The Trump voter doesn’t trust any of these wise people. Trump has conditioned them to believe that everybody but him and his acolytes are liars. The lack of decency, critical thinking and common sense that is so rampant in our country today, and that is making Trump viable, is a greater threat than even Trump himself. Right has to win out. It just has to.

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Trump has tapped a very ugly, prevalent vein (racism) that has always run though America, Mark.

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DonOLD is a traitor, willing to sell out the country to the highest bidder. A traitor while in office, who continues his traitorous activities while out of office. He should be arrested and indicted for violating the Logan Act. A former president is a traitor. Think on that.

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It is overtime that the leniency Teflon Don has been receiving all his life (!) and even at current comes to an immediate full stop! Immediate! Full indictment, prosecution and sentencing to the full extent of the law. No more just a slap on the wrist, like an ankle bracelet for house arrest. And if for whatever reason this incarceration may cost tax dollars, so be it. It will be much less than another $7Trillion added on in deficit, as he did during his first term. Setting a signal as a strong deterrent for potential wanna-bees (and this most likely may apply to his immediate family....).

Last, but not least:

The law needs changing:

Anybody, and I mean anybody, who wants to run for a public office cannot be a felon! Full stop. Once convicted, you are done.

As is the case already for joining the military.

Imagine a person running for sheriff who is a felon.

But here we are, for the highest office in this country, this does not apply... what a disgrace, what an utter disgrace!!!

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And there needs to be other criteria as well. Such as if they were involved in any hate groups or be an election denier or gave support and aid to an insurrectionist. And they gotta be vetted way better. I dont think our founding fathers coukd have imagined anything like this.

Ifs time to bring things up to date

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At the moment, it appears the South African immigrant Elon Musk is the high bidder.

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He should be arrested, stripped of his wealth, sent to some South African prison

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Which is why Biden - (who has immunity now, right??) should enlist the military to extinguish this threat. Why are the powers that be acting like this election is business as usual? This is very poor leadership. Why hasn't this convicted felon been sentenced? This country is a joke until this insanity stops.

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This country is not joking, the ReThugucans are going out of their perverted minds. Insanity!

All thugs should of been fired from Top positions, when the Biden administration came into office.

I wonder why they weren't removed.

I wouldn't trust anyone who came from Trump's administration.

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I wholeheartedly agree!👍

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I really respect Biden 💙. But you're right, I agree with you 💯

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And now CNN shows their more interested in 💰than fact based reporting AGAIN

Starting their own paywall


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I will not be among those who pay. I am so sick of their bull——

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Yes agreed 💯

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The MAGA cultists trust no normal institutions of government. Their victimhood and fear of the world, which is goaded on by a malevolent and corrupt con man. This too shall pass. But will they? Hopefully, the Harris/Walz administration can broaden and lift a middle class with opportunities and growth that will include them. When their Fanta Fascist is behind bars and quietly rotting in a prison cell, they will see that they have been deceived. Right wing militias in time will see that their silly dreams of mowing down masses of their neighbors is futile, and frankly against their own best interests. Goodness will win out. Each day I see testimonials of many who have seen the idiocy of the cult they belonged to, who are crossing over to sanity. America is a great nation, founded on principles of equity for all citizens. We are a nation who has been very generous with other nations of the world, both in goods and sacrifice of lives. We can return to decency. We must.

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We must and I believe we will.

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💙🌊🇺🇸🏦 If people vote for our country and realize this is our Freedom and Democracy and no joke. With all sincere I'm trying not to lose hope. During COVID I got in a dark place and didn't communicate well. Anyway I don't want to think about that.

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You give me hope. Thanks. I have always believed, “goodness will win out.” The fact his outrages have not been answered has shaken that belief. I just wonder what those inmates who have felt the force of enforcement think?

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The Free Press has been sold. There’s only one reason this orange Magoo is still standing. It’s because people are profiting off of him. So how can we interrupt that? It would seem that by unsubscribing and selling stock of these corporate empires might send some shocks to their system that they would take notice. Our power is in organizing and focusing our efforts so let’s pick one media outlet at a time that has been, covering for this guy, let’s make some stock go down. Pass this concept around on social media and let’s get organized and give them some bad press one outlet at a time but in massive amounts.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. They want Trump to win because long term that's what helps them.

