing up my TX batch and will sign up for another round. Also organizing a small PC party De Waltz You are an inspiration!

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As are you. I text to type and it changes. I hope people understood I meant you can do as few as 100 and be helpful. I have time to do more, and am ready for the next set now

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I write mine!!

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Lawyers Defending American Democracy! LDAD.org

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I’m writing postcards to voters in PA. Postcards to Swing States.

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I’m writing 200 PCs to Texas through the same organization Paula.

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Kym, I'm writing them too....it makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING!!!

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Mailed my latest batch

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

You know who's cheering yesterday's decision by the corrupted court?

Thousands of right wing preachers and millions of right wing Xtians who want to force their religion on us.

But who is REALLY cheering yesterday's decision by the corrupted court?





Le Pen


And other fascists around the world.


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“Nigel Farage,” for looking him up in Wikipedia or otherwise

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am more than motivated to ensure everyone I know is registered to vote, I will help anyone who needs a ride to the polls, I’m applying to be a poll worker. As I live and breathe… DJT will never be the king that those 6 MAGA justices sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court want him to be.

To ALL Americans — get off your butts and do everything y’all can to ensure our democracy doesn’t go down in flames!

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Attaway, Annette!

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Jul 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

In Nebraska, I also applied to be a poll worker but haven't heard anything.

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Thank you! Keep us updated.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The New York Times will not save us.

The Washington Post will not save us.

The Los Angeles Times will not save us.

CNN will not save us

MSNBC will not save us.


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But at least MSNBC tells us more of what’s going on than the other channels so we can go out and fight the good fight.

(And thank God for the Substacks with their fingers on the pulses gathering so much together for consideration, thinking, analysis, bucking us up if not also solace and a shoulder to cry on.)

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am writing postcards and volunteering for the local Democratic Party, but I have to say I don’t have a lot of hope. I am SO angry--no--ENRAGED at the Court for rewriting the Constitution! How Dare They!! I am even more enraged at our fellow Americans: gutless wonders who are so stupid as to allow themselves to be conned by a reality TV host. I mean, how gullible can you get? Are they completely blind or just fucking morons? Willing to throw away our great country for a 2 bit criminal. They are all traitors.

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We are going to win. And we are going to win because of people like you, Linda.

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My gut tells me we are going to win. I believe there are many more of us who understand what's going on, or have already been burned by it. I think we have been quiet and trying to be respectful of others and so we don't sound hateful in our loudness. So I believe we have all the people that we have had in the past plus on top of them we have former Trump voters who know better now but are afraid to say it out loud either because people at their church will know, or the other maga they know we'll find out, and most sorry, they have been yelled at by those of us who knew better already the first time. Don't scare off the people who are voting with us by jumping on them about who they might have voted for last time.

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Very true. I just ask people questions, let them speak. Let them know what they don't know. Hope for the best.

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Equally enraged here too!after Supreme Court increased both the Imperial Court’s powers —No more Chevron Doctrine, for e.g., and its rubber stamping ability of a King President’s criminal actions.

As to those supporting the former reality star hosts possible Coronation, some are completely blind, some are fucking morons, some are both, some simply as evil, deliberate and power-mad to be hangers-on to King Trump.




-King Trump


-Concentration Camps


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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I notice that most of the people railing against Biden are former or current republicans or right leaning independents. They are the new “people in the PA diner”.

I get it, it’s not a great situation to be in for we the democrats but it is what it is and I don’t appreciate republicans and independents telling us what to do.

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They are gutless, worthless, and most of all, responsible of getting us in this mess in the first place.

They can politely shove it.

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Jul 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️


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Republicans and independents who oppose Trump are the people the Democrats need to win over. If Biden can’t do that, the Democrats need to pick another candidate.

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And the minute that unknown person is named it will be an all out media crush to discredit and destroy said unknown person. Rinse, repeat.

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There would certainly be a lot of interest and a lot of free publicity.

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So the swing voters in a diner in PA are going to be enthused, energized and motivated by Kamala Harris? Gavin Newsom? Both from the evil, liberal CA?

Amanda Carpenter, a Republican and hardcore fighter against T—-p says frequently that the largest coalition in this country is the Anti-T—-p coalition.

I personally don’t know who the perfect candidate to run against him is but I am confident in the largest coalition of regular people in this country to vote for democracy.

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I think they would be more enthused if the menu has more than just Harris and Newsom on it.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Truer sentiments have not been expressed. Now in my sixties, I never thought our union would be headed down the rabbit hole to authoritarianism, all because of the pernicious vanity of one man.

Too many of our fellow citizens are ignorant of history's lessons of previous despots and users,

who manipulated their own brand of useful idiots and gullible bigots. This never ended well for the nations in question; most ended up in smoking ruins before building anew with a revamped appreciation for responsible government. We must return our national conscience to rational

thought and replicate Lincoln's "new birth of freedom" for the "government of the people, by the people, for the people" and banish the extremism that has brought us here.

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RESIST!!! NO to:

-King Trump,


-Concentration Camps, -Tyranny

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What's important to remember is trump is a puppet of the people like Kevin roberts and others. He hears power, sycophants etc and they know they can control him. He would never have been elected without the foaming at the mouth haters. He gave them approval. They gave him the country.

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Yes, not to mention Putin, the biggest manipulator of all

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I Love Good Trucks

I love good trucks

I love good women

Love God in heaven

I'll vote for Joe

It's just that simple

Save Miss Liberty

Save the economy

And vote clean air

A clock is ticking

Could be a bomb

Lying in the courtyard of

The American dream

I love the music

That history sings

All the stories

Passed down the years

This old house

Needs some remodeling

But that's no reason

To tear it down

I love good trucks

I love good women

Love God in heaven

I'll vote for Joe

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am with you and Biden all the way.

