Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

President Biden held a rally in NC today. The crowd was boisterous and no one wants to even consider replacing the President. Everyone is still 110% all in for Joe Biden!

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I mentioned this, Catherine. -Thanks

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m even more in for Joe than ever. The contrast was never more stark. Last night I saw two men. On stage left I saw an elderly man who was sick with a head cold. On stage right I saw another elderly who is cold and sick in the head. I’ll take the one with the head cold every day, all day long. And I am sick to death of Democrats pissing their pants over a bad debate four months and one week from Election Day as if it was one week and four days from Election Day. As Senator Fetterman said earlier today, “Everyone needs to just chill the FUCK out, please!” Oh Democrats! Ye of little faith. Grow some balls or at least some intestinal fortitude. This is a baseball game. Not a 100 yard dash. We got this. Stay the course, for Christ’s sake! And shame on CNN for not starting with asking Trump who Ron won the 2020 election. And shame on the rest of the media for echoing the calls for Trump to step aside. The NYT had TWO op/eds from two has been, out of touch self proclaimed geniuses from a different era calling for Joe to step down. I got news for everyone. He ain’t going anywhere…including home after the election. Because the White House will still be home for him after January 20th next year. So let’s roll! Shall we?

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Well said, dude. Thanks for bringing that heat.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am just getting started, friends. We’ve got work to do! You know who didn’t shit their pants last night? Michael Steele, Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens! That’s who! Why? Because even though they are 1000% with us, they are REPUBLICANS. Republicans never do this self questioning, doubt bullshit that Democrats have been living off of for half a center. You wanna see more shit like what those 6 assholes on the Supreme Court did today and yesterday? Keep questioning our candidate just because he had a bad debate. Then imagine Donald Trump getting the opportunity to appoint THREE MORE Supreme Court justices! Last night scared some poor worried Democrats who bite their nails every time they turn on the T.V.? I can’t think of anything scarier than Donald Trump appointing THREE MORE JUSTICES. Nothing. Democrats bullshit in ‘68, ‘80, 2000, and ‘16 (“oh her emails”, “shes not inspiring”…blah blah blah) got us right where we are today. How you like the current Supreme Court? Huh? Voted for Nader in 2000 did ya? Stayed home or wrote in Bernie in ‘16 did ya? GROW UP DEMOCRATS. You can bet your ass Donald Trump could have a fucking stroke tomorrow and give his convention nomination acceptance speech from a hospital bed with his left side paralyzed and they’d still show up for his ugly ass. NOW LET’S GET OVER IT AND GET BUSY!!!

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Political operatives are the grossest people on earth, they really are.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you, Thank you! The piling-on by Dems that started 10 minutes in and continued throughout today was grotesque. Joe's back was and is safe with me, and my letter- and postcard-writing continues.

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Keep up the good work!

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Rick Wilson wrote a great piece this morning that was uplifting and reassuring. He may be in Biden‘s camp now, but he still thinks like a Republican. He stands by his candidate. A series of Lincoln Project ads that will be tearing Trump to shreds will start airing in the next couple of weeks.

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Also- Stuart Stevens was great on his TV appearances.

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Comparing dems and their handwringing to MAGATS who are loyal to a fault is the most applicable comparison. That and what DE Stephen’s said… losing is not an option! Biden is exact opposite of Donny diaper load in every way. He’s not perfect but we don’t need that. We need a champion for our democracy. Like I said, diaper load is the antithesis. Our challenge is to show everyone else that!

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Go, Jody! You’re on fire (in a good way) 🔥🔥🔥

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Thank you, love the passion, it’s inspiring!

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💙💙💙 bravo and THANK YOU!!!

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Damn! That’s good 👍🏻. America, Fuck yeah! My neighbor and I constantly share notes on how much we detest the orange monster. Yesterday he told me he is going to double down harder than ever on winning for Biden. There is something crazy going on that has unleashed the Kraken with Democrats. We are pissed. We’re not putting our latte downs - we’re having lattes with a power shot of espresso. We’re strapping on our Birkenstocks, Blundstones and Hokas and ready to run the extra mile. We’ll leave these psycho racist Nazis in the dust!

