Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The do-nothing, head-in-the sand attitude of Republicans on this issue is insanity.

So called public servants like Ron DeSantis and Mike Johnson are getting their own constituents killed.

Vote. Them. Out.

Thank you for another excellent article, Earl.

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Yes they are, and thanks, Lee.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

DeSantis should have to ride out Milton in a one story house in Pinellas with only his wife, no security detail. Let’s see how that would work out for him.

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I love this idea.

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Me too 💙✌🏻

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DeSantis refusing to take a call from Joe Biden and Kamal Harris is all one needs to know about the worthlessness of the MAGA mindset. Floriduh-man simply doesn't give two shits about his constituents, he's all about "woke", owning the libs, and his own brand. The POS seems at least to take the "woke" NOAA warnings about Hurricane Milton's track and ferocity somewhat seriously, as he has ordered evacuations of the greater Tampa area...but probably first needed clearance from tRump, Gaetz, and MTG that this *maybe* isn't a Soros op and bad shit is on its way.

Hopeless, brain-dead mo'fo' of the first water.

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Oh, now DeSantis sez he did speak with Joe Biden last night, and received assurances that, yes, the Feds would be taking care of stuff DESPITE

all the acrimony and lies surrounding the Hurricane Helene relief efforts. Sexy Boots pronounced himself pleased with his efforts...oh, good.

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Governor Lee is little better.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

The only wave I am praying for right now is a Blue one. Sure hoping that we’re going to see a surge of support for Harris/Walz and other Dems all the way down the ticket. Thanks for keeping us focused!

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Thanks, Ann! Blue Wave indeed ...

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Thank you, Earl, for another excellent article.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

As of this writing, the winds are at 180. One meteorologist said the storm is at the capacity of what Earth's atmosphere can hold. I remember Andrew. Milton will be worse and it's pointing directly at Tampa Bay, a large GOP stronghold—not that Democrats, Independents, babies, cats, dogs, etc. won't be affected, too. Republicans have my thoughts and prayers and my prayer is that there's a special place in hell for them.

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Lived down there during Andrew, and it should have woken everybody the hell up on this issue, Ann.

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*sigh* I have a sister in Tampa. She loves Trump. We don't speak. I wish her well in the general way that I wish everyone well, even the climate-change denying dumbasses. Trump turned my sister into just some woman I used to know. Whether she retained enough brain cells to get out of the way of Milton, I have no idea.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Evacuate the Democrats and let the MAGAts find their own lifeboats when Florida finally turns into the semi-submerged sandbar it so desperately aspires to be. 49 states is the perfect size for the United States.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

If we also dump Texas we can use our old 48 star flag.

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This native-born Texan wishes they'd build a wall around that place and turn it into a real "Whole 'nother country."

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Did you see that DeSantis refuses to take Biden and Harris's calls? They're proceeding with disaster prep with local officials.

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DeSantis is the best argument after Trump in favor of prophylactic permanent termination.

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He is the poster boy.

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Oh, now DeSantis sez he did speak with Joe Biden last night, and received assurances that, yes, the Feds would be taking care of stuff DESPITE

all the acrimony and lies surrounding the Hurricane Helene relief efforts. Sexy Boots pronounced himself pleased with his efforts...oh, good

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Isn’t that just crazy disrespectful?!!!

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ARROGANT-his failure will be blamed on OTHERS/he can't build CONSENSIS-with the experts TO LEARN FOR NEXT TIME ¥

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How about 48, and cut WV loose, since they don’t want to certify the election unless CFDT wins?

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Agree~ take off the childish GLOVES- get back to ENSURING OUR FUTURE PROSPERITY, thanks - respectfully

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

How did we let it get this far? So many of us tried warning people back in the 1980s. It has always been an "inconvenient truth."

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AGREE-hurricane alley is NOW IN OHIO/we now have ICE STORMS IN TEXAS- this is 365 days a year,,,for decades.thank you respectfully ♒️🌿☮️

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And only a couple days ago a friend told me they know "a brilliant [space program] engineer" who says climate change is a hoax. I said, "It's not rocket science, it's climate science." Despite me having two degrees in environmental science, a law degree focused in environmental and natural resources law, I apparently have drunk the kool-aid! Plus, of course, the government is sending these storms on purpose to republican strongholds. Some will never listen or hear.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Yeah, I have a crazy relative who says the government creates hurricanes. “They” have secret science that can do that.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Weird. Science can do* that,* but not the things science actually *does.* place eye-roll emoji here.

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Fear is a TOOL in some folks hands- looking toward the future is

NECESSARY in mitigating

some of these scenarios.I pity my family that express these views,,,but must protect myself with critical thinking & ACCUTATE INFO. thanks respectfully

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thanks for writing this Earl.

I've posted the section on FEMA from chapter 5 DHS of the plan and the NOAA section from chapter 21 Dept. of Commerce.

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I appreciate that, Bob.

Must make people aware.

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Interesting that it's buried in the Department of Commerce chapter 21, and FEMA is in DHS chapter 5. I've gotta comb through and see where else I might find relevant information.

