Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Indeed we are now living in an America where our papers of record are broken by billionaires.

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Agree, but that does not excuse the alleged journalists who work at these places, Sam.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

100% but it does seem like loud messages have been sent to all. Play ball or be fired.

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Then they need to be fired, or quit. I've been through that.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm reminded of the axiom, "Children of narcissists either submit or rebel."

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I'm pretty sure their bosses are the ones perpetuating this garbage journalism for profit. They couldn't care less about the truth at this point.

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The GLARING Fact that Both Newspapers Don’t “Get” is that They Are the 2nd Ones To Go (After the Jailing Or Killing ((Insurrection Act)) in a Dictatorship…! They think They Can Ride The Tiger.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Yes - First of all, why is not the media delving much more deeply into the text of the appalling Project 2025 document???? Why are they not covering the document chapter by chapter for the voters of all types to understand how authoritarian it is. Secondly , that stupid story about Biden wandering off at the beginning of the Confetence in Italy .....I read on one place only that Biden said he wanted to congratulate the flyer or the man barely shown on the ground next to Biden.. It is such a typical act that Biden would want to do - to talk to the doer, the performer, the man who completed the stunt. Biden would probably have asked that man many questions about his performance salute. Biden does not have to hang around with the "Big Wigs" - he has known many of them for a number of years. It is making me incensed that the Press keeps emphasizing Biden's physical actions when the press seems to be ignoring the drivel, the lies, the nonsense that comes out of the mouth of the worst man ever to have become President. Does the press not understand that DJT could use his power to shut the press down if he is elected.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Outside of our oasis of pubs on Substack, very little press seems free of rw ownership.

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Yes! Report on Project 2025. It’s 920 pages so every day the public could learn even just one horrific plan in that voluminous document that no one reads.

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Yes! Why is no one reporting on that! Plus Bidens ads should be full is info. How can we get that message to the campaign ?

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Excellent question. Maybe they think if they do some but kissing, THEY will be spared! Fools: they are destroying true journalism!

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Add to that the way the major news outlets on TV make every Biden story sound sad and depressing despite his solid performance and dedication, and the “we can’t wait to tell you more about the former president and how he will bring this country to its knees” we get on Dump’s coverage. It’s revolting.

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Revolting is an understatement.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm sick and tired of the lame-stream media bashing Biden all the time. It pisses me off and I'm not the only one who feels this way. One headline I recently read, said (and I'm not quoting verbatim) that new ads Biden has put out "portray TRump as a felon." Excuse me?!? TRUMP IS A FELON. WaPo and the New York Times are doing a catastrophic disservice to We the People by writing heinous articles "portraying " TRump as a normal, decent and competent person. He's not any of those things. This election is do or die. We either elect President Biden to a second term, or we end up in a fascist society with the most despicable cretins running the country and democracy dies. For me, the choice is clear.

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I saw that headline, Megan. Worse, I guarantee you at least three editors saw that headline and OK'd it.

They are failing us catastrophically.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

That was the "failing" NYT, they later softened it after tons of complaints, the fact that they printed it at all, means trump was actually right about them, they are failing.

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Meanwhile, on the right, Sinclair continues its coordinated undercover propaganda campaign on middle America’s regional TV affiliates.

Given all of the negativity and misinformation about Biden, should he eke out another win, it will just be proof to the MAGAverse that he stole it from their hero instead of their hero being a demented grifter who ran a demented, grifty campaign.

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Great about Sinclair. They are dangerous as hell.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m very concerned about Sinclair monopolizing the media such that many Americans have no choice in their local media.

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They have practically destroyed local media over the years

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Blame the Regan era and the Telecom bill of the 90’s

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you for pointing out what journalists SHOULD be doing when they interview people out in public. I scream every time I see anyone asking irrelevant questions without educating the public on what is truly at stake, the accomplishments of Biden, reminders of what was happening 4 years ago, or really anything substantive. I’m getting soured on liberal-bending media as well because they haven’t learned anything from the past on focusing on Donny all the time. I continually contact MSNBC begging them to tell us what Biden was doing while Diaperload was bloviating about whatever. I pay much more attention to Substack and podcast faves to learn anything new.

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Great points.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This “decider” decided without help from the used-to-be free press. I am weary of news announcers who think they are actors and news writers who think they are Hemingway. Please just keep uncovering the facts and where they lead.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The Spanish-American War sold a lot of papers for William Randolph Hearst. Just think of the potential profits of another American Civil War (actually just the same old war that’s come out of the closet again).

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Yes, they are making "Yellow Journalism" great again!

History professor, and substack writer, Heather Cox Richardson covers that Civil War ,and how the losers are still problematic today.

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Many in the South speak as ifvthey had won! Pathetic!

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Yes, they did not get punished enough and reconstruction was abandoned after ten years of resistence by those same losers.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The WP and NYT, I would guess, have reasonably intelligent, well informed readers. More than likely middle to upper class readers given the cost.

Are they out of their collective minds? It’s downright insulting the lies, innuendos and half truths that pass for journalism.

No wonder they’re losing readership. Integrity is merely a passing thought and clicks rule.


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They don't work for their readers, Lynn. Therein lies the problem.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The ruling class does not want democracy, never has...

And their hacks eat at the trough.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you, D. Earl, for this excellent expose. It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what to believe. But Karen Tumulty from The Washington Post had a great column about the GOP which was reprinted in our local paper. I also try to get news from The Guardian. Keep hope alive . . .

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Thanks, Katharine. I appreciate it.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

“…difficult to know what to believe.” So right. And with more and more people willing to believe anything, I won’t be surprised when they are led to commit atrocities.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I terminated my Economist subscription because of the same dirty behavior.

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Jun 19Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Both rags are pure rubbish.

I dropped the NYT about 6 months ago when they just focused on bullshit polling results (and Biden’s age) and I dropped WaPo a couple months ago when they kept droning on about Biden’s age and completely ignoring any of Trump’s nefarious activity.

I now only subscribe to The Atlantic which doesn’t seem to mind calling out Trump’s bullshit and isn’t focusing on Biden’s age. Plus they published the stories about Trump’s contempt for members of the military who were killed or maimed.

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To Brian Longo and D. Earl Stephens: Earl, thanks for a great column; Brian, thanks for a great suggestion…I just now started a subscription to The Atlantic and cancelled my NYT subscription. My wife and I will survive without Wordle and Spelling Bee. That’ll create 1-1/2 hours more productive time daily for each of us. The WaPo is the next to go.

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My girlfriend and I are keeping NYT games...for now. We may drop that as well.

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Great idea. I’m about to do the same

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Your column makes perfect sense. Lots of plausible deniability to go around.

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So depressing. How to shine a light on all this ?

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Money over democracy.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Many thanks, D. Earl. This all needs to be exposed and you are doing a great job.

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Jun 18Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Many thanks, D. Earl. This all needs to be exposed and you are doing a great job.

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Thank you.

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