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I love this! Thanks. 🙌🌈💙

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Addendum - I meant shame on the media for echoing the calls for Biden to step aside. Sorry. Freudian slip. Shame on me. Maybe that should try that though!

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Damn right!

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Yeah! Bring it on!!!

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It's as bad as all the reporters who kept asking GOP members of Congress if they thought Obama was 1) a US citizen and 2) a Christian. They should have been asking those people whey they believed or spread obvious lies.

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Well said!

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Like thunder.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If anyone bothered to listen to him at the rally today in NC, you would see the same Joe we heard at the State of the Union is the same Joe that still has the fire in his belly continuing the good fight to win and protect our democracy.

Despite still dealing with his congestion, his voice was strong, the message was strong, the crowd was with him and just like the SOTU address I found it reassuring that he's our candidate. He's had my back and I will have his back. He's fighting for us and we need to fight for him!

The hyperventilating backstabbers looking for oxygen have it right in front of them but would rather die by thinking he should drop out and magically find someone else who will step up. To them, I say grow up!

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100 percent, Janet.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks Marian for the link to this speech

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You’re welcome

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The media is hungry for clickbait and sensationalism. This is why I had to stop subscribing to the NYT and the DC Post. The standards at both papers have dropped so sharply it became disgusting.

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So did I. It is the Corporate media. I’ve seen this bias going back to Barack Obama. They wasted no time telling Pres. Biden to drop out but said not a word about a convicted felon running for President of our United States. The Corporate monitors sat ignoring the lying, question evading Trump like frozen Arctic tree stumps. How humiliating!

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m so glad to read your post today. What was on display last night was Good and Evil. That there has been little to no discussion of all the lies that spewed from the former president is so disturbing to me. It’s been said before and needs to be said again and again that this election is about saving democracy, that the soul of this Great Experiment is in grave danger. I’ve lived 71 years in America, and never have I been terrified about an election until now. I’m still with Joe, and I’m grateful to you for standing up for him. My only hope is that people will vote in vast numbers , and when they’re looking at that ballot they honestly reflect on the performance of Joe Biden and what he stands for, vs. the alternative.

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Right on, Susan. We got this.

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The media has mainstreamed a monster and still doesn't know how to report on him. There should have been chyrons noting every lie, but once again, CNN failed our democracy.

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Jun 30Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

At 83 years here, I absolutely agree with you. We cannot stop now, and we cannot allow the press to control what the people hear. Our voices are needed now!

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Bravo! This is a tour de force endorsement for the best president of my lifetime. The Democrats who are trying to throw our best candidate under the bus should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. The press has no shame, so I don’t expect much from them at all. Thanks for this, Earl. I needed to read this today. I’m so sick of the pearl-clutching bullshit; I truly can’t stomach it anymore.

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I appreciate that, Janet. I needed to write it as much as you needed to read it.

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Earl would you please submit this to the Washington Post and the New York Times. I just canceled my subscriptions to both. They are only about sensationalism and trying to ruin our democracy the papers are nothing but speculation

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Me too. Although I had cancelled my NYT subscription a few weeks ago. Jennifer Rubin is the only reason I kept my WPO subscription, but I have just cancelled given their clear bias!

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I cancelled my subscription to the NYT, too!

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I will not, no never, watch CNN again. They could have cut the microphone when trump used his time to lie lie lie instead of answer the next question. Disgusted with the “moderators” as well as the idiot on stage that was not our President Biden.

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It was really terrible. I warned people about the lightweight, Jake Tapper, but to no avail.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Indeed, Dana Bash was the one who repeated questions tfg ducked

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I should’ve used my stopwatch but it did seem like they let Trump go on and on way past his one minute to reply. The rules should’ve included” if you’re not answering the question we cut you off”. Maybe in the September debate

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I DID time the allowed time of Biden and TRump and TRump was given a lot more time to speak than Biden. I was infuriating!!

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I knew it! Thought the same thing…

TY for timing it, maybe somehow there could be a ruckus with reporting it; the proof is still out there for whoever has recordings?