I'm just trying to fight rumor with fact.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Thank you, sir, for sharing these thoughts and facts. Things are indeed getting worse. We really need to be investing in more to help prevent these storms from getting worse. The country needs to get out of the hands of people who profit wildly and back into our hands. It doesn’t help when you loosen regulations for home building and for the environment. If we don’t do better, we will have more issues than we can handle.

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We are already past due on this issue, Huley. Thousands will die unnecessarily if Republicans somehow win in November. (As you know.)

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I agree, sir. We do have to start somewhere. We know if trump gets in there, it will continue to escalate.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Things are getting worse. I live on the southeastern NC coast. I survived two destructive hurricanes in September of 2018 and 2019. The summers are getting hotter. The last two summers have been the hottest on record. The hot summers make the hurricanes more frequent and more fierce. There is no safe haven. The mountains of NC is often where coastal folks evacuate to in a hurricane. Maybe the mountains are not so safe either.

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Thank you for that information. Be safe out there. Nature doesn’t care where you live.

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

I don’t know when or if the good people of Florida will wise up and recognize that the party they give their votes to, doesn’t give a damn if they live or die. It’s not just climate change. It’s abortion. It’s gun violence. They simply do not care. They have theirs. Their wealthy benefactors have theirs. They’ve got no state taxes but also no home insurance. Let’s beat up on pregnant women, gays and librarians. Let’s make sure it’s difficult to vote.

Florida Citizens will die in this storm. Honestly, what will it take for them to wise up?

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Agree ,they do not want information- bursts thier comfort ZONE. Info has value to PREVENT senerios

of future harm♒️🌿thanks

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Oct 8Liked by D. Earl Stephens ✍️

Turbulent Trump strikes again, over and over again…

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And... in this corner: Don "the Tornado" Trump!

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Infuriatingly, lots of actual people (not trolls, not bots), in a large variety of fb groups I’m in (from breast cancer to our local county to a lot of book clubs to EV cars! to women over 50 to exercising to fashion, etc etc) fervently believe that the hurricanes have been manmade with cloud seeds by evil democrats and are angrily begging god to save them, that climate change, if it is real, is a natural part of the planet’s cycle, THEY LOVE OIL, aggressively attack anyone with facts. They are all in on every lie and truly, in their bones, believe democrats are the dictators and our country will be destroyed if we win. There is simply no way to get through, they believe any harm is nefarious democrats.

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I've got nuthin'.

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They are using fear to manipulate FACTS-the truth will win. This is not occurring in a vacuum/ our allies & the world are coping with similar issues YEAR ROUND.Being honest to oneself is important component of health- living in a bubble is not. thanks respectfully ♒️🌿

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Since there are a lot of WI supporters on here, please know that multiple reports today show Tammy Baldwin’s senate race is a toss up now. I can’t afford to pitch in anymore but if anyone else could, she needs it.

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I'm not buying it, but if this is the case, it would be catastrophic.

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It’s going to be really interesting how FL will vote after these monster storms and devastation left behind. (Let’s hope these will be the last.)

Those grieving their losses may not even have a chance to vote - or maybe they will. Those who are safe will probably vote - or maybe they will stay home - they’ve just had it with natural disasters and the erratic political climate. They want to go north. Everyone counting their losses.

These poor people are WEARY and need help. The one thing I’m certain of - this negative, nasty Governor will serve only one term (when his time is up) - For turning down FEMA help.

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I’m no conspiracy theorist but I can’t help but wonder whether this is part of the Republican plan going forward to get rid of as many marginalized people who mostly vote for Democrats and immigrants. Republican voters will be collateral damage.

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They did this right out in the open with Covid, so, plausible theory.

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When will people wake up from their Trump induced coma? The warming of the planet is real whether they like it or not. Reminds me of the delayed, half ass response to Covid. Trump should be charged with murder for that egregious lack of leadership.

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I've lived on the same land on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula for 73 years. You might say I have a baseline for directly observing climate change along with resultant species depredation. Fifty years ago, a bunch of us "kids" writing for an "underground paper" predicted much of this. We as a world had time to prepare. Of the checklist posted of what many American's foresee, here is what's already happening in front of my eyes, ears, and nose in this little corner of the earth: electricity (and internet) power outages, air pollution, extreme heat, (sea) water pollution, droughts, and wildfires (and massive smoke events with smoke locally, from Canada, from Eastern Washington, and from Oregon. This has all worsened in the past ten years. When I was growing up here, thousands of sea and land birds passed through during migration and/or lived here. Now we have tiny numbers or none. Not sure if our whale pods can survive.

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I watched the White house BRIEF(UTUBE) ,DeSantis refused to tour with the group: probably playing GOLF□,,,which the Texas governor did last hurricane in his state.Our rail & electric grid- needed work before(remember the ice storm that shut down tExas). FEMA is overwhelmed this year-new Normal???-I hope not.Local zoning from Maine to Florida has to restrict coastal building- NOT LISTEN TO real-estate LOBBYIST.

Agree,thanks respectfully

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