Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Consider that the Teamsters Union in September and the IAFF firefighters union two days ago chose to not endorse anyone for president. Consider the last time they failed to endorse the Democrat was when Hillary Clinton was the presidential nominee. Since the Democratic candidate is and was a woman in both elections and Trump is a misogynist, there is no other interpretation available of their actions. What gives, white working class men? Is your penis that small? Strong men don’t feel threatened by strong women.

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I believe that is due to the corporations

they work for. . Heads of corps have that control.

Reagan ruined everything.

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They have a logical reply when asked ,

They said because their members spread far and wide across the country they couldn’t endorse one without insulting many members they in the past and in thr future put their full support behind the constitution of the United States and always will

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Nothing is logical outside the context of what interest is being served. Conversely, understanding the logic provides a clue as to what interest is being served. In this case, my guess is the only interest being served is the avoidance of criticism, which unfortunately is at the expense of doing the right thing for the union, its members, and the nation.

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Not a bad framework but it falls short here. How do you apply it to “full support behind the constitution of the United States”?

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...By failing to endorse the ONLY candidate who hasn't stated he intends to suspend the Constitution. Sure. Okee-doke.

That there logic is what we used to refer to as, "hay after the horse is done with it."

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Is that an actual quote from Teamsters or IAFF? That's insane considering all the support the Biden/Harris administration has given unions.

The world has gone nucking futs.

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There were two official high up members of an affiliate that endorsed Harris ,

But I think it was a personal endorsement!

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They really said what I wrote

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I just voted completely Democratic by mail.

Let’s fight for our democracy.

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Right on, Andre!

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Let's go!

Unbelievable that this race is even close. In this country, one third of the electorate is clearly batsh*t crazy, believing anything that Fox News, Elon Musk and their fascist churches will tell them.

And here we are. The thought of him planting his ass in the Airforce One leather for another fours years paid for by hardworking Americans makes me puke. And that is only a small portion of the disasters that will bestow us if this felon becomes out president again!

Anyway, I believe things are going to go very well 🙏

I want to see this Bye-Don 2024 - Good riddance t-shirt everywhere on November! 👇 🤣


Everyone will be celebrating Kamala's victory in the streets!

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What’s that song that goes Nana Nana Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana Nana hey hey hey goodbye Nana Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana, Nana Nana hey hey hey goodbye

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I think your comment was rhetorical, but here it is. But we won’t kiss him goodbye (eww), we will kick his fat ass all the way to prison.


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Your post lit up my mind with JOY!

Reminds me of when Obama, and Biden won, WE will do this AGAIN!

The future of America is most definitely at stake..

I am going back to X now, to battle to battle with the Trump “moonies.’

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

My husband and I did also.

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I will be doing the same very soon when my Colorado ballot arrives in the mail. ✌️🌈

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*hugs* Thanks for doing your part. Me too!

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As a lifelong writer myself, I must congratulate you, Earl, on this incredibly powerful and inspiring post. You’ve outdone yourself this time, and that’s saying a great deal. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, experience, knowledge and keen insight with us!

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Very kind, Catherine.

Thank you.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Earl, I appreciate your depth of feeling (and the quality of your prose). I'm right there with you, anxiety-wise, but we walk in hope nonetheless. I watched a segment with Jane Fonda on NBC this morning. At 85, she's working her butt off to elect down-ballot candidates who will work to fix climate change. Hope is a muscle, she says. Not like optimism, declaring everthing will be fine, but a determination to work hard and make it fine. White women don't get a pass. They (we?) vote for Trump in big numbers. However, if men and women of color show up, we win. If Gen Z shows up, we win. If woke white ppl show up, we win. I think we're gonna win, and while I think that, I write postcards because hope without action is just daydreaming.

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All so well said, Ann.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Women are sooo going to take it way over the top!😀🌞💕

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You'd all better, because the White Guy Tribe, of which I am an unwilling member, is fucking worthless as a voting bloc.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This is a powerful piece with which to start my day. I like the idea that we, your readers, form a kind of family. I am grateful that a white man speaks out about his cohort to name what I too feel is going on. I 100% agree with your "romantic" prophecy, quoted below, and have shared this vision since before Biden even stepped out of the race. My husband, a white man, had this same image at the same time before we'd even talked about it. Thanks, D. Earl, for writing this: "Maybe it’s the romantic in me, but when the exit polling starts coming at us on the evening of November 5th, it will sound something like this. 'Americans, led by women, have voted to overwhelmingly turn the page on a decade of caustic, ugly politics. They have told us they are sick and tired of the vitriol, and clearly want a new start with a new candidate. Kamala Harris is projected to win in a landslide.'”

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Thanks for your readership, and for your family's commitment to this county, Kirie.

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Jane Fonda -Broke the Glass Ceiling!

Forever a HERO💯💙💜🤩

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It's getting better, it needs broken more.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

One vote at a time..... overcoming these folks

White men at the NYT and WP


Heritage Foundation


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ALL that.

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Yes, and most are billionaires..

And they want more.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m with you all on this. I’m sick of this BS and want it over with. It sickens me that it’s as close as it is due to lies, ignorance, and hatred. We must defeat this “MAGA” crap resoundingly next month. Vote. Canvass. Make Calls for Kamala/Dems. Let’s flush this Trump turd for good.

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YES! And dissect Fox Lies, into oblivion.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Im a white female and 75 yrs young and im scared of the white men too. They have become or always have been such spoiled bulliès its a disgrace ! They are sick with the disease of entitlement! Not all but i never seen so many esp. In Washington. Kamala and Tim are the best people for our country!

