If he can get the Dems to wake up and do something besides whine and handwring I'm 💯 behind him.
If we don't do something quick to PROVE we're the party of farmers, laborers, the poor as well as the middle and upper classes we'll just continue to lose.
We Dems and Indies should be SCREAMING about the new fascist regime. We need more voices and more volume. Ben is my only hope for an activated Opposition.
"Moved to SE WI from suburban Chicago 10 yrs ago. In less than a year, we regretted it." Our sentiments exactly. I grew up in Wisconsin and couldn't wait to move back. Really regretted retiring here, but Ben Wikler is turning it around. Thanks, Ben!
What do people think of AOC - in general - not necessarily for this position. I'd like to know because I happen to love this woman, but she seems to elicit controversy - so many seem to see her as "radical". I just don't see how people like her and Bernie and the Squad are radical; does representing the working class make one a radical??
LOVE and admire AOC. I think some Dems have a problem, including me at times, when the progressives don't vote with Dems. I honestly was happy that Bowman and Bush did not win reelection and I had donated to both of their previous campaigns. Add to that Rep. Tlaib, the MI Rep (didn't donate to her campaigns) who continues to be more Pro-Palestinian than Pro-American in imho. She is divisive and while I understand and appreciate her love of Palestine, she is an American first. She was born here - in America. I just think someone needs to remind her of that.
The election for DNC chair may help. I move that the DNC be reconstituted into a permanent organization with onsite consistent leaders. The ad hoc-iness has been devastating. The donation business has been its only focus. That is disgusting to me. I want an overhaul or another party in total. It is that bad. I will give new leadership a chance. What we all can do in the meantime is to see about getting our act TOGETHER. The common lexicon is critical to marshal and reinvigorate a team opposed to the carnage we face. We can all do better to speak and to reinforce with the same phrases and slogans. My main point is that we face a common foe of psychopathic neo-fascists. These have an anti-social mental disorder, hence the cruelty. I have worked hard to promote the correct name for our foe: psychopathic neo-fascists. Thom Hartmann made a strong marketing point this morning. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. If we want to gather and convince our voters of the value offered in our candidate and the platform, we must market with skill, integrity, and unified voices driving home the benefits that we envision and that we promise. Our hardest task before us is the need to rouse the DNC. I do not think it exists in reality, but is a virtual cloud. I believe it needs reconstruction to be a real organization, not some myth that vacuums up people’s change. I have tried for a week to contact someone there. Not happening. They answer the phone and send you to a messaging system. Or you direct to the messaging system. No one calls back. What do you think? https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/i-will-call-the-dnc-today?r=3m1bs
Oh I got to the point where you are a fellow cheese head! It will be so incredibly bittersweet. My heart and soul is terrified for our nation right now. I know he would be fantastic for the DNC. But I don't know enough about who would be competent enough to replace him.
I decided to subscribe to your substack when I read your post the other where day you mentioned that you wrote for the Stars & Stripes. My husband and I both read them albeit in different locations but we really enjoyed them while we served. I was in South Korea in '96 his first overseas was in '97. So when you said that you were doing DEI training by that time I was relieved to hear that. It is astounding to me that it's a controversial topic at all, depressing that it's necessary, but we obviously see how blatantly important it is now.
At any rate, sorry for rambling, I am glad to have come across your substack and look forward to more of your posts.
I was really impressed with Wikler’s interview with Jon Stewart a few weeks ago. Jon was so excited! It was great energy with both of them. Wikler has done so much in your state. So impressed. Wow, I had no idea he was so tall! I’m 5’! He would tower over me and most. Lol!
Also saw him that night and was very impressed. Haven't been watching much Daily Show since the election, but we do like to watch it. Trevor Noah got us through the first dump 'administration.'
I agree with you and am so infuriated and frustrated with the Dems response, slow response, or no response to what has been going on so far in the White House and in the legislature; not to mention the press!
Ben is great. I heard Ezra Klein interview him last summer and was inspired. Being a shy-type person I even canvassed in Door County WI as part of a very mobilized effort. Go Ben.
The inscription on the base of our national monument embodies the mythos of America ...
Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
I still have a glimmer of belief that America can yet do justice to this, but mostly I'm not interested anymore. I'm a latecomer to the whole political analysis world. At 71 I've served in Vietnam, gone to university, been married, divorced, remarried, and blessed with a daughter, three stepdaughters, and a few grandchildren. Somewhere in there I had a nose-to-the-grindstone career, staying gainfully employed for near 45 years. Somewhere in there, I smoked a bunch of reefer.
Somewhere in there I managed to vote every two years.
My takeaway in 2016, and again this past November, is that we Americans are, for the most part content to be tiny little consuming tools. We rejoice in accumulating money and buying things we don't need. We take the promise of the American ideal entirely for granted, content in knowing that our elected kings (and queens of all types) will guarantee our safety and demand nothing of us as long as we tithe them 25% of our income.
