Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As I have stopped my subscriptions to both WaPo and NYT, thank you for giving a highlight of the "editorial". Corporate Media has definitely abandoned their post. Thank you for your insights.

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I agree, I have also dropped my subscriptions to both papers and appreciate your post.

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Nepo-baby chief douche of the increasingly fact-checked Gray Lady...these people have NO shame in pushing their incomprehensible views as tRump attempts AGAIN to trash our elections. I mean WTAF is WRONG with these people that they put profit ahead of - well, patriotism.

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My subscriptions to the NYT and WaPo were cancelled a while ago. I continue to be disgusted by their “reporting” and gaslighting.

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RemovedSep 5
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Many entitled and similarly privileged heirs in waiting...Named Trump or even Kennedy for that matter!

Tio Mitchito

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This was my reply to Sulzberger's WaPo editorial.

Editor clickbait headlines designed to prod Mr Biden to submit to an interview exclusively so that the NYT could cast judgment on his fitness. A complete dearth of coverage of Trump’s growing insanity and lack of fitness. Where IS the Times on this issue?

Do not tell us that media’s exclusive responsibility is to defend its own ability to function freely. A free society is a very personal right. It belongs to every publisher, editor, journalist and staff member. Each person has a vested right in the perpetuation of a free and open voice.

I, too, canceled my 13-year subscription in July for this very reason. I still feel wounded about the decision. The fact that you address our criticism at all means it’s working.

Thank you for the word, puerile, Buckeye Lady.

There is still time to be face-forward in defending our democracy instead of simply defending the industry.

This is a VERY personal election for each of us. Those of us with far fewer resources than the NYT remain committed to using our voices - while we knock on doors, write letters and postcards, and phone bank voters who know the importance of defending democracy.

Stop DEFENDING your choice to both-sides this election. There is no republican party, only would-be despots.

How about earning the trust of those of us who want to support great journalism? You've noticed that the respondents to your opinion piece are still subscribing to WaPo. There’s a message there.

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Perhaps were still subscribing to wapo is a better choice of words but otherwise I agree. WaPo shouldn't have printed it, and has been playing its own money games.

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That's what happens when you put a Mudoch tabloid scum at the helm. Poor WaPo, they deserve better.

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As an Australian and a true believer in the original theory of a responsibly functioning fourth estate, I despise Rupert Mudoch and his hijacking of it into a fascist propaganda wing of the kleptocracy with a purple passion.

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Rodney… you said it so well about Murdoch!

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I already ditched my digital connection to the New York Times but I will now cancel WaPo as well... JFC!!!

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My last link is to the Food section of the NYT, and that may go next month....

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The NYTimes food section is the only section I would ever wish to read. But c'est la vie!

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I’m a chef. I wanted to keep the cooking section!

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I have to be able to find a better on-line source for good recipes.

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Unfortunately, that and the games section, support them now, so you are supporting the bad behavior.

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I kept that too.

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If they had but one thimble-full of your professional and personal integrity Earl you could have a vacation. Thank you again💙💙💙

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Isn’t that the truth?!

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It's beyond creepy that he published his editorial in the WaPo. They and the NYT have become our Izvestia & Pravda.

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I up-vote your comment however hesitantly and reluctantly, Lev Raphael.

I was still a grade-school kid reading copies of the more working class tabloids Mom & Dad brought home from their Garment Center factory jobs and subway commutes back to Archie Bunker-land ('cept for power outtages and inclement weather!) when I realized that the Gray Lady and newspapers of record as well as our News Broadcasting system were in fact a fictional rendering of Wall Street's Izvestia & Pravda!

Yet I've never stopped reading 'em cuz we gotta know what the Enemy of the People is thinking and planning on doing while raising more Investor Class scratch. There will always be another seasonal Prospectus and not just limited to the Empire States...and its habitable and toxic land scapes and seas of shipping lanes....Bid-net makes da human condition what it be!

Reading newspapers and finding alternatives to patronizing their life-blood of advertisers and backroom fixers is our challenge and unhappy task for these days. No monarchy ever fell on their advertising budget for a NEW REPUBLIC!

Read all of Ivins, Parenti, Chomsky, Ehrenreich, Christopher Simpson's books beginning with THE SCIENCE OF COERCION (a slim Post WW II Mass Media and Communications Studies narrative with voluminous primary source foot-notes from and for the Broadcasting Age)...

Discuss among ourselves.....

See about screening the censored by Realty Board 2019 documentary filmed in English but backed by Swedish funds and filmmakers confronting, engaging with and naming the Global Affordable Housing Crisis and the Normalization of Homelessness and exile from the Urban Spaces so coveted by speculators and property traders:

PUSH: better than streaming it would be indie theater runs with panel discussions with the most local levels of government on up through to the State level seated and engaging with some very uneasy deliberations we are way overdue in engaging with and decisively confronting:


" PUSH - ( some excerpts from the documentary )

Tiktaks Point of View

432 subscribers

" PUSH " - ( some excerpts from the documentary )

Tiktaks Point of View

"Exploring why people cannot be allowed to live in cities... The high cost of housing and global investment funds that push people to poverty and strip them of a fundamental human right."

Producers: Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangard

Director: Fredrik Gertten

Primary sources: Nobel-winning E-CON-o-mics educator Joseph Stiglitz and his colleague at Columbia U. Saskia Sassen who has spent a very productive career studying and engaging with the challenges of globally migrating labor patterns, economic DISPLACEMENT on a massive geo-political and Daddy Warbucks scale and the way-behind the curve confrontations with INHUMAN POLICY OUTCOMES of the NORMALIZATION OF HOMELESSNESS only now creeping towards some serious civic engagement in a Theater of War near you......

From Knowledge Network Aired Feb. 2, 2021 (Not anywhere I've found in continental North America.......)

