Gerbils! Inside joke! LOL. Thanks for making me smile after this weekend’s grim news. Jesus Fucking Christ, if I get thru this without having an aneurysm it’ll be a miracle.

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PS I want to put The Gerbils are Licking Their Chops on a T-shirt. No one would have a clue, but I’d be laughing my ass off.

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Great idea. I'd buy one if it was big enough.

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Love it!

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I loved this ❤️

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Oh, this is fabulous! One needs only to look into the eyes of an animal to see that they are far truer to themselves than any of us. I locked eyes with a snow leopard once, and I gotta say it changed me!

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Rooting for the gerbils!!!

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I’m heading to the pet store now to speak with the gerbils.

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OMG, the gerbils, I hope they get President Musk and the senile What's-his-name soon without getting sick on the rotteness and stench.

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Read this to my 17-yo daughter who is thinking about a writing career. She loved it. Thank you!

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An interview for (and across) the ages. Cheers

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Cockwombling shitgibbon might be my favorite name ever for the gerbil prey.

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That might make for a good t-shirt slogan too!

Impeach the cockwombling shitgibbon

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As a child I once smacked my dog with his leash. He looked at me with the saddest eyes. I have never harmed another. Great piece Earl!

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Hah! Loved it. Animals in charge…just one more reason for me to remain vegan! 😅

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---> Our 16th president knows a thing or two about what we are going through right now

Jeez, no wonder he looked as bad as he did!!

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Very clever! 😂 It made me feel better. 👏👏👏

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Then it was worth writing, Susan.

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Well done. I'm jealous; Lincoln is my fave of all great Americans. Glad he still has his sense of humor after all of that.

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Wildly inventive and creative. Your Mr. Lincoln and I disagree, however, on one important matter. I’m sticking with the historian’s view that the life of a democracy is 250 years. Need I remind you that would be, for us, 2026?

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Optimistic that we'll make it to 2026.

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I Don't think we will make it until 2026 as a Democracy. If we get lucky and make it to the midterms, I don't believe they will be free and fair elections. I have no answers as to how we get OUR country back, but the danger of another civil war, or a country locked in hateful violent division, much like the "Troubles" Ireland experienced for 30 years is very real. And scary as hell!

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I meant the end of 2026. I'm with the commenter who followed me.

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