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Carolyn, I totally agree with you. White men are mostly toxic. I can't go to a new favorite restaurant because the white male owner (50-60)

"holds court" from the counter seats. Talks loudly, never shuts up. Overbearing & clueless that he's obnoxious. Same with one of my Starbucks. Elderly maga, talk so loudly, I want to yell at them.

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Teri i hear you! Not all white men are like this but too many are as we are seeimg amd hearing.its they have no clue how discustinng they are because they are too busy offending everyone! Patents like mr need to see for real how alarming it is for all of us! But adults , bad enough to hear and see their behavior when they are children, they own it 100%. Thank you.

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Yes, I should have said there are LOTS of good white men.

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Teri you didnt have to but i felt i should. You are just great in the response. Thank you.

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Carolyn, I'm a white female and also a septuagenarian. I'm not "scared of the the white men" at this point, but I do worry about the potential for violence from the white dudes with the huge pickup trucks with the huge flags billowing behind them on the roads.

I am angry at many of those white men you described as spolied. entitled bullies. I've run into to a number of them in my world who are misogynistic, disrespectful to me (and other women), and ideas/suggestions I propose are shot down simply because they can't believe a woman can be as intelligent or as capable (or more so) than they are.

Thank you, D. Earl Stephens, for not being one of those men.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

You just made me cry, but not in a bad way. Thank you.

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I get it, Jill. I cried typing it.

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Beautifully put. Help build the landslide.

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Daman right, DSR.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you, Earl. You so often give voice to what’s in my heart as well, and I appreciate connecting with you and your other readers as kindred spirits. Keep the faith. I know you will. Let’s go win this election for Team Blue! 💙

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Right on, Sun!

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Especially in the southern states..

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Since I can’t find my comment, I’ll just write another one. I work part time at Lowe’s in a suburb of Salem, Oregon. A lot of my coworkers are maggots. Trish, who is 82, was talking about the dockworker strike yesterday. And she said she didn’t want the price of her groceries to go up. “They ought to do what Reagan did with the air traffic controllers.” I said that he busted the union, and she just looked at me. I also said that it was over for now and they have they have a provisional contract, and the Biden administration did that. Oh. Ok.

People in this country are willfully ignorant. They’ve also bought the Kool-Aid the Republicans have been selling for decades. “Look over here at this person who is taking your job.” And, the “Welfare Queen” who is stealing your tax dollars. Meanwhile, they’re moving wealth upward, leaving poor and middle-class people behind. But, they gave them an “other” to hate. And they fell for it and they still are.

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Thanks for engaging with these folks, Paula. It's important.

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Thanks for engaging with us!

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Yep. Retirees rec'd a very large COLA a few years ago.

An elderly woman was praising turd for it. I told her NO, POTUS has NOTHING to do with SS cost of living adjustments. An independent committee determines the annual COLA. (I had just read about who and how it was figured.) She said "no, I think it's Trump". I asked her if she used Google (yes) and asked her to read up on it. I was nice, but we can't let maga take credit when none is due.

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Turd. 🤣🤣🤣 I have lots of names for him, but I haven’t used that one yet.

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Exactly! Most important points

Way too many republicans in the U.S.

have been brain trapped by Fox lies, and addicted to hate.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks, Earl. I love, love, love your “romantic” vision. It will be incredible! And I, too, wish I could have more faith in white men but they really need to prove themselves. They need to do much, much better. I know they aren’t ALL bad, of course, but seeing proof of their willful ignorance in my own family has been truly heartbreaking. A much better life will surely pass them by because the rest of us are moving ever forward and creating a beautiful new vision for America… lead by women… finally!💙💙

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It is heartbreaking, Suzanne.

But something truly great is coming ...

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Remember James Carville? He's a Dem operative/ campaign guy mostly retired. He's in MSNBC sometimes. He is whining about "preachy females". He's in my sights for an email or tweet. Especially since he's married to Mary Matalin, a toxic GOP campaign person.

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I can’t tolerate James Carville anymore. He used to be interesting and sometimes comical, but he needs to sit down and shut up and go into retirement. He mostly just sounds like a fool.

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Unfortunately, he is a product of the misogynistic racist south, he managed to overcome some of it in his younger years, but the poisoning/toxic ideas still permeate through, when they get older.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Dear Earl, Today's message from you reminded me of the Old Testament story of the Hebrew slaves leaving Egypt possessing neither the confidence nor the optimism to believe they could soldier through. All but Joshua and Caleb had to perish in the wilderness until their descendants could cross the river to enter The Promised Land. What I'm getting at is that the white men about whom you wrote must end their lives in the wilderness of Trump's delusional derangement. They have cast their lot with him and will wander the rest of their days lost while the nation and world pass them by.

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Interesting take, Jerry. -Thanks

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But not all. There are, though apparently a minority, but very real and present nonetheless who are not fearful, bigoted misogynistic racists.

Don't throw the gold out with the gravel.

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"...very real and present nonetheless..." I could not disagree more strongly. I respectfully suggest that you're whistling past the graveyard. There is no gold in that gravel.

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Oct 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Here’s how I wish every woman in America crystallizes her thoughts down to even thinking about voting for Trump: “Is this the kind of man you’d want to wake up next to in the morning?”

Does he respect you, honor and support you, makes you laugh and is always there for you? A good faithful partner, loves children and animals, is intelligent and strong?

Character never mattered more than this year. Our two candidates are polar opposites - one you can TRUST (as you stated, Earl) and the other is a complete BEAST OF A PERSON.

Earl, you are a lead disciple in this year’s election truth telling. I appreciate your dedication and stand with you. It hasn’t been an easy road but there is so much light to follow and little time for the rest to see and search for this beacon of hope.

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As always, a stellar response, Gundy.

I wouldn't want my daughters within two states of that revolting man.

No worries there, though. They're with the accomplished woman 100 percent ...

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Outstanding post👏🧐💙

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