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We swore off CNN early in Joe's presidency because of their biased coverage, let alone with their hiring of exTrump admin lackeys to get paid for lying on the air. CNN's both-sides-isms

are a joke. We only watch MSNBC and occasionally the three legacy broadcast channels

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Jun 29Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I dumped cable almost 2 years ago and was able to watch the debate on HBO/Max, and it just cemented my decision to cut the cord...

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Agreed. They should have been cutting Trumps's mic at every lie, fact checking him, then going back to him and calling him out to his face on it. Mind you, there would have been an added bonus that this would have used up his time and we wouldn’t have had to listen to that ridiculous vomit of total mendacity!

From a Kiwi living in Australia who still believes that Mr Biden is the world's best hope to literally save us from destruction…(and then Pete Buttigieg in 2028)!

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Jaime Raskin!

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Yes, he is amazing too, although I did read that Mr Raskin thought he could do more effective work in the House. Not sure if that is true or not…

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I think he grossly underestimated Trump's monstrous mendacity just as Obama underestimated the toxicity of Trump's claim that he wasn't a citizen.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I agree, but wonder what rock his staff is living under if they think Trump's not going to be as bad as he has been for 10 years. They need to understand something. This election is like the second Tyson Holyfield fight, a.k.a "The Bite Fight." Trump is going to be biting off Biden's ears. It's time for Biden to load up his gloves and punch Trump in the balls. Repeatedly. There is no referee to disqualify Trump. The referees here are busy writing Op/Ed pieces calling on Holyfield to retire. Fuck them.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

His staff needs a major shake up. He was prepared for a normal debate. Trump is not normal. I am glad Biden answered the questions, but he needed to punch at Trump's lies more often. The moderators were atrocious.

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I'm going to go along with the staff shakeup.

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He needs carnivores on his team, people as tough and relentless as Stephen Miller.

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Every time I see, Stephen Miller, I think of Joseph Goebbels.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This has been a problem with the Dems for ages: they cannot seem to fathom the ugliness of the Gingrich-era GOP and expect civility and decency when it's not there.

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You're both right on. Mendacious, outrageous rhetoric seems to be effective.

Call trump what he is: adulterer, convicted felon, sexual assaulter, liar, wannabe dictator. Lay out his plan to oppress and be ruler for life. Talk about his whacko judges and justices that are stripping people's rights and support the insurrection.

Reminds me of General Patton, who was in many ways an awful person. But in WWII,

he was an effective leader. His quote was something like, We're not interested in holding anything. We're going to advance and kick the living shit out of the Germans non-stop. (Not verbatim, but you get the gist)

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He needs to be hit hard, then harder, and harder again.

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Jun 29Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Heather Cox Richardson has a Substack that exactly explains the kind of psychological syndrome that Trump subjects everyone to and to Biden on Thursday night. It is her June 28 Substack. She’s an incredible historian that put great perspective on things just like Earl Stephens

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I read everything she writes the minute it comes out, Mary.

The most brilliant person in this place.


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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you. I am deeply distressed that people seem to hold Biden to a perfection standard while normalizing trumps destructive nonsense.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you for this well written piece! FOUR MORE YEARS!

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Thank you, Sheri.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m so glad you brought up ‘68 and ‘80. I remember both. Think the deficit is too high? Thank those D voters who helped usher in St Ronnie of The Tax Cuts. It’s time that we put on our big girl (and boy) panties and realize the work needs to be done starting now!

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Damn straight.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you for this. I saw the headlines in the Times and the Washington Post, and decided not to read the stories.

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I like it, a win/win

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Regardless of debate optics and performance, it's like what Ken Burns said a couple of weeks ago when he stated that we had two choices in November: You either want the United States and democracy to continue, or you do not. That's it.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you for this analysis! It should be required reading and it should have been on the front page of the Times! There’s no one out there who can beat Trump at this point, except Joe Biden when he gets his Irish back up.

I just watched that clip of him kicking ass in a rally today.

He said, I’m old, I stutter, don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth.