I foolishly thought that faced with the easiest choice since remembering to breathe ten times a minute, that more than 60% of us would vote. So now we say "The Dems need to wake up and DO SOMETHING". I think we, the people, had a golden opportunity to tell the GOP exactly who we are and what we can do. If we, the people GAF about anything other than having the greenest lawn on the street, and the sweetest rides in our three car garages (no street parking for us), President Kamala Harris would be embarking on her first term as a historically great president.
But no ... 40% of us had better things to do with our busy Tuesday.
It was so simple. Turn out and VOTE.
Is there some fraud? Of course.
Is the system invincible? Of course not.
Abolish the Electoral College.
Simply count up the results of the federal election.
I think voting should be mandatory. Every citizen should have a unique log-in and access to a database linked to their unique Social Security and Passport number. If you fail to vote on, or before the first Tuesday of November you are liable for aa crushing fine, asset impoundment, and a felony conviction. Is that onerous? Sure. are we adults (no, not really).
My father fought in the Ardennes. By that time the only question remaining was how many more young men would die or be maimed, and how many German cities would be destroyed, before Hitler shot himself.
The theme of the Third Reich was world domination by pasty white "Christian" national socialists. Had they invaded England in earnest instead of stupidly opening an Eastern Front, dad would probably have died somewhere in the Pacific theatre.
It is good to be seventy something; these are certainly interesting times. If Social Security and Medicare go away, I expect I'll die a few years earlier than I anticipated. If it comes down to another "Civil War" I'll ride my birthright to Israel and do my old guy shooting there.
If he can get the Dems to wake up and do something besides whine and handwring I'm 💯 behind him.
If we don't do something quick to PROVE we're the party of farmers, laborers, the poor as well as the middle and upper classes we'll just continue to lose.
Facts is, we are. The other facts is, we do a piss-poor job of communicating that to the public, Diane.
We Dems and Indies should be SCREAMING about the new fascist regime. We need more voices and more volume. Ben is my only hope for an activated Opposition.
Moved to SE WI from suburban Chicago 10 yrs ago. In less than a year, we regretted it.
Ben Wikler is the only reason I feel a bit of hope remaining here.
I trust Wikler to chose a qualified replacement for his position here if he wins the DNC chair - hopefully!
I don't think the Democrat powers that be understand how angry their constituents are towards their 'leadership'.
I'm personally seething!
You are not alone, DL.
Business as usual will not cut it.
"Moved to SE WI from suburban Chicago 10 yrs ago. In less than a year, we regretted it." Our sentiments exactly. I grew up in Wisconsin and couldn't wait to move back. Really regretted retiring here, but Ben Wikler is turning it around. Thanks, Ben!
Absolutely! Ben Wikler!!
What do people think of AOC - in general - not necessarily for this position. I'd like to know because I happen to love this woman, but she seems to elicit controversy - so many seem to see her as "radical". I just don't see how people like her and Bernie and the Squad are radical; does representing the working class make one a radical??
We need 5 million more of her. We don't fundraisers, we need truth-tellers.
She’s a brawler and that’s exactly what the Dems need. I’m sick of Dem leadership and the old guard.
LOVE and admire AOC. I think some Dems have a problem, including me at times, when the progressives don't vote with Dems. I honestly was happy that Bowman and Bush did not win reelection and I had donated to both of their previous campaigns. Add to that Rep. Tlaib, the MI Rep (didn't donate to her campaigns) who continues to be more Pro-Palestinian than Pro-American in imho. She is divisive and while I understand and appreciate her love of Palestine, she is an American first. She was born here - in America. I just think someone needs to remind her of that.
I like her more and more these days.
Totally agree with the Wikler choice. If he can successfully get rid of gerrymandering in WI, maybe he can help us out in NC.
Your state party chair worships him. And boy do I like her, too.
Yes! Anderson Clayton is great! We need someone like her with younger blood in a lot more Dem leadership positions.
The election for DNC chair may help. I move that the DNC be reconstituted into a permanent organization with onsite consistent leaders. The ad hoc-iness has been devastating. The donation business has been its only focus. That is disgusting to me. I want an overhaul or another party in total. It is that bad. I will give new leadership a chance. What we all can do in the meantime is to see about getting our act TOGETHER. The common lexicon is critical to marshal and reinvigorate a team opposed to the carnage we face. We can all do better to speak and to reinforce with the same phrases and slogans. My main point is that we face a common foe of psychopathic neo-fascists. These have an anti-social mental disorder, hence the cruelty. I have worked hard to promote the correct name for our foe: psychopathic neo-fascists. Thom Hartmann made a strong marketing point this morning. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. If we want to gather and convince our voters of the value offered in our candidate and the platform, we must market with skill, integrity, and unified voices driving home the benefits that we envision and that we promise. Our hardest task before us is the need to rouse the DNC. I do not think it exists in reality, but is a virtual cloud. I believe it needs reconstruction to be a real organization, not some myth that vacuums up people’s change. I have tried for a week to contact someone there. Not happening. They answer the phone and send you to a messaging system. Or you direct to the messaging system. No one calls back. What do you think? https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/i-will-call-the-dnc-today?r=3m1bs
We need him in Wisconsin though he's our only hope in this gerrymandered to death hell hole it would certainly turn in to. 😭😭😭😭
Agree. Bittersweet if he gets this job. He's doing a tremendous job here.