They can stage fake wwf battles while actually helping each other profit.

Harris has done numerous media interviews while Trump dodges debates and sit-downs with anyone but his sycophants.

I can't wait for Kamala Harris to defeat loser Trump once and for all this coming November and for him to leave our country alone!

I can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz epic victory wearing this great "We the People means EVERYONE" shirt on November 5th 👇


I'll be celebrating in the streets like everyone else.

It's gonna be a glorious day!

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Their stock is already down. The legacy media is owned by the intergalactic widgetmakers, who want to sell them off since the media is "failing" in the new streaming world. But the media is not profitable, since they lost half their viewers/readers since Trump left office. However, they all remember what Jeff Zucker said in 2016 when he was head of CNN and got criticized by CNN's full-time coverage of Trump's hatealongs: "Donald Trump brings high ratings." (high ratings = mucho dinero)

As with everything else involving the crimes of Corporate America, Follow. The. Money. and all will be revealed - every time.

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You might almost say that "Money swamps US with the advertisements it takes out for itself." If one took an Old Testes view of Mammon=Bal we'd be adding Red Diaper Socialist Poets like Ginzy to our liturgies both for cautionary as well as atonement purposes of social infrastructure maintenance:


Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Thank you for your words !!


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Evil does not sustain itself over time. This is hard to remember when times are dark. But goodness always prevails. It is the law of the universe.

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It is true evil doesn't sustain long-term.. but it sometimes lasts centuries in the shorter term .

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Can't really push the "like" button on this, but it's true.

I believe that if trump "wins" next month, the USA will be replaced by an entirely different country with the same name - so to the casual observer it will appear as if nothing has changed. Much like the Republican party has gone from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of (Jefferson) Davis.

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We'll be taken over and become The United States of Russia

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Oct 13Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

So well said! We always said he’s just a buffoon and no one will listen to him. But apparently he found the right audience to listen to him in a cult like way. Very scary! But I’m hoping like you that there are many more of us with common sense and American values!

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I’m all for it. The masters of corporate media need a memorable lesson.

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I have family members part of this cult. They are actually Veterans.

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Yes he has, Earl. I wrote a piece about just this a couple of weeks ago. We were born into racism in 1787.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

What angers me is why Flynn has continually been allowed to spread his garbage. Why hasn't he been called back to active duty, arrested and faced a court-martial?

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Agree with this 100 percent. As an American first, and a veteran second, it sickens me.

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Me too

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It's truly mind boggling how these traitors get away with what they do.

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I have the same question

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

A 2nd Trump Presidency will end the United States. That is a certainty. Trump knows if he loses it is truly the end for him personally which also makes him incredibly dangerous—he will try to take the world around him down with him if he loses.

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To be clear (and I grew up overseas, and 2018-2023 lived in Guatemala and then Mexico; I know what I’m talking about)—the *world* would not survive if trump were to win. And he would quickly be sidelined, so the young fascists (looking at you Vance) could take over. He is, and has always been, a useful idiot for them.

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The people around him hold so much responsibility. Think if everyone did the right thing.

If the media called him out at every turn.

If the Republican party denounced him over and over without fail.

If the 6 justices of SCOTUS was legitimate and stayed true to their oath to the constitution. And ruled for him to go to trial.

If in 2016 Trump was called out for his election interference.

Imagine how things would be now.

All of these people are Guilty.

And Justice needs to be SERVED

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A broken SCOTUS is huge. In retrospect I wish Obama had pushed back harder when the McConnell led Senate refused to accept Obama’s pick for the vacant seat.

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Agreed 💯

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The general's warning is fine as far as it goes, but who's listening? Is he preaching to the choir, or is he reaching voters who, for some inexplicable reason, are still on the fence? That said, every effort--every endorsement, every campaign speech goes in the bucket of our collective success. The worst-case scenario is terrifying, but there are more of us than there are of them. We got game. They got Uncle Demento. If this sounds like a pep talk, it is, and it's for me.

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Pep talks are important, Ann.

You are correct: There is more of US than THEM.