The “who’s gonna replace Joe Biden” does us no good and is just click bait.

Let’s not forget that while Biden had a terrible night, so did Trump, if anyone was paying attention.

And so did the moderators who did a lousy job and never asked the question that was hanging out there “who won the 2020 election?” They blew it as much as anybody.

Thanks again!

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Thanks for having a look, Don, I really appreciate it.

The amateurs have exposed themselves today.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank and sincerely appreciate today's post the most. The very reason I started reading was "I'm still with Joe". I was actually hoping to read this, that someone/anyone writes this today.

Sure it's heartbreaking and unsettling but President Biden is ours and we the good people and all the Americans would be ungrateful fools to even consider to leave. I'm, and must be so many, grateful and beyond humbled by the kind, empathetic Mr. Biden who literally saved millions from the raging pandemic, record job growth with good wages, and brought economy to unprecedented 50 years high level, the biggest big deal is the infrastructure and chip manufacturing bills.

When Hunter Biden was indicted, from one parent to another, my respect solidified that he still stayed strong and still is supporting Hunter. It's hard to even imgine to be that strong after facing so much and the tragedies early on in life?

Any good person will/should appreciate Mr./senator/President Biden that he still wants to be in public service, after all the Sslingling by rethugs and ottraitordump.

I liked Presidents Clinton, Obama and Hillary but the Joe's empathy and kindness puts him in a class by himself.

I'm old too and amazed that Joe's so strong that he decided to take on this most difficult, most stressful Job when he could've easily ignored the danger that drumfp brought on, and just enjoyed his retirement. We can bet that Hunter Biden definitely have gotten probation on gun charges and not have to pay/be punished for his Dad winning the election fair and square.

Last thought...had to go to city of Chicago today and on return trip my spouse was amazed that they're building a really longgg stretch of road through several suburbs and I looked at him and said "you know why this is happening, right?" and he said yes I know it's the infrastructure funding.

By not supporting Joe we'll will be at loss, a permanent loss of american democracy, global order etc. and not Joe.

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Sorry for the typos and mistakes, but honestly still feel unsettled by debate between a criminal and a good man. Ha, I didn't even watch it/read; not strong enough for the pathological lies of an indicted lifelong criminal. This horror show has to end, we need to put an end to this nightmare.

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A criminal and a sociopathic monster. Someone who the media love--whatever they say--because he makes for good headlines. Any brain fart of his on Truth Social is breathlessly reported and it's exhausting.

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Completely on the same wavelength!

Here's what I just wrote at Bulwark site prior to reading your post:

"Time to chill.

Remember all the squawking and teeth gnashing that occurred after Obama lost his first debate with Romney in October 2012?

He was clearly not ready and up to the task. He went on to win the other two.

Then...Hurricane Sandy arrived big time at the end of the month just before election day.

It's now only the end of June for gosh sakes! A lot can and will happen before this November. Way too soon to jump to ANY conclusions!"

Joe ain't done yet! Look out!

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I guess the Bulwark is full of bul--- ... never mind.

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😅👍🏼. That bunch really ticked me off this morning!

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Jun 28Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

In the months leading up to the SOTU, Biden got hammered daily for being "old, feeble & not up to the job" by conservative & most other corporate media. Then he destroyed their entire narrative by knocking the SOTU out of the park.

I'm not saying he went into last night with the same plan to "rope-a-dope" them all again, but this unintentional rope-a-dope can work again even better with expectations now so low for the second debate, since all the same narcissists are letting loose all their nastiness on a senior again. If that was Joe's plan, that is some serious multi-level chess he's playing. Regardless. I'm with Earl 100%.

Additionally, I did hear a senior this morning on Thom Hartmann observantly say he gets tired at sundown, so it was a big mistake by his people to have a debate at 9PM. This rings true because I recently heard that science says it is better to do things that require greater clarity of mind earlier in the day when the mind is most sharp. I''m not a senior yet but have found that to be 100% true, & life became easier when I adjusted accordingly. https://samray.substack.com/p/counter-narcissist-cheat-codes-rope

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All great points (as always), Sam.

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