Oh I got to the point where you are a fellow cheese head! It will be so incredibly bittersweet. My heart and soul is terrified for our nation right now. I know he would be fantastic for the DNC. But I don't know enough about who would be competent enough to replace him.
I decided to subscribe to your substack when I read your post the other where day you mentioned that you wrote for the Stars & Stripes. My husband and I both read them albeit in different locations but we really enjoyed them while we served. I was in South Korea in '96 his first overseas was in '97. So when you said that you were doing DEI training by that time I was relieved to hear that. It is astounding to me that it's a controversial topic at all, depressing that it's necessary, but we obviously see how blatantly important it is now.
At any rate, sorry for rambling, I am glad to have come across your substack and look forward to more of your posts.
Well, I really appreciate the support, Jess, and your readership then, and now.
Tremendously important information. Thank you! Having said that: WHAT CAN WE DO? Who can we contact to put in our 5 cents worth??
I reckon your rep, and the nearest Dem in leadership would be your best option. If nothing else, call Pelosi the God mother.
Ben Wikler. Period.
I was really impressed with Wikler’s interview with Jon Stewart a few weeks ago. Jon was so excited! It was great energy with both of them. Wikler has done so much in your state. So impressed. Wow, I had no idea he was so tall! I’m 5’! He would tower over me and most. Lol!
He'a big dude. I go 6'3" and I look up when I am talking to him! (I guess there's a metaphor there somewhere.)
I’m sure there is!
Also saw him that night and was very impressed. Haven't been watching much Daily Show since the election, but we do like to watch it. Trevor Noah got us through the first dump 'administration.'
He sure did!
I agree with you and am so infuriated and frustrated with the Dems response, slow response, or no response to what has been going on so far in the White House and in the legislature; not to mention the press!
Ben is great. I heard Ezra Klein interview him last summer and was inspired. Being a shy-type person I even canvassed in Door County WI as part of a very mobilized effort. Go Ben.
All I care about is defending the Constitution and defeating Felon 45+ and his fascist cohorts. Backing Ben 100% !!!
Spot on !! Amen!!
He sounds like the perfect person.
He is as close to that as we got.
The inscription on the base of our national monument embodies the mythos of America ...
Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
I still have a glimmer of belief that America can yet do justice to this, but mostly I'm not interested anymore. I'm a latecomer to the whole political analysis world. At 71 I've served in Vietnam, gone to university, been married, divorced, remarried, and blessed with a daughter, three stepdaughters, and a few grandchildren. Somewhere in there I had a nose-to-the-grindstone career, staying gainfully employed for near 45 years. Somewhere in there, I smoked a bunch of reefer.
Somewhere in there I managed to vote every two years.
My takeaway in 2016, and again this past November, is that we Americans are, for the most part content to be tiny little consuming tools. We rejoice in accumulating money and buying things we don't need. We take the promise of the American ideal entirely for granted, content in knowing that our elected kings (and queens of all types) will guarantee our safety and demand nothing of us as long as we tithe them 25% of our income.
I foolishly thought that faced with the easiest choice since remembering to breathe ten times a minute, that more than 60% of us would vote. So now we say "The Dems need to wake up and DO SOMETHING". I think we, the people, had a golden opportunity to tell the GOP exactly who we are and what we can do. If we, the people GAF about anything other than having the greenest lawn on the street, and the sweetest rides in our three car garages (no street parking for us), President Kamala Harris would be embarking on her first term as a historically great president.
But no ... 40% of us had better things to do with our busy Tuesday.
It was so simple. Turn out and VOTE.
Is there some fraud? Of course.
Is the system invincible? Of course not.
Abolish the Electoral College.
Simply count up the results of the federal election.
I think voting should be mandatory. Every citizen should have a unique log-in and access to a database linked to their unique Social Security and Passport number. If you fail to vote on, or before the first Tuesday of November you are liable for aa crushing fine, asset impoundment, and a felony conviction. Is that onerous? Sure. are we adults (no, not really).
You make a truck-full of good points here.
Basically the majority of America is getting the government it deserves.
I believe so.
My father fought in the Ardennes. By that time the only question remaining was how many more young men would die or be maimed, and how many German cities would be destroyed, before Hitler shot himself.
The theme of the Third Reich was world domination by pasty white "Christian" national socialists. Had they invaded England in earnest instead of stupidly opening an Eastern Front, dad would probably have died somewhere in the Pacific theatre.
It is good to be seventy something; these are certainly interesting times. If Social Security and Medicare go away, I expect I'll die a few years earlier than I anticipated. If it comes down to another "Civil War" I'll ride my birthright to Israel and do my old guy shooting there.