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My fear is there are fewer of them in positions (scotus, judges, state legislature etc.) that can and will do whatever it takes in the name of power, party, and self interest at the expense of all else: Country, Constitution and humanity....

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It's really concerning. And these people at these rallies of his don't know what he stands for. They're just there to support him.

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Ann, you made me smile. Yes, we've all had our moments of doubt about the true state of our nation. There are more of us than them. Kamala is slowly winning over the hearts of sane Republicans and Independents. No truly thinking, caring person could look at the looney daily rants of Fanta Fascist and vote for him. I predict in this election, there will be 90-100M voters who represent the majority of Americans. Remember that the cult only represent about 12M of 165M voters. We have this if people turn out to vote.

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I like our chances, but I can feel anxiety in the air, and it's kind of catching. But to your point, we're doing our bit for GOTV at our house. Writing postcards every day. :-)

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As a culture, we're too addicted to polls which are created by pollsters getting paid to sustain a bias. I often ask: who the hell are they polling? People with landlines who watch Fox all day? When I see the sacrifices people are making to attend packed rallies for Harris, it blows my mind! Americans have been waiting for a good reason for hope. It's manifestation is seen in this grass roots movement for Harris/Walz. (Damn the media). The nation is ready to turn a new page. It's been a collective testimonial that Americans are not going back!

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I am anxious every day about the possibility of a Trump dictatorship. But I still have my Big Harris sign up in my front window

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MAGAs are a minority. Small, loud, but puny. Don't forget that. Some normal Americans quiver over the possibility of violence when Fanta Fascist loses. And he will. This time around we have a capable Commander-In-Chief who works for the safety and good of the American people. He also commands a pentagon of generals committed to rule of law and committed to the Constitution. Between the National Guard, and if necessary, the military ordered under the Insurrection Act, domestic terrorists will be dealt with quickly and effectively. Delays to vote certification will also be dealt with quickly. Marc Elias and his team, as well as the DOJ are already on top of many cases in motion. All are being swatted down like horseflies in a barn yard, lacking basis. Democracy will hold. And thank God in the heavens we have a woman VP who is a former prosector. Who understands "lawfare" (as the maggots call it) and understands the rights of the American people at large. We'll be in good shape. Keep faith. Keep working til this insanity, driven by a truly malevolent and insane man is over. Then, onward to taking down billionaires who are trying to buy political power, The Heritage Foundation and planners of J6th. There will still be work to do. Once the Orange Traitor is behind bars, we can take a breath and keep moving toward a better America. We are not going back!

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I like your pep talk better than mine. ;-)

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Yours inspired mine. Thank you!

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And somehow neuter Abbott and Deathsantis. I just skimmed (I couldn’t read it, too horrifying) about what’s transpiring at the TX border. Whoever the military personnel are (National Gaurd, CBP), they are literally torturing migrants. Both mentally and physically.

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Hear hear!!

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I hope you are right!

The Nazis were a minority too.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

TRump is simply UNFIT. I'll never understand those who support this deranged lunatic and I honestly don't want to understand them. VOTE BLUE!

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Yes he is, Meg. Boggles the mind that ANYBODY can support him.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

we are in the fascist propaganda playbook as we speak. People have been too timid and afraid to say that word out loud, but it is more important than ever now while we still have a free press. The free press has not at all been free for the last number of years in their support of this pinhead. There’s only one reason this clown is still standing. It’s because there’s a massive group that wants him there that is profiting from him. They are pigs at the trough, waiting for the spoils of America to be divided up to these wannabe oligarchs. We must start taking action to Throne. These corporate media empires would unsubscribing in massive amounts. Targeted to one nasty media outlet after another work? It may send some shockwaves through these organizations, but perhaps others who read this will have better insight of how to accomplish this. Please pass this concept around social media to see if we can build momentum. The New York Times at this point is off the hook for their latest piece, CBS news., though way too late found their mute button, so will give them a pass. But what about the rest of the major news outlets that are not covering the deranged babble that comes out of this orange bozo and saying in detail what it is. The rantings of a lunatic and we cannot have him in the White House. our power as the people has always been in gathering toward a common goal. Let’s find organization and drop some stock of these corporate media assholes, so they will take notice.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I'm eternally glad I'll be voting for hope and joy. We're not going back. Not now. Not ever.