The NYT put out another major hit piece today....

They are fully committed to destroying out country....

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They are whores to the patriarchy.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The MSM is mostly comprized of crazed maga allies paid by their billionaire owners to replace President Biden with a different Dem candidate.

We can't be duped into playing their game. President Biden will beat trump easily if we stand together and they know it.

So, Job 1 is to win together, or choose to lose divided and discouraged by maga operatives.

Let's get this done, and trump can be gone for good.

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While we must vote and remember that there are more of “Us” Dems than “Them” MAGA’s, ultimately the election will play out in only 5-7 battleground states and on the margins because of the electoral college and we will succeed or fail almost despite our hard and purposeful work because of the schemes of the corrupted Court enabled by decades of Billionaires, evil-doers and criminally amorals, bigots and Plan 2025 types.

While we MUST Resist and Fight, it sure is depressing and anxiety-making.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am focused on Biden winning Some people who I once thought heros to me have fallen from grace Only Mika and Lawrence have spoken for you CNN moderators did nothing to stop the vile lies spewing from Trump’s mouth

Trump slept with Stormy and said losers and suckers 10 commandment hah!

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This compromised Supreme Court just overturned one of basic pillars on which our country was founded. Our soldiers fought and died by the millions to stop the fascist dictators that this Supreme Court just empowered the American Presidency with - Mussolini and Hitler had absolute immunity. How did that work out for their populations?

Both Trump, this Supreme Court and the MAGA Republicans are a Clear and Present Danger to this country.

They will not accept the results of a fair election.

The Supreme Court will rule with their masters - the Republicans.

Trump will attempt to use the military against his opponents. He has already been publishing a list.

We have a 21st century Hitler who plans to take control of the most powerful military in the world as a result of an attack from within,

So - what are we the people going to do about it?

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Unfortunately, Trump was raised by his Dad to be exactly what he is. Many’s the account I have read that his Dad used to say to him when he was a young boy that he’s a King so his arrogance and power-acquiring & wielding attitudes were bred into him.

Many’s the account of his Dad not only having been involved in KKK and/or Nazi rallies in the 1920’s, but also that he’d been arrested in connection with one.

Both Dad & Son DJ Trump were sued by the Federal Government in the 1970’s for a planned, including with “codes” on the books to show who was White and who Black— not ad hoc— scheme to refuse to rent to Black Americans in their apartment complexes.

All of DJ Trump’s own odious other schemes are in his own “poisoned blood” and are not one of his famous “marketing and branding schemes”.

For example, it’s also been noted that Fred Trump’s own Dad left Germany to escape paying taxes and I think I read that out West he also became involved in one or more brothels. (And originally, their family name “Drumf” or “Drumph” so they were consciously hiding their crimes.)

I am trying hard not to be depressed and anxious, but useful: as a lawyer I am a member of LDAD, “Lawyers Defending American Democracy”. We’ve been involved in the effort to have Giuliani, Eastman, and Chesbro disbarred. We were successful yesterday when Giuliani, a former US Attorney in NY, was kicked out as a lawyer in NY!

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Whatever we must.

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Exactly my sentiments. Thank you for speaking out loud and clear. People are befuddled. Some don't remember or know how government by the people works. This is our moment. Are we going to let Khrushchev's shoe smack us into the stratosphere or are we going to come together in a united fight to save this imperfect democracy? There will be no second chance...this is not a rehearsal. We lead the free world. If we go down, the rest will follow. There will be no one to pick us up. We are all Biden surrogates. We fall. We get up. There is only this.

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Jul 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Excellent. I came out of a cushy retirement that ladies who lunch long for. Trips or excursions every three months with 60 something friends. A trip to the Masters practice tee. Movies and a great YMCA. Unlimited travel as a retired flight attendant. And on whatever day in 2015 when the devil announced I got planted on my sofa/office and found Earl Stephens on Twitter who I silently followed until Elon. I wrote postcards to voters for seven years. I got my closest confidant on text in 2017. She is the daughter I never had. We wrote one million postcards for Ossoff and Warnock and changed the outcome in 2021 and 2022. We wrote 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 when I quit to pursue other opportunities and we are writing now. We went from 17 writers to 150,000 in all fifty states. You all in this community can do something. Get on You Tube Threads and tik tok. Pay attention. Four months to make this like George Floyd. I am with Earl forever.

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You are the absolute BEST, Mary.

I truly love and admire you. You are an inspiration.


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I read on social media and amplify other creators. I do not create. Elon destroyed Twitter for me. I do not watch or read ANYTHING from the (GOPkkk). I am very careful about engaging bots and trolls. I rarely comment and I read all day. I have quit watching MSM and have gone to Substack. It is private.

You were always a quiet voice of reason in the noise that was Twitter. You did not make rash statements. I worked on campaigns from state supreme courts like in Wisconsin to senate races all over the country. I have worked in or visited 47 out of fifty states and been to eight countries. I didn’t travel that much out of the country because I flew domestic. So postcards nationwide was the all consuming for me get out the vote and we did. We are ATL Georgia based and started in 2017. We have never taken our foot off the gas pedal thru the whole Trump presidency and covid. We elected Biden Harris. So don’t get discouraged Earl in these dark days. I am older than you and have been around more blocks than you went around in the Navy. We will pull out of this and win like we did in 2020. We are the Calvary.

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Jul 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you! 👍♥️🙄

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Jul 2Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As always Earl I respectfully admire your passion for democracy. Well done my friend. Thank you for your service too.

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Thanks for the kind words, Kristin.

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Jul 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

You’re welcome. I do believe you’ve got some miles left in the tank!!

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