Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

In the absence of courage, fear is a powerful paralytic. Too bad Garland’s fear came at the expense of his protection of our democracy.

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Inexcusable, Rasa, but I wonder if something besides fear was at play.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Corruption perhaps? Or the simian portion of our selves, which wants to be with the “powerful” pack/tribe - Garland must have felt he had lost something significant to the “stronger” side when he wasn’t appointed to the Supreme Court. But whatever else may have played into his lack of action, fear played some part. Compromising information? Actual and credible threats to his life and career, certainly.

For better or for worse, I do my best to consider the most generous explanation of anyone’s behavior until it’s proven that something more nefarious is at play. I know there may be more “there” there, and will keep an eye out for evidence!

In any case, his lack of action alone is absolutely damning and should be criminal.

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For now fear is as good (and sad) an explanation as any.

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Frankly, I'm gl.ad he wasn't appointed to the Supreme Court! He would have been another wishy-washy member if he acted like he's done as AG...

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I don’t believe it was fear or corruption. The wheels of justice turn slowly. If anything Garland is only guilty of an over abundance of caution to ensure he had a solid case before proceeding. From the New York Times, not always a progressive ally:


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FROM THAT STORY: "In trying to avoid even the smallest mistakes, Mr. Garland might have made one big one: not recognizing that he could end up racing the clock. Like much of the political world and official Washington, he and his team did not count on Mr. Trump’s political resurrection after Jan. 6, and his fast victory in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, which has complicated the prosecution and given the former president leverage in court."

This puts very kindly what I put forth: What world was he living in that we weren't?

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None of us had as much data then as we have now. I think more than anything, it was an error in judgment. Just like many of us thought Trump would never be elected in the first place and that he was done after January 6. Having been one of those people, I am not going to throw stones.

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The question is when does caution become cowardice?

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If you’re operating on the premise that you want to nail the bastard I don’t think an abundance of caution can be considered cowardice, even if the outcome is the same.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If you have not already please consider reading Sarah Kendzior’s enlightening and/ or troubling book ‘They Knew’ on the criminals and their connection between Garland and tRump for an answer to your questions regarding “if something else “ is afoot.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m not sure if it was fear, the fact that he’s been a speaker at the federalist society, and/or his insistence (bordering on obsession) in making sure the DOJ is a nonpartisan agency, but, whatever it is has caused him to epically fail us and our democracy! I’m so infuriated that things have come this far and it shouldn’t be up to us (the voters)…but it is! And it’s our last hope all because of him and the failure of our justice system!

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We voters are the ones we are waiting for, because no other force is lurking around out there to save us.

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I agree. It's time we take responsibility for past inaction, whether that's going to the polls uninformed, or not voting at all. Use it or lose it isn't just an idiom this year.

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Hard work IS good work. We are working, and fighting, and I have a lot of hope and a fair degree of confidence that Don the Con will get a damning repeat of “you’re FIRED!” from the American electorate.

Then, we roll up our sleeves for the real work which will follow for many years to come.

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👏👏 I wholeheartedly agree . Look at the who's who's that are so hell bent on giving speeches at the Federalists Society ...all roads lead to wanna bees ... Charge Crow and Leonard with RICo . Retire the crooks on the SCOTUS with NO $$$ .

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M thoughts exactly. Thank you !

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Garland's only 'fear', as he said, was the "appearance" of being political in his performing his job. So, bending over backwards to avoid prosecuting Trump & other traitorous GOP, was, in fact, political. He strained to not appear to favor Democrats, so he favored Republicans. He has had several appearances at conferences and guest speaking events with The Federalist Society. I'm unaware of specific evidence that he favors The Federalist Society, but his welcome familiarity is a curiosity, in light of his reluctance to act. His 'fear' appears to be centered more on not wanting to offend.

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The fear of besmirching the office with the appearance of impropriety is not something I’m prepared to repudiate. 100% agree that the ties to the Federalist society is highly concerning… and that inaction has most certainly had widespread political and cultural implications.

Let’s get Kamala and Tim into office and help them weed out the bullies, cowards and criminals 😉

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There's a difference between worrying about 'appearance' of being political and "impropriety". The standard for doing the job of USAG is to pursue justice for the country using legal means & measures at the Department's disposal. Garland didn't do that, deliberately, because, he says, of his concern for the appearance of being political. There's no impropriety at issue here, as is clear by him finally being pressured into action.

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If invited I would turn down an invitation to speak at the Federalist Society's gatherings - on principle for one thing and because choices result in taint at times. "If you lie down with camels you're bound to get fleas".

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Interesting to note NO Republican “fears” appearing “too partisan.”

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How very comey-esque

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But what was he/is he afraid of? What kind of threat has Trump implied? The bullying is deep and brutal...

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

D. Earl, The words DERELICTION of duty are ones I have used for this disgrace of a man. I do not think it is enough to dump him! He must also be investigated! He is on the trump team. He is not an honorable person. Furthermore, I vote for Harris & Walz because I expect Consequences, Meaning, prison for trump & family & others involved in the deadly seditionist attack! We will never change unless we show the world that these massive criminal activities will result in prison as REQUIRED BY LAW!