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Amen, man.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

There is very little if not anything that I don't understand as to how we have reached this moment in American history. And yet, in 7 days I will be in a voting booth with the name of trump on the ballot for President of the United States and looking at it with incredulity.

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It is truly terribly, terribly sad -- and remarkable.

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That's a better word to describe how I feel about voting right now. Beschloss was asking his readers if they were enthusiastic and optimistic about voting and I said no. I couldn't accurately describe the feeling. Too many emotions all rolled into one that what should be the most enthusiastic and optimistic vote of my life as this country finally elects it's first woman President ( much less that she's black) but it's tempured with so much sadness, anger and fear it robs me of that feeling.

Even after she's elected there's the fear of violence. Of endless court battles.

Of the media coverage. Of another Jan 6th. When she's inaugurated the joy will also be dampened by a huge sigh of relief. I held my breath until Joe Biden took the oath. This time it will be the same if not worse.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

It is incredulous the sheer number of racists, misogynist and fascists that live in America.

They are an aggrieved group willing to put an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon back in power just so they can stick it to the libs. As if doing that will make their lives better. 🙄

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

This is so eloquent! These generals are patriots of the greatest stripe, and do not lightly take to the stage to speak of any matter. They do not involve themselves in politics, except as is necessary for the country, as these warnings are!

The unfortunate thing is, though, most of this is preaching to the choir. Maggots and mindless Republicans, and the lunatic fringe of idiots that like to play dress up in costumes of barbarism , aren’t listening, in this forum. The age of reason has died, and the age of violence and selfishness has risen. There is b such a self destructive air about this mess, and we must find a way to change all our minds.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

It needs to be shouted out from the rooftops over and over and louder and louder! We are running out of time!!

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

“The first thing a cult does is tell you that everybody else is lying.” quote from the amazing James Randi.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I know a former military man who likely would have a million reasons why Milley is wrong....it not just breaks my heart, the guy scares me to death. He's MAGA thru and thru and is almost cocky about it. We simply must beat this threat back.

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They are scary people, Susan, and were prevalent at the Capitol on January 6. They serve only themselves -- just like their soulless orange idol.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

It feels as if we're standing here watching this freight train coming at us and all we can do is to hope it doesn't hurt too much when it hits.

The saddest thing is that this could have been stopped at any moment over the last nine years and could still be stopped today if a critical mass of Republicans had not thrown in their lot with this malevolent, malignant, vile, destructive, corrupt, lying, ignorant, cruel, grossly unfit grotesquerie. The power to stop this guy has always rested with the Republican party, but they figured it was easier to ride him to power and hope for the best. Even with the utter deranged insanity from Trump in the last couple of months, they've still got their heads down - complicit collaborators, all.

Truth is, they hate Democrats and love power more than they love America.

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You said it all

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Well put! And that train keeps getting bigger.

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Oct 12Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Earl great article. I see your integrity and it’s so much appreciated.

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Thank you.

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Oct 13Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I’m a mere retired Lt Colonel and I have been warning about the same things. No one hears me. No even hears the highest ranking officer under Trump’s admin. Trump very deliberately, and successfully made Gen Milley the enemy. In MAGA land, he can’t be trusted, he’s a traitor. He’s actually a real patriot. Not like the ‘meal team 6’ patriots who never served.

The military swears allegiance to the Constitution, not the POTUS, There is a REASON our founding fathers wrote this. There’s a reason the military has sworn this oath. For over 200 years, we didn’t have a threat. Now, we have the threat to the constitution our forefathers feared. Trump IS that threat. And MAGA is swept along so easily.

Yes, there’s a difference between the GOP and MAGA. MAGA hijacked the GOP. Thankfully leaders like Cheney and Kinzinger, & other GOP are rising to warn about Trump. They have the moral fortitude & integrity that many GOP don’t have.

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No such thing as a "mere retired Lt. Colonel" my friend.

But I really see no difference between MAGA and the GOP. MAGA is the GOP.

Thanks for your service. -Earl

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