2,454 views Sep 1, 2021

Some excerpts from the documentary "PUSH" (2019) (full doc @ "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube)

Health and balance.

Yers truly,

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Thanks! Down the rabbit hole, I might be gone for awhile…

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

P.S. the stalwart New Republic did a terrific piece everyone should read and pass on about how the corporate media and ignoring or minimizing Trump's myriad mental problems: https://newrepublic.com/article/185530/media-criticism-trump-sanewashing-problem

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Love the New Republic! They are doing the work the NYT, and WaPo should be doing!

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Thank you!!

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Hopefully the fallout of subscribers leaving these outlets en masse triggers Sulzbergs golden parachute to be deployed and some new liberal blood is infused back into their management. Til then I don’t click or read their milque toast versions of fair and equal reporting.

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That is truly laughable!

I direct that reply to all who feel that an isolated consumer's decision to cancel a newspaper subscription makes some sort of statement or serves any purpose of persuasion. Sacrificing one's media literacy (such as it is...) is no more a battle cry and much more of a whimpering non-negotiated term of surrender and admission or Public Confession of passive consumerism.


Manufacturing Consent Noam Chomsky and the Media (Documentary) 1080p

Inquire the Mind

Health and balance,

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Angry, incredulous, murderous - all at the same time as I read this “opinion” piece from the hypocritical owner of the once great NY Times. But at least it was published in the Washington Post, where (unlike the NYT), the reader is at least allowed to write a comment - mine as follows:

Opinion | How the quiet war against press freedom could come to America

Mr. Sulzberger, you’ve got your nerve writing this when you know damn well that 95% of your readership and the readership of this paper believe both publications are doing everything possible to get that criminal, incompetent, murderous, indecent, traitorous, disgusting, moronic former president re-elected for God only knows what reason.

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Thanks for sharing that, Nancy. We need 10 million more of you.

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Nancy ✊🏻

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❤️Thank you for speaking truth to power.

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I am so disgusted, I don’t watch any more network news, not so I subscribed to these rag sheets. They’re disgusting. Witnessing the Joe Biden annihilation after the debate, while continuing tonturn a blind eye to this “thing” we have to endure and normalize, you’ll not see me for a LoNG time.

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

A.G. is like the RFK Jr of the Sulzberger family. Such a shande. I should unsubscribe to both papers. It’s grotesque how openly biased they are

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I did unsubscribe and have had a calmer life since then because I don't fulminate at their hypocrisy and poor journalism anymore.

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Ditto. I cancelled WAPO too.

Had enough of their both sides bullshit.

They clearly do not understand or don’t care about their client base.

Perhaps they think they’ll attract Magas? Or conservative ad dollars?

In either case, I’m done with them and their hypocrisy.

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I canceled NYT after the 2016 election. I held onto WaPo a while longer, because I thought I should hang onto one of them, but dropped it last year. The only paper I hung onto is the Atlanta Journal Constitution, because it’s been my paper of record since I was a child. Also, Greg Bluestein and Mike Luckovich. 👍🏻

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Liz, what are you waiting for, an above the fold enormous typeface headline announcing that either/both of these formerly decent news sources are officially endorsing Drumpf and the Couch Fucker?

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If Sulzberger wants to complain about the threats to journalism, he can start by having the NYT begin to accurately cover Trump's erratic, unhinged behavior and daily avalanche of lies. The normalization of Trump by the NYT and WaPo makes the words of Sulzberger's op-ed ring hollow at best, wildly hypocritical at worst.

I cancelled my WaPo subscription too.

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Sickening! Hypocritical grotesque pompous BS! The MSM will be part and parcel of the downfall of our democracy as we know it if tfg becomes president again.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Corporate media is more intersted in chasing controversy than in presenting useful information. I, too, have canceled my subscription to both the NYT and WAPO.

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Sep 6Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Earl, major corporate news knows they’re heading to the cliff edge. There’s no brakes. Most border on treason at this point and some already crossed that line. I don’t need to name them.

I am interested in subscribing to the Philadelphia Inquirer. There are still bastions of journalism that are mainstream; a rarity. Though I primarily check journalism sources at Substack, I read several others such as Democracy Docket and ProPublica.

At present, my Substack is 32+ writers. It’s exploded in a few months from 4 columns. Journalism lives on this platform. Now I need to afford paying subscriptions.

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Glad you're here, Tom. I appreciate it.

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Sep 5Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

How can we make them sit up and take notice? I cancelled my subscriptions to both of these despicable rags, but I want to do more!! But what? Can we organize, raise money & take out big ads - but that's just putting more money in their pockets. Billboards outside their editorial offices? I am looking for ideas! Disgusting excuses for journalism.

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It’ll sound selfish, but sharing this piece won’t hurt. -Cheers

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I hear you. I'd cancel every day if I could. But, continuing to tune them out is actually doing something. They will shrink into irrelevance. That's already in process.

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Sep 6Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks again Mr. D. Earl Stephens!


I read the entire editorial and I liked it. It was both educational and condescending, as an address from a superior, more experienced and nuanced editor can be. But it reminded me of something: Ever been to your boss’s office with a complaint only to have him calmly, with a smile on his face, tell you how the problem you have is nothing compared to the problem the company has and that he needs your help not your criticisms?

That is what the NYT Editor has done. Not once does he address the problems others have with his “Journalists”, the articles that the NYT publishes, or the articles that they fail to publish. His intention is to make sure that we all leave his office with our problems still firmly attached to our backs, not his. What a waste of time and a slap in the face of all of us who need a free and functioning press.

They may be free and publishing news, but, as you say Mr. Stephens, that doesn’t mean that they are doing their jobs to support our democracy.

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Really excellent comparison there, David. And, please: It's Earl.

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