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Well said.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Absolutely true. Garland was President Biden’s biggest mistake and he has put us in unnecessary danger. He needs to go immediately when President Harris takes office.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am honestly shocked by the wonderful job Joe Biden has done, the build back better plan which didn’t get passed, of course, was better than my wildest imagination. But the one thing that Biden did, that made me furious with him from day one, was put Merrick Garland in this position. He was never the right choice. at best, he was Obama‘s consolation prize to get him on the Supreme Court, which of course failed miserably. A woman should have been the Attorney General, particularly a deserving black woman. I’ve been furious with Merrick Garland and Joe Biden ever since,on this issue.

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Two of us, Kathy.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I agree with every single WORD you wrote. Garland has been a useless, spineless coward from Day One. 😡😡

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As do I - and thank you for bringing the topic to the table. Many of us have swallowed hard in frustration over this almost from day one.

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Many many many of us , but not all

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There were sooooo many Dems too that made excuses and were behaving as if the delay was necessary and normal, and we just didn’t get it. I always “got it” - justice delayed is Justice denied. If it was necessary and normal and our justice system just has to work this way- there is something very wrong - as wrong as the SCOTUS , on a par with. It damn sure seems to work quickly for some people .

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Yup - totally - Truth!

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Glad he's not a Supreme Court justice! He strikes me as too "high-minded"; afraid to be wrong, he does nothing instead.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Replace him preferably with someone not of the Federalist Society.

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Yes please.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I feel compelled to start all of my comments here by thanking you for saying things that need to be said. Out loud. And with emphasis.

I agree that Garland is one of the biggest disappointments I have seen in my life, right up there with how many traitors, racists, easily gullible, and mean-spirited human beings exist on this planet. I wish I could get in line with waiting to see Garland out of a job, but I'm done waiting for justice to come for trump. I don't know that Kamala will get rid of Garland, and I'm all out of hope that the right thing gets done. I'm sick of people legalsplaining to me that what I clearly see with my own eyes and ears may not be illegal because I don't understand the law. If we peasants can't discern what is clearly and obviously illegal with our own senses, let's call the US a nice experiment and move on to whatever shitty option comes next where critical thinking is a dirty word.

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I will say here as plainly as I can, that the army of social-media warriors who have defended Garland -- and still somehow do -- make me ill.

And thank YOU for the great comment.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

It could not have been said any better. It is unfortunate that the Senate did not impeach him and banked on him being held criminally responsible. Because They also failed in their duty to the American people. Charges against Trump should have been expedited immediately. It does not matter if it looked political because the reality is, he committed crimes against the American people, against the constitution and against the office of the presidency. Therefore him and his family should be held accountable for all of the crimes that have been committed as a conspiracy against the United States government. This country is a beacon of democracy, and if we do not hold those who try to overthrow it accountable, we are simply a fraud with power, money and nukes.

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100 percent.

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One can argue that Garland’s inaction emboldened GOPers to twist 45’s endeavors as not really so bad. They were then allowed to gaslight and bury the facts.

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Not really sure what your talking about old scripted

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I hate to piss on your parade,but that last paragraph neatly covers who you’ve turned into🤔😳😂

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Garland has a very impressive resume, and I thought he would make a good supreme court justice, and maybe he would have. He was apparently a poor choice for AG. Very disappointing, to say the least. I am very impressed with the job Biden has done overall, but another disappointment is that he has not yet gotten rid of De Joy.

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One more reason for Democrats to win the House and the Senate this year. No more blocked confirmations to fill these positions and judicial positions.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Earl, I've been as frustrated as anyone about the amount of time that seems to have been wasted. I would like to know what the thinking was. I have to believe that Garland hasn't been derelict in his duty. Criminally charging a former President is no small thing. Criminally charging a man so dispossessed of a conscience as Trump is like chasing a bear into a cave. Ya wanna do it carefully.

I would like to see Trump behind bars for his crimes. Hell, I would volunteer for the jury. What I would hate to see is him evade prosecution based on a technicality. One that should have been anticipated but was overlooked in haste.

Jack Smith is an apex lawyer, we are in possession of evidence showing Trump's criminal involvement.

It's now up to us to keep the focus on this document and getting out the vote.

Bitch about the umpire later, it's the 9th inning and we need to score some runs.

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Garland was so slow to get out of the box, a Democratic Congress literally had to start their own investigation, so frustrated were they by our AG's gross inaction.

Smith's filing was big news, and to not put comment to it, would have been a failure to my readers.

(We can win and hold people to account at the same time.)


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Jack Smith for Attorney General!

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If he’s not available we do have some amazing black women who might be available. Quite a list, actually.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

He’s been paid off by someone

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This is actually possible given what we have seen from our "Supreme" Court.

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Well someone got to him , the usual suspects Billionaires or Putin

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Crow ....Leo

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Bravo! What a great “tell it like it is”! I’ve read some good ones, but THIS💯💙

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Thanks, Debbie. Wish I never had to write it.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks, Earl. This needed to be said with strength and conviction and you got the job done. Will repost.

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Thanks. Sad it had to be written.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Should I assume that you're not in the "Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court" camp? I still think what Mitch McConnell got away with during President Obama's years in office was much worse. Dereliction of duty is bad. But purposefully obstructing a legitimate appointment is also bad.

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Don't disagree.

Garland should be on the court, and somebody else should be doing the work he should have been doing.

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Outright theft! Immoral but that’s Moscow Mitch. Villainous coward.

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This is a reply to Jerry Spiegler.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I did not want to feel this way about him.

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Hell, neither did I, Lynn.

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Oct 3Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm Canadian and I didn't want to feel this way about him but, sadly, I have stopped defending him. Look at what